I have encountered an issue with saving redirects when the plugin is also installed on a website using The Events Calendar plugin.
The bug is reproducible on a clean installation with only the two plugins activated while using the default theme.
The first time a redirect is created the data is saved. Subsequent attempts to modify the redirect will not be saved unless you first deactivate The Events Calendar.
I have corrected this issue by adjusting the save_post priority to queue ahead of The Events Calendar.
At approximately line number 303 in page_post_redirect_plugin.php locate this line of code.
add_action( 'save_post', array($this,'ppr_save_metadata'),20,2 );
And change the priority from 20 to 15 like this.
add_action( 'save_post', array($this,'ppr_save_metadata'),15,2 );
The Events Calendar sets its priority to 17 so any number smaller than that will queue ahead of the The Events Calendar. I am not sure if the the main problem is with the Quick Page/Post Redirect plugin or if it is with The Events Calendar.