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  • I think the timer is needed for the animation feature to work. I ran into this on a site where I used Foundation and Orbit directly (not the WP Orbit Slider plugin).

    No matter what I tried I couldn’t get the slides to animate if the timer was turned off. Now I’ve used a couple of different CSS solutions depending on what I wanted.

    If you want to keep the “pause” function of the timer, you can target the span.mask and make it transparent or move it off screen:

    div.orbit-wrapper .timer .mask {opacity: 0;}


    div.orbit-wrapper .timer .mask {left: -9999px;}

    If you want to get rid of the timer image and the pause/play button, add something like this to just push it off the screen:

    .orbit-wrapper .timer {left: -9999px;}

    There are probably other ways as well to achieve the same solution.

    I found a solution that works for me based on Zurb’s Orbit documentation:

    On the div that contains the images hide the images until the class “.orbit” is added through the JavaScript.

    In Zurb’s documentation they give the image container block a fixed width/height and call a loading spinner image. I didn’t need the height/width in my instance and didn’t load a spinner.

    /* hiding Orbit images on load */
    #orbit-inside { background: #333333;} /* loading image would go here */
    #orbit-inside img {display:none;}
    #orbit-inside.orbit { background: none;}
    #orbit-inside.orbit img {display:block;}

    In Zurb’s docs, they reference a #featured div. The WP Orbit Slider plugin labels it div #orbit-inside.

    Well, I don’t have a solution to turn the titles & descriptions on through WordPres SEO but I figured out a way to display my category titles using conditional tags and the Genesis simple hooks plugin. Maybe it will help you.

    Within the genesis_before_loop Hook I put the following code.

    if(is_archive()) { ?>
        <h1 class="entry-title"><?php single_cat_title(); ?></h1>
    <?php }

    This seems to work well to output the titles. Perhaps something similar can be done for the descriptions.

    I ran into this same problem today with the SEO plugin and Genesis. Before WordPress SEO we have Genesis options to show category title/description. Activate WordPress SEO and no more options.

    @peaksmedia – Thanks a million for posting your fix. We are hosting on Plesk as well and you just saved me an afternoon of potentially major frustration.

    I am having a similar problem where my form changes will not save.

    I made a form several days ago. Now I’m trying change the form from the default styles to a custom one created through the plugin. Every time I select the checkbox in the Manage Forms section, set the “Bulk Action” to “Save” the hit “Apply”, I see the little waiting icon but nothing seems to save.

    If I leave the management screen and come back my changes are gone.

    I’ve tried editing the style fields and the form fields and nothing seems to save.

    I discovered a similar problem. I was alerted that my site was serving malware from and from

    I couldn’t find anything through a direct search of the code, however when I ran a ClamWin antivirus scan it discovered the following file as being an infected file.


    I think this post is about a similar problem.
    Trying to solve virus/malware problem

    Update: Thanks esmi. I followed the links – did a scan of my local machine with ClamWin and found an infected file in the tinymce directory.

    \wp-includes\js\tinymce\utils\eject.php: PHP.ShellExec FOUND

    This seems similar to a problem mentioned recently in this post:
    WordPress 3.0.1 Intrusion through TinyMCE

    Seems like it might be a good idea to put in a fresh copy of the tinymce files.

    I’ve been having this same problem, although you’ve figured out more than I had. I haven’t found the pixel in an iframe, although I’ve looked.

    First Google was telling me my site had elements from this IP – Today, I’m being told I have elements from I can’t find anything in the generated source code or the source files, that references either of these locations.

    I don’t know if it is just a coincidence, but I’m hosting on the GS server as well with Media Temple.

    I follow up with some of the links that esmi posted and see if it helps.

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