Forum Replies Created
I got it working! (I had made a small typo… )
So indeed, removing the second call to jquery.js and replacing all $ by jQuery solved the issue.Thx for your help!
Sorry I can’t (I would if I could but it’s not my call), I’m building an intranet kind of website.
Is it a question of priority? The first effect would be loaded before the other?
I’ve removed the second call to the jQuery library. I’ve tried replacing $ with jQuery, but my effect is not working (the circle effect does).
Actually I tried without including the library, and it didn’t work, but it was probably I didn’t follow your second remark. What do you mean?Why would it break?
The only thing I have is the circle effect which does not work anymore.Thanks for the super quick answer by the way ??
Quick note: the script above is better explained here.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Circles render as squares in ie9Hello again…
To have circles instead of squares, I had to add :
.thumb-wrapper img {
border-radius: 900px;
z-index: 90;
}The circles don’t render as nicely as in other browsers, they look a little flatten, and increasing the radius would not change anything.
If you have a better solution, I’m interested!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Circles render as squares in ie9Hello guys,
Same problem in IE 9: the circle effect (border-radius) does not work, they appear as squares, hence no transition effect either.
The IE CSS3 support plugin is not working either for me, I don’t know why.
I even tried the PIE alternative, no luck…Running out of ideas, someone has a clue? I’m no css expert, so any help is welcome! At least if I could have the “border-radius” working, even without transition, it would be great already!
Of course I could make circled images in Photoshop, but I’m not that desperate yet! ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Change of serverHi Nikeo,
Thx for the quick answer. There must have been something wrong in my “search/replace” step during migration. Thanks for the info, now I know where to look.
It goes without saying, but your theme rocks! ??
Ok I just found out why it didn’t work here. Nothing wrong with UAM.
I just wanted to re-open this issue. I’ve tried to empty the cache of my browser, even to test with a new one, without success : the restricted posts don’t appear in the RSS feed, with the option “protect RSS feed” set to false.
So I went and looked in the code of the plugin to see how it worked. I’m not an expert, so I tried to find my way. What I got from my little investigation was this : apparently, the only place where $uamOptions[‘protect_feed’] is used is in the function showPost($posts = array()). There the generic function “the_posts” is redefined. Now, in the function showPost, do we really act on the query itself delivering the lists of posts? As far as I could tell, it didn’t seem so, but I might be totally wrong. If correct, that would explain why, no matter the option $uamOptions[‘protect_feed’], restricted posts don’t appear in RSS feeds.
Can someone have a look too and confirm? We’ll find the solution more quickly!
Great plugin anyway.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] [Plugin: User Access Manager] UAM and wp-postratingsWell, I think I got it finally. But a little look from the author of the plugin would be great just to confirm. In any case, I hope it can help.
I have replaced the query above by the following :
$qqq = “SELECT DISTINCT $wpdb->posts.*, (t1.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_average, (t2.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_users, (t3.meta_value+0.00) AS ratings_score FROM $wpdb->posts LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t1 ON t1.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta As t2 ON t1.post_id = t2.post_id LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS t3 ON t3.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID WHERE t1.meta_key = ‘ratings_average’ AND t2.meta_key = ‘ratings_users’ AND t3.meta_key = ‘ratings_score’ AND $wpdb->posts.post_password = ” AND $wpdb->posts.post_date < ‘”.current_time(‘mysql’).”‘ AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND t2.meta_value >= $min_votes AND $where”;
global $userAccessManager;
$uamAccessHandler = $userAccessManager->getAccessHandler();
$excludedPosts = $uamAccessHandler->getExcludedPosts();
if (count($excludedPosts) > 0) {
$excludedPostsStr = implode(“,”, $excludedPosts);
$excl = ” AND $wpdb->posts.ID NOT IN($excludedPostsStr)”;
}$qqq = $qqq.$excl.” ORDER BY $order_by DESC, ratings_users DESC LIMIT $limit”;
$highest_rated = $wpdb->get_results($qqq);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] [Plugin: User Access Manager] UAM and wp-postratingsI’ve looked a bit more in the code of the UAM plugin and I found the function “showPostSql” in UserAccessManager.class.php, which seems to filter out from an input query the posts id’s that the user can’t have access to.
I’ve tried to play with this function inside “wp-postratings” plugin so do the same, without success so far.
Am I in the right direction?
Hi, same for me. If someone finds a solution to this, I’d be very interested! ??
As for myself, when a user has access to a post belonging to his group, everything works fine. If I click on a category, I get the message “Unauthorized action”, even if there are posts in this category belonging to his group.
After reverting to 1.5.6, everything was fine again, so there must be a bug or something in your latest version.
Thanks for providing us with this great plugin anyway.