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Hi wpdevart!
I can? But how? That’s my question!
I have now two calendars for 2 apartments! They have unique ID and shortcode and for one calendar is: “[wpdevart_booking_calendar id=”2″]”
That calendar uses my own ThemeCRO and FormCRO for language.. I also created ThemeENG and FormENG for Englsih version, so what shortcode do I need to insert to have that calendar ID with ENG Theme and Form?Best regards,
AnteNever mind! I manage to figure it out!
Close this quest ??Best regards,
AnteTnx for the reply!
I have both CRO and ENG version of website, but my problem is when in ENG site, the booking calendar is on CRO! I can change Theme and Form to be on English, and I already did that! But I wan’t to have same calendar on both version of language! So if someone booked reservation while on CRO version of site, that those day will also be reserved while on ENG version of site!
So is it possible to have two language version of site use same calendar but with different language Theme and Form? I was looking for that option in Calendar section! It will be a good feature if you can add “Save As” also when choosing different Theme, Form and Extra, but with same calendar. Then I save that calendar on the different name!Best regards,
AnteTnx for the reply! BUT.. Where is that option??
I’m using widget to display timer, and options “Countdown timer Size” and “Countdown font-size” are only available in PRO version, and I only have FREE version!For free plugin there isn’t that option in admin panel.. Is it possible via CSS to do something?
Best regards,
No! I try via CSS code, but didn’t manage to get it to be in one string (in one line)..
You can check it here:
Best regards,
AnteBut that’s only for PRO version?
Not possible in free edition?So that code goes to wp-content/plugins/widget-countdown/includes/style/style.css file?
But what line of code do I need to change? .countdown or .time_left?Regards,
AnteI disable plugin, then I change plugin version to 4.3.5, but when I turn plugin on, it still don’t show my pictures, and in gllr_option table, version is then change to current version 4.3.9!
Any ideas how can I fix this?
EDIT: I just realize that I just change plugin version, but I need to enter some SQL syntax? Where I need to enter that?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Change links (different languages) on icon menu?Thank you Author!
I did use Polylang string translation to translate some things (main slider, menu icons and some other stuff), but just didn’t think of it that I can translate (edit) link for that too!
That did the trick, so now I can be sure that when people using ENG as main language, that those Menu Icons links will linked them to proper English pages!
Once more, thanks for help!
AnteForum: Plugins
In reply to: [FormCraft - Form Builder] Mobile?That’s it!!
Thanks Nishant!!
Great plugin, and very fast response to this problem!
AnteForum: Plugins
In reply to: [FormCraft - Form Builder] Mobile?Here’s mine: (You must select proper TAB named “Upit za okvirni izra?un”)
Also I installed lot’s form on that site in the same way like this one, for examples: so on.. I put that form in same TAB as other products named “Upit za okvirni izra?un”..
They all look very nice on desktop PC, but on mobile unfortunately not.. So any help here will be very appreciated..Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FormCraft - Form Builder] Mobile?Yep, same problem here..
How to make it look respnosive?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcodes by Angie Makes] How to open different accordions?Or, how to have different active TAB to be shown?
I also have 12 months in one line, so I want to have proper month to be open..Please help..
Tnx..Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] Changing footer H1?What can I say.. You know your business!
Thank you very much!Despite I use Virtue free theme you were great support whatsoever! One more – BIG THANK YOU!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Virtue] No primary menu on mobileOMG.. Such a rookie mistake *shame face*
Tnx for the support..
Case closed!