Jerry Craig
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite Blog_IDso, if I have more questions on what I was working on yesterday should I just add them to this discussion or start a new one?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite Blog_IDI had thought to put it all in the child theme “functions” file for the custom post_types, but since I plan on letting others into the theme to possibly change some of the css display stuff and things like that I thought it better to keep them outside in the plugins portion, just in case so others couldn’t mess it up. Are you saying then that I could write the plugin myself and load it up into the mu-plugins folder and have that across all of the blogs with all of the specifics. The CMS Press is pretty quick as all of the fields are saved by the browser and it’s just a quick dropdown to pick the custom field that I’m lookin for and then enter the data.
I have some reading and studying into the plugin and widget aspects as I’m still quite the noob. I’m about 3/4 of the way through the plugins and widgets tutorial so I recognize what’s going on if not specifically how to change it.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite Blog_IDsorry, fixed my gravatar also ?? Had the wrong email addy in profile.
That indeed is the issue for me. The site is going to be a Free Directory of smaller food companies. I want to explicitly control the data so that it’s uniform and easily searchable, but leave all of the aspects of design and layout open to the individual companies to make it match their own sites if they want to take the time to do so and maybe change some aspects of the data, like descriptions and such. I’m sure it’s coming in a future release of WordPress as it is becoming more and more a CMS and less blogger only tool, but that’s not now. When I started working on this in my spare time at version 2.8 mu everything is completely different now.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite Blog_IDI took number 2 issue to VOCE Communications since they are the ones that did the CMS Press plugin that I’m using and whatever I do with the widgets in the sidebar is going to be a part of their plugin and code.
However, if I can’t get something from them to help out, I’ll be back to build a custom widget to try to stick into their plugin in the dropdown screen options section. Just an FYI.
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Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Multisite Blog_IDumm… wow, i read around all that stuff yesterday for something else, can’t believe I didn’t see that. So #1 is done. It ended up looking like this:
<?php global $blog_id; $meta_values = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'msrp', true); echo "Product#: " . $blog_id . "-" . $post->ID . " MSRP: $ " . $meta_values; ?>
to see it would be at page ??
Now just for the global Categories and Tags. There are 83 Categories before I start adding my own more specific ones and I have just barely started adding tags but expect to have way way more than that. I would really like to just click select each of them in the sidebar of my custom post_type entry page.
Thanks for the help so far.
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