Criss Swaim
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Why does it override the default CSS?You will have to look at your theme css to format the line spacing of your posts.
to suppress the byline show_byline=”false” and to change the title to h1 title_tag=”h1″. this is documented in the plugin documentation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Why does it override the default CSS?The plugin defaults the header to an h2, this can be overridden with the parms. That may be the problem. Also, the plugin wraps the post in a div and that can affect how the css references a tag. But I have not seen any problems with that (yet).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Added an extra P tag between title and content?Hi Sam:
I will correct this in a release within the next week – Depending on other activities. But for now, a quick fix is:
Go to the plugin and select edit
select the file tpg-get-posts/inc/class-tpg-gp-process.php from the right hand menuscroll down until you find the function format_byline($post) it is near the bottom
find the line$_byline .= ‘</p>’;
$return $_byline;and change to
//$_byline .= ‘</p>’;
$return $_byline;this is a temp fix until and the next update will have this resolved.
If you are uncomfortable with editing the file, give me your email address and I will send you the module and you can ftp it to your site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Latest Update showing Related postsI have looked at the above mentioned plugins and in the case of the related posts plugins, they are hooking into the WP the_content filter and anytime it is called the related post is called. The plugin can be hacked to remove the filters before getting the post content, but then the code must be maintained. I am evaluating a way to allow custom functions to be called, but that feature is not available at this time.
In the case of the Navayan Subscribe, that plugin is being invoked before the tpg_get_post plugin is called. This must be a setup issue with the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Latest Update showing Related postsHere is the link to access the archives:
Thanks for the offer of the test site, I will try to set something on my site, but if I get stuck I might want to contact directly. Would you send an email: webmaster so I have a way to email you instead of cluttering up this forum.
Thanks for the info, it really helps focus the debugging.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Latest Update showing Related postsI have have tagged the 2.0.1 release (typo, should be 2.0.2) in WP and you can update to the previous version to get your site back to previous behavior.
I will look at this, but it will take a couple of days to try a debug as I need to set up a test environment.
Do you remember if you upgraded from 1.3.8 or 2.0.2 ? I released ver 2 in early November and it is a considerable restructuring of the code base and then added a feature to the premium version with the release last week.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Latest Update showing Related postsThese are difficult issues as there are 3 (?) plugins working on the home page display.
Let me summarize my understanding of what is happening. The get_posts pulls the most current 5 posts. It displays them, suppressing the metadata. Then the Related Post plugin pulls in links to related posts (I am not familiar with this plugin) and a third plugin pulls in links to read more about…
In looking at the individual post, it seems that there are imbedded shortcodes in the post which pull in the Read More About and Related Posts links.
If these guesses are correct, then the shortcodes are being processed even though they reside beyond the shortened content.
Please confirm that I understand the situation correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] list of titles with thumbnailsSee the changes in release 2.1. Several of your comments are addressed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] inconsistent documentationThis is corrected in rel 2.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Featured Image & Title/Content In A Separate DivThe issue is resolved with release 2.1. The title & thumbnail are both wrapped in a div tag and there is a new layout mag_layout which puts the title and content next to the thumbnail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Featured Image & Title/Content In A Separate DivPreston: I have tried to create the layout in your image and have not been able to create a layout where the post title is next to the thumbnail.
So….I have modified the plugin to have an optional ‘magazine layout’. This is in testing, but if you contact me directly, I will give you a pre-release version with the hope you can assist in the testing.
webmaster tpginc.netForum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Featured Image & Title/Content In A Separate DivYou might also try:
the div which wraps the thumbnail should be tpg-get-posts-thumbnail. You should be able to create the custom style sheet and add that class with float:left. Or you can reference .tpg-get-post-content img and float:left.I will look at this a bit closer tomorrow to see if you can accomplish what you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] Featured Image & Title/Content In A Separate DivPreston – would you send me a link to your website so I can look at the code generated so far. If you don’t want to post it here, send it to webmaster I believe you can set the image link in the media settings when you upload the image and insert it into the post. The field is Link URL.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] list of titles with thumbnailsNot sure if the plugin will do that but try these options
tpg_get_posts show_meta=”false” thumbnail_size=”medium” show_byline=”false” shorten_content=”c0″ text_ellipsis=” more_link_text=”
Post back if this works to let everyone know. thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TPG Get Posts] inconsistent documentationThank you for noticing this. I wanted to change the short-code for the 2.0 release, but realized it was too disruptive, but did not change the doc back to the original. Good catch. I will be pushing out a doc update soon and will include this.