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Awesome! Thx a lot.
I have another question, I found this attribute by digging throught the code: #_CATEGORYEVENTSNEXT Which allows me to see all the events belonging to a specific category, the only problem is that the events are not clickable. Is there a way to do so? ( #_CATEGORYEVENTSLINK or something?
Thank you
P.S. Before you ask, Yes I’ve read the documentation.
thx, but dint work out much. Could not find a way to make it work. The more I look at it the more I feel that this documentation dont have have all the information it is supposed to have. I ended using the widget instead. I modified it according to my needs.
For the link Its ok I found the Alternative
<a href="#_EVENTURL">...</a>
Well i think the problem is more that
if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY#_EVENTLINK') );
Happens to be a loop that returns all the values requested. I tried adding some css here and there lik this:
if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<strong><span class="date">sss</span>'</strong>.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<strong><br/></strong>#_EVENTLINK') );
Eventually in the ouput the SSS does come out along with its class as for the BR,it has lost its “/” the browser still manage to reconize it therefore the backreturn is done.
Question aside, I would like to know if it is possible to have a restriction concerning the #_EXCERPT, I would like to limit it to a certain number of character and is there a link place holder for the excerpt a bit like -> #_LINKEDNAME (#_LINKEDEXCERPT perhaps? LOL There is many hidden place holders that are not in the documentation…)
Thank you
@ agelonwl, @ Marcus
did you try working on the template instead?
I tried the templates, but It dint work. As I mentionned earlier this is the code I used:
if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<span class="date">sss</span>'.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<br/>#_EVENTLINK') );
The output ends up being this:
September 9 2011AppleLife
Hell may freeze over September 12 2011Legal/Regulatory Information Forum
The FSA’s 2011-12 Basic Inspection Policy for Banks September 16 2011theLoveStruckEvent
Mc donalds September 23 2011theLoveStruckEvent
The Latest Event created that should appearAs you can see the ouput is indeed coming out but i cant seem to add any html to it, I would like to be able to restructure it like this:
<span class=”date”>September 9 2011</span>
<span class=”categories”>AppleLife</span>
<span class=”text”>Hell may freeze over </span><span class=”date”>September 12 2011</span>
<span class=”categories”>Legal/Regulatory Information Forum</span>
<span class=”text”>The FSA’s 2011-12 Basic Inspection Policy for Banks</span>and goes on…
Should I play with the filters?
Note aside:
Sorry Marcus for double posting earlier,I’m having the same issue as well I would like to style up my list like this
Post NameI manage to get the output, but I cant seem to style it at all. I would like to add spans and classes.
if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7, 'orderby'=>'start_date', 'format'=>'<span class="date">sss</span>'.'#_{ F j Y}#_CATEGORY<br/>#_EVENTLINK') );
I would like to know How can we display in which category doe the vent belong to?
I’m using this so far.
echo EM_Events::output( array('limit'=>7,'orderby'=>'start_date','format'=>'#_{ F j Y}<br/>#_EVENTLINK<br/>) );
and this is what my output end up being
September 9 2011 (THE MONTH)
Hell may freeze over (THE NAME OF THE EVENT)I went through the documentation and there is few information regarding category manipulation. I also went through the template as well.
thank you
What if we do not want to use any shortcode? I need to show all the events on the site and then sort them by date( most recent first ) and then I need to get the date, the exercept and the category out. Any Ideas?
What do we do when we dont know wich format to input in date_i18n