Forum Replies Created
Yes, I found it!! You guys are awesome, thank you so, so much. I really really appreciate the time. I know my elementor design is a little messy with too many containers, I am learning ??
Do you recommend a page builder other than elementor? It’s easy to use…
Wonderful, thank you so, so much. I am looking for it now; I assume it is only set like that on mobile.
It is only on mobile, and is also a problem for the company that I designed the website for. It looks fine when you load it, however, when you try to swipe right there is a white bar of space. Something is set to over 100% width or something, and I cannot find out what. Just need to find the element stretching the page over 100% on mobile (because when you can wiggle it side to side, it looks weird). It should only be able to be swiped up and down, right?
Thank you again for your investigation, I wish tips were allowed. <3 from another learning developer ??
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Can not get this iFrame to appear full-widthThis is very strange. Even though I added the CSS as he instructed, it still does not want to go to full width. How strange. I wonder what is restricting it… Everything is on full-width, etc.
This is what the code says:
<center><script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script></center>
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Can not get this iFrame to appear full-widthHi, thank you so much for your response. I did add the code that you mentioned to the ‘additional CSS’ page for the main body of the website. This is what it looks like:
.ot-dtp-picker.wide {
width: 100%;
max-width: 1164px;
}@media screen and (min-width: 782px) {
#wpzf-7143 {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 50px;
border-bottom: none;
### Of course, the bottom part is from some other edits I made.
I wonder why the code is not being effective? It’s rather funny, I have done everything I can do to make it wide.Thank you so much and if it’s not resolvable, it’s not, but it sure would look better if it wasn’t always doubled over on itself even on large screens.
Thank you again, y’all are heroes!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: How to make a responsive search header with blocks??Yes, the block seems to be stuck inside a container, so 100% means it’s smaller than I like my Internet bandiwdth. It seems to be stuck in a container but I am going through the navigator on the left hand side and can not seem to find what is containing it, so that 100 PERCENT is 100 percent width.
The only option to extend it beyond the invisible container is with pixels which therefore responds poorly on mobile.
Thank you very much for the help, I will be working on it…
Ok, thank you very much for the reply. Issue resolved, I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
Thanks, I found them. The reason it was not updating was because of a stupid cache plugin I had installed. Again, I really appreciate your time!
I think the problem may be here, but I am not sure how to adjust it.
<div style="margin-top:var(--wp--preset--spacing--50);margin-bottom:var(--wp--preset--spacing--40);"
This is the custom CSS I am using, I don’t believe that it is affecting it though. Man, I am absolutely at my wit’s end about this…
@media screen and (min-width: 782px) {
#wpzf-7143 {
margin-top: -75px;
margin-bottom: 150px;
border-bottom: none;Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: How to specify form length with css?Wow, that resolved it. All I did was paste the CSS you found in the custom CSS box of the plugin, with the width 100%, and it fixed it. Thank you so much, and now I know how to find the right CSS more accurately ??
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: How to install custom font on my website?Here is a copy of my stylesheet (which shows the font I added, but they are not optoins?)
{ "settings": { "appearanceTools": true, "color": { "custom": true, "customGradient": true }, "layout": { "contentSize": "960px", "wideSize": "1140px" }, "spacing": { "units": [ "%", "px", "em", "rem", "vh", "vw" ] }, "typography": { "customFontSize": true, "dropCap": false, "fluid": true, "fontFamilies": [ { "fontFace": [ { "fontFamily": "Merriweather", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "300", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/merriweather_normal_300.ttf" ] }, { "fontFamily": "Merriweather", "fontStyle": "italic", "fontWeight": "300", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/merriweather_italic_300.ttf" ] }, { "fontFamily": "Merriweather", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "400", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/merriweather_normal_400.ttf" ] }, { "fontFamily": "Merriweather", "fontStyle": "italic", "fontWeight": "400", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/merriweather_italic_400.ttf" ] }, { "fontFamily": "Merriweather", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "700", "src": [ 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Sorry brand new here, no problem, my mistake!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Hestia] Heista Hooks not disappearing after deleting codeApparently Namecheap has some CDN caching that was causing this problem. Very annoying to wait an hour to see updates on some things, and there is NOTHING you can do, but not the theme’s fault. Perhaps I can disable this in the settings. Thank you!