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  • UPDATE > The “fix” of unchecking the box “Check this box if you use W3 Total Caching on your site” in Settings > Misc worked. However. As has been mentioned by others I am NOT using W3 Total Cache.

    Clearly there’s something else wrong with AdRotate, including the “Unexpected error” message which sadly is not very helpful for explaining what error occurred or how to fix it.


    Also, this message at the top of the AdRotate bar is very disconcerting:
    “Unexpected error”

    Yes, Ad Rotate is still broken for me. Sorry, but my W3 Cache is off, and I’m still having this issue, so I doubt it’s caching. HELP!

    Here’s the error message I see instead of the image of the ad:
    echo adrotate_ad(8, true, 0, 0);


    You’re welcome Cory. Hope that helps someone.

    And an update on my error, turned out it was caused by an issue with the Google Analyticator plugin. As soon as I turned it off, the site worked 100% normally.

    I’m SO HAPPY to have Duplicator working again! Thanks for this great tool! ??

    Howdy all, in the hopes that this helps other people who were unable to get the above fixes to work, here’s my situation and what I did to fix Duplicator. Please note that I’m still having a very minor issue with seeing some odd error messages at the top of my local version of my website, but the good news is I HAVE THE WORKING COPY OF MY WEBSITE back on my local machine!!! Huzzah!

    Scenario = I wanted to create a copy of my live website on my local PC using Duplicator (which was working great up until a month or so ago).

    Error = Upon following the normal process of creating the Duplicator package, downloading it to my local PC, and installing it, my local version of the website would either error out to a “Install New WordPress” page, or the Duplicator extraction would result in an errors and an empty database.

    Hypothesis = After trying lots of the above fixes (none of which worked by the way), I realized that perhaps the issue was with my copy of DesktopServer (which was version 3.6.5). The new version of DesktopServer is 3.8.0). I hypothesized that by upgrading my version of DesktopServer I might obtain a newer version of mysql and the databases, thus eliminating the errors.

    Method = I did the following steps: please note that I still have a minor issue which I’m currently attempting to resolve, but the good news is I am once again able to use Duplicator to load a copy of my live website on my PC.

    1. I manually upgraded DesktopServer to version 3.8.0 following the instructions provided by ServerPress. Note that I DID NOT KEEP A LOCAL COPY OF MY DATA FILES as they had instructed, as I wanted a clean install of my live website on my local machine.

    2. I made sure my Website > folder was completely empty by deleting ALL files in the folder.

    3. Once the new version of DesktopServer was installed, I ran the new version, and DELETED my old version of the website.

    4. I used DesktopServer to CREATE a new instance of my website (

    5. Upon receiving the WordPress “Install a new website” page, I created a new website, entering my title, UserID and Password in the screen prompts.

    6. Now that I had a new clean (but empty) version of WordPress on my local machine, I UPGRADED WordPress to the latest version (4.3.1). I had to do this because DesktopServer installs an older version (4.2.2 if I remember correctly). My hope was that by upgrading to the latest version, all other files (such as the database etc.) would be updated as well. This is because my live site uses the latest version of WordPress (version 4.3.1).

    7. I now followed the normal Duplicator process. I saved my wp-config file to a separate area so I could copy and past the information in it into the appropriate fields in Duplicator. I deleted all files in the Websites > folder.

    8. I created a NEW package of my live site using Duplicator.

    9. I downloaded the Installer and Archive files to the Websites > folder.

    10. I used my browser to run the Duplicator installer script (

    I followed the normal Duplicator process of Saving Permalinks, Testing the site and doing the Security Cleanup.

    OTHER than the following error which appears when you first load the site, and when you click on the “Updates” link, everything is working fine and normal. What this error is I have no idea. But I’m just glad that I FINALLY got Duplicator working again!!! ??

    So, if are in my scenario, and you’ve tried all these database updates mentioned above but without success, try installing a brand new and latest version of DesktopServer and you just may get your Duplicator working again too!

    Sorry all, but I am trying this and it’s just not working for me. I keep getting the same error after doing the steps that dugdesigns spelled out.

    Here’s the error, it occurs on Step 2 of the Duplicator installer process…

    “Notice: Undefined variable: all_tables in C:\Users\CT\Documents\Websites\\installer.php on line 406”

    Screenshot =

    Any help in resolving this error would be REALLY appreciated! Thanks!

    I’m trying to deal with this issue now, and have a newbie question:

    When you say “Edit the script to replace the placeholders with information specific to your server.” exactly what does that mean? Which text items in the script are placeholders? Can you please point them out for me and the other newbies?

    Again, sorry for the newbie question and HOPEFULLY Duplicator will be updated soon so that this manual intervention with database issues is just a distant nightmare.

    Thread Starter ctomlin


    Thanks, I’ll investigate this issue.

    However, you didn’t address the second question I had, which is why is the install-log.txt file completely blank?

    I also am having the same issue, with a bounce rate that went magically from 70% down to 2% after the install of Sumome. According to this post ( one reason for the almost zero bounce rate is that a popup (like the SumoMe Listbuilder pop-up) is considered an ‘interaction’ request by GA, thus, it will record no bounce.

    So same question to our SumoMe friends, how do I fix Sumome ListBuilder such that it doesn’t count as an ‘interaction’ in GA?

    Kevin, your developer is AWESOME!

    That fix totally fixed the problem with Widget menus not showing. By the way, it also fixed a problem with WordPress menu system itself where the sub-menu pull out menu wouldn’t show when you did a rollover over a main menu item.

    For those of you that have the same issue, here’s the fix Kevin’s developer did, with the old and new code…

    FILE – google-analyticator > google-api-php-client > src > Google_Client.php

    OLD CODE (starting at Line 35)

    require_once "config.php";
    // If a local configuration file is found, merge it's values with the default configuration
    if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)  . '/local_config.php')) {
      $defaultConfig = $apiConfig;
      require_once (dirname(__FILE__)  . '/local_config.php');
      $apiConfig = array_merge($defaultConfig, $apiConfig);

    NEW CODE (starting at Line 35)

    require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
    // If a local configuration file is found, merge it's values with the default configuration
    if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)  . '/local_config.php')) {
      $defaultConfig = $apiConfig;
      require_once (dirname(__FILE__)  . '/local_config.php');
      $apiConfig = array_merge($defaultConfig, $apiConfig);

    Adding to line 35…

    require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");

    in place of…

    require_once "config.php";

    seems to have fixed the problem.

    Thank you Kevin and Kevin’s developer!

    I also have the same problem with this plugin, however it is causing my Widgets sidbars to not show in my Widgets area for this theme (Newspaper 4), plus it apparently conflicts with the menu of WordPress itself. When you roll over a menu item, (such as “Settings”) you don’t see the subsequent right side sub-menu.

    Turning off the plugin fixes the problem, but now I’ve lost my tracking! Uggh!

    I’m going to try the above trick to see if that will fix my errors as it did for ktsparkman. Will advise.



    Sorry, just saw this.

    I ended up just making my own button, using the Google Dev resources. However, if this information can help you get this error fixed I’m happy to help.

    Here’s my list of Plugins, hope it helps…

    AA’s Digg Digg Alternative
    Affiliate Link Cloaking
    All In One SEO Pack
    FD Feedburner Plugin
    Google+ Author Information in Search Results
    Google Analyticator
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Hello Dolly
    Wordfence Security
    WordPress Database Backup
    WordPress Mobile Edition
    WP Open Graph


    I have the exact same issue. Running WP 3.8.1 using TwentyTen theme.

    “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class URI_Template_Parser in …wp-content/plugins/google/lib/external/google/external/URITemplateParser.php on line 30

    I can’t deactivate other plugins as this site is live and I need them.

    Hopefully a fix can be found soon, as I was really looking forward to using the plugin!


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