I am trying to update to the latest version of Gwolle Guestbook:
Gwolle Guestbook
You have version 4.2.0 installed. Update to 4.2.1. View version 4.2.1 details.
Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.2: 100% (according to its author)
I keep getting an error message:
Updating Plugin Gwolle Guestbook (1/1)
Downloading update from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/gwolle-gb.4.2.1.zip…
Unpacking the update…
An error occurred while updating Gwolle Guestbook: The package could not be installed.
PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) : Missing archive file ‘/tmp/gwolle-gb.4.2.1-uPn8ZM.tmp’
Can you please assist? I love the product and do not want to lose my guestbook entries.
Thank you!