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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [If Menu - Visibility control for Menus] Possibile issue with wp 4.1.1I think there must be. I’m using 4.1.1 and I just installed this plugin and it seems to do nothing.
This 6 month old ‘bug sprint’ has still apparently not resolved a year old issue with hide backend on multisite with Domain Mapping:
I’m having issues with login, not just signup.
Any word on whether this patch would fix all the login problems associated with ithemes security and domain mapping on multisite?
(Since I don’t see anyone in this thread actually confirm a fix, why is this thread marked as resolved?)
I see that the last post to this thread is 10 months old, but I am still experiencing what I believe is the same problem on my multisite installation with the Domain Mapping plugin. , then enter credential, it goes to Works fine.
But , then enter credentials, it goes to (in the url address field) but shows a 404 page. Note that if I have ‘theme compatibility’ enabled with the default settings, I get in the url field.
Near as I can tell, I’m not getting logged in at all when I try logging into anyothersite. When I log in through mymainsite, I am then able to successfully navigate to
I found a two month old post that offers a potential patch/fix: I don’t really have the time or inclination to mess with fixing this problem myself, unless there are no alternatives.
Looking through this and other forum postings, this problem seems to be pretty persistent for the last year or so without a successful fix. Would rather see iThemes fix this problem or find a new security plugin. Has anyone found another security plugin that offers similar features that aren’t broken?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Remote Media Libraries] Only 25 Videos displayedDid this update ever get released?
ThanksThanks, mattyrob.
We came up with a system in which we utilize the PER POST meta checkbox for omiting posts from the subscriber emails that works for her.I found a workaround that works for my purposes. It’s extremely site-specific, so I don’t see much value in explaining what I’m doing here.
It may be awhile before I can get around to testing the subscribe2 with mods against Multisite User Management or whatever is causing that last issue, so I’m going to mark this resolved and revisit the topic at a future time.
Thanks again, mattyrob for all your assistance and advice.
I dug a little deeper, given that I’m running a multi-site and the “Multisite User Management” plugin to keep the users synchronized across all sites in the network…
For background: I have a template site that I duplicate to create these temporary sites that are geared toward a specific event and once that event passes, the site is archived.
Here is what I’ve discovered. If I register as a new user on the current active site while digests are selected in Settings, my user is added as a registered user but NOT as a registered subscriber on this site. However, if I go to the template site, I find that the user is both a registered user AND a registered subscriber on the template site. The same works in reverse…If I register on the template site, I’m not subscribed on the template site, but I AM subscribed on any other sites that have Subscribe2 running.
At this point, I’m thinking it probably has to do with the Multisite User Management plugin…so I’m going to have to do some further testing in MAMP to see if I can confirm that.
Thanks again, mattyrob,
I’ll give that solution a try in my plugin.Meanwhile, I’ve come across another — well, I don’t want to say problem, as it might be by design, but if it is by design, I’ll need to try and filter it as well.
I have found that when we’re set to ‘for each post’, the Auto-subscribe for new registered users works as expected. After a user registers, I can view them in the ‘Registered Subscribers’ tab and the filter above the list shows each individual category and the number of registered subscribers in each category matches the number of “All subscribers” and I’ve verified that the new registered user is properly subscribed.
When we are set to one hour digests, however… after a user registers, I go to “Registered Subscribers” and the filter shows only the two items: “All Registered Users” and “Registered Subscribers”, only THIS time, the numbers in the parentheses are different and the new user is NOT listed under Registered Subscribers. I then have to use Bulk Management to “Subscribe Selected Users to receive a periodic digest notification”.
I want all new registered users to be subscribed to my one-hour digest automatically. Is what I’m seeing expected behavior? If so, where is the hook that I can filter to change that behavior?
Well, adding the above code to functions.php instead of my plugin eliminates the white screen issue and it seems to be working in my preliminary testing.
Could the white screen issue when it runs from my plugin be a load-order problem? I’d really like to contain all my code related to Subscribe2 in that plugin if at all possible.
Well, I’ve determined that commenting out that first conditional:
if ( $new_status === $old_status ) { return; }
Produces the desired behavior. Still trying to figure out how to do it without modifying the plugin file, though. After researching online, I tried doing this:
class cvc_s2class extends s2class { function digest_post_transitions($new_status, $old_status, $post) { // if ( $new_status === $old_status ) { return; } if ( $this->subscribe2_options['pages'] == 'yes' ) { $s2_post_types = array('page', 'post'); } else { $s2_post_types = array('post'); } $s2_post_types = apply_filters('s2_post_types', $s2_post_types); if ( !in_array($post->post_type, $s2_post_types) ) { return; } update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_s2_digest_post_status', ( 'publish' === $new_status ) ? 'pending' : 'draft' ); } }
But having that
class cvc_s2class extends s2class {}
causes my whole site to go ‘white screen of death’, whether there is any code inside it or not. That’s where I’m currently stuck.Sorry, mattyrob, I have to revisit this. What I did above does indeed work, as long as I’ve set subscribe2 to send ‘for each post’. But it does not work with digest emails. I’ve tested this using the {TABLE} substitution tag in my notification email template and confirmed that the only posts that get listed here are new posts and not the updated posts, even though my plugin described above is still enabled and working if ‘for each post’ is selected.
I found this function in core…am I right that this is what’s at work here?
/** Handle post transitions for the digest email */ function digest_post_transitions($new_status, $old_status, $post) { if ( $new_status === $old_status ) { return; } if ( $this->subscribe2_options['pages'] == 'yes' ) { $s2_post_types = array('page', 'post'); } else { $s2_post_types = array('post'); } $s2_post_types = apply_filters('s2_post_types', $s2_post_types); if ( !in_array($post->post_type, $s2_post_types) ) { return; } update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_s2_digest_post_status', ( 'publish' === $new_status ) ? 'pending' : 'draft' ); } // end digest_post_transitions()
My feeling is that the $new_status === $old_status conditional is stopping the function for updated posts, yes?
I guess I could rewrite the function in my plugin and use remove_action() and add_action() to replace it. I found the add_action for this function within the constructor function:
add_action('transition_post_status', array(&$this, 'digest_post_transitions'), 10, 3);
I’m not clear on how to handle the array with the &$this variable if I remove this and add my own version of the function. Can you advise me on this?
Yep. It works.
For anyone wanting this feature, I created a simple plugin using the code above and it works perfectly. Could be used in functions.php of your theme, too, I suppose.
Thanks again, mattyrob.
Thanks, mattyrob.
So…to use the hook… would this work to replace the array?
function cv_post_statuses(){ $content = array('new', 'draft', 'auto-draft', 'pending','publish'); return $content; } add_filter('s2_post_statuses', 'cv_post_statuses',10);
Or is there a simpler way to just add ‘publish’ to the exising array?
Thanks for the really prompt reply.
Very informative.
Thank you.