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  • Thread Starter d-m0de


    I’ve been working day and night on my new website and was very tired when I started on this section. I was looking crossed-eyed on the code for several hours, finally coming to the conclusion this is actually fixed in the dashboardsettings…

    Problem is resolved, topic can be closed for further replies as far as I’m concerned.

    Thread Starter d-m0de


    Thank you, will do.

    Thread Starter d-m0de


    I just noticed this is posted wrong… if possible please delete this thread.

    My apologies.

    Thread Starter d-m0de


    Oh I’m sorry, offcourse:


    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Ratings in alphabetical order
    Thread Starter d-m0de


    I think this is the right query, but on quick reading, I may be wrong.

    But you’re not! Thanks, it’s working exactly how I wanted it.

    Thanks again!

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Ratings in alphabetical order
    Thread Starter d-m0de


    Thanks for your answer, but I couldn’t find the parameter. I’ve enclosed the entire code below. Maybe you can point out where to make the changes?

    // Register functions
    add_shortcode('rating', 'insertRating');
    add_shortcode('relatedratings', 'insertRelatedRatings');
    // Insert Rating function
    function insertRating($attr) {
    	// defaults
    	if (!$attr['stars'] && !$attr[0]) {
    		$attr['stars'] = 0;
    	$rs = get_option('rating_symbol');
    	$ts = get_option('total_symbols');
    	$theRating .= '<span class="rating">';
    	// output stars
    	if ($attr['stars']) {
    		$total_stars = $attr['stars'];
    	} else if ($attr[0]) {
    		$total_stars = str_replace( "=" , "" , $attr[0] ) ;
    		$total_stars = str_replace( '"' , "" , $total_stars ) ;
    		$total_stars = str_replace( '/' , "" , $total_stars ) ;
    	// output
    	for ($i=0; $i<$total_stars; $i++) {
    		$theRating .= '<span>' . $rs . '</span>';
    	if (!is_feed()) {
    		// output empty stars
    		$empty = $ts - $total_stars;
    		for ($j=0; $j<$empty; $j++) {
    			$theRating .= '<span class="empty">' . $rs . '</span>';
    	$theRating .= '</span>';
    	return $theRating;
    // Insert Rating function
    function insertRelatedRatings($attr) {
    	global $post, $wpdb;
    	$attr[0] = str_replace( "=" , "" , $attr[0] ) ;
    	$attr[0] = str_replace( '"' , "" , $attr[0] ) ;
    	$attr[0] = str_replace( '/' , "" , $attr[0] ) ;
    	if ($attr[0]) {
    		$output = '<span class="relatedratings">';
    		$relatedratings = "
    		SELECT ID, post_title, post_content FROM $wpdb->posts
    		WHERE post_status = 'publish'
    		AND post_type != 'revision'
    		AND post_content LIKE '%rating=".$attr[0]."%'
    		OR post_content LIKE '%rating=\"".$attr[0]."\"%'
    		OR post_content LIKE '%rating stars=".$attr[0]."%'
    		OR post_content LIKE '%rating stars=\"".$attr[0]."\"%'
    		LIMIT ".get_option('rs_total_related')."
    		$relatedratings = $wpdb->get_results($relatedratings);	
    		if ($relatedratings) :
    			//			<h3>Related Posts With The Same Ratings</h3>
    			$output .= "
    			foreach($relatedratings as $relatedrating) :
    				$output .= "<li><a href='".get_permalink($relatedrating->ID)."'>";
    				$output .= $relatedrating->post_title;
    				$output .= "</a></li>";
    		else :
    			$output .= __("<p>Nog geen recensies beschikbaar.</p>", 'ratings-shorttags');
    		$output .= "</ul>";
    		// feed
    		if (!is_feed()) {
    		$output .= '</span>';
    		return $output;
    // Add CSS
    function ratingCSS () {
    	$symbol_color = get_option('symbol_color');
    	if ($symbol_color == "") {
    		$symbol_color = "000000";
    	$empty_symbol_color = get_option('empty_symbol_color');
    	if ($empty_symbol_color == "") {
    		$empty_symbol_color = "cccccc";
    	echo '<style type="text/css">.rating span { color: #' . $symbol_color . '; } .rating span.empty { color: #'. $empty_symbol_color .'; }</style>';
    add_action('wp_head', 'ratingCSS');
     * 	Add TinyMCE buttons (WP 2.5+)
    add_action('init', 'ratings_shorttags_addbuttons');
    function ratings_shorttags_addbuttons() {
       // Don't bother doing this stuff if the current user lacks permissions
       if ( ! current_user_can('edit_posts') && ! current_user_can('edit_pages') )
       // Add only in Rich Editor mode
       if ( get_user_option('rich_editing') == 'true') {
    		add_filter("mce_external_plugins", "add_ratings_shorttags_tinymce_plugin");
    		add_filter('mce_buttons', 'register_ratings_shorttags_button');
    function register_ratings_shorttags_button($buttons) {
       array_push($buttons, "separator", "rating","relatedratings");
       return $buttons;
    function the_plugin_url () {
    	if ( function_exists('plugin_url') )
    		$plugin_url = plugin_url();
    		$plugin_url = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__));
    	return $plugin_url;
    function add_ratings_shorttags_tinymce_plugin($plugin_array) {
    	$plugin_array['ratings_mce'] = the_plugin_url().'/tinymce/editor_plugin.js';
    	return $plugin_array;
    // Insertion scripts
    function ratings_shorttags_admin_scripts() {
    	wp_register_script('ratings_shorttags_admin_scripts', the_plugin_url() . '/ratings-shorttags.js');
    if (is_admin()) {
    	add_action('init', ratings_shorttags_admin_scripts);
     * 	Add Quicktags
    function ratings_shorttags_quicktags(){
    	$buttonshtml = '<input type="button" class="ed_button" onclick="insertRating(); return false;" title="' . __('Insert a rating','ratings-shorttags') . '" value="' . __('rating','ratings-shorttags') . '" />';
    	$buttonshtml .= '<input type="button" class="ed_button" onclick="insertRelatedRatings(); return false;" title="' . __('Insert a list of related ratings','ratings-shorttags') . '" value="' . __('related ratings','ratings-shorttags') . '" />';
    	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    	// <![CDATA[
    		  if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
    			 jQuery("#ed_toolbar").append('<?php echo $buttonshtml; ?>');
    	// ]]>
    add_action('edit_page_form', 'ratings_shorttags_quicktags');
    add_action('edit_form_advanced', 'ratings_shorttags_quicktags');
     * 	Options
    $ratings_shorttags_plugin_name = __("Review Ratings", 'ratings-shorttags');
    $ratings_shorttags_plugin_filename = "ratings-shorttags.php";
    add_option("rating_symbol", "★", "", "yes");
    add_option("symbol_color", "000000", "", "yes");
    add_option("empty_symbol_color", "cccccc", "", "yes");
    add_option("total_symbols", "6", "", "yes");
    add_option("rs_total_related", "5", "", "yes");
    // Register options page
    add_action('admin_init', 'rating_admin_init');
    add_action('admin_menu', 'add_rating_option_page');
    function rating_admin_init() {
    	if ( function_exists('register_setting') ) {
    		register_setting('rating_settings', 'option-1', '');
    function add_rating_option_page() {
    	global $wpdb;
    	global $ratings_shorttags_plugin_name;
    	add_options_page($ratings_shorttags_plugin_name, $ratings_shorttags_plugin_name, 8, basename(__FILE__), 'ratings_shorttags_options_page');
    function ratings_shorttags_options_page() {
    	if (isset($_POST['info_update'])) {
    		// Update the rating symbol
    		$rating_symbol = $_POST["rating_symbol"];
    		update_option("rating_symbol", $rating_symbol);
    		$symbol_color = $_POST["symbol_color"];
    		update_option("symbol_color", $symbol_color);
    		$empty_symbol_color = $_POST["empty_symbol_color"];
    		update_option("empty_symbol_color", $empty_symbol_color);
    		$total_symbols = $_POST["total_symbols"];
    		update_option("total_symbols", $total_symbols);
    		$rs_total_related = $_POST["rs_total_related"];
    		update_option("rs_total_related", $rs_total_related);
    		// Give an updated message
    		echo "<div class='updated fade'><p><strong>" . __('Options updated', 'ratings-shorttags') . "</strong></p></div>";
    	// Show options page
    		<div class="wrap">
    			<div class="options">
    				<form method="post" action="options-general.php?page=<?php global $ratings_shorttags_plugin_filename; echo $ratings_shorttags_plugin_filename; ?>">
    				<h2><?php global $ratings_shorttags_plugin_name; printf(__('%s Settings', 'ratings_shorttags'), $ratings_shorttags_plugin_name); ?></h2>
    					<h3><?php _e("Notes on usage", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></h3>
    					<p><?php _e("Short-tags (or shortcodes) are codes you type in posts or pages to insert special things.", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<p><?php _e("To insert a rating in your post, simply type: <code>[rating=5]</code> where 5 is the amount of stars (or whatever symbol you chose).", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<p><?php _e("To insert a list of related ratings, simply type: <code>[relatedratings=4]</code> where 4 is the rating you must have given the related posts you want to show up.", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<h3><?php _e("Options", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></h3>
    					<p><?php _e("These options affect the <code>[rating]</code> shorttag.", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<label><?php _e("Symbol to use for your ratings:", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?><br />
    					$rating_symbol = str_replace("&", "&", get_option('rating_symbol'));
    					echo "<input type='text' size='50' ";
    					echo "name='rating_symbol' ";
    					echo "id='rating_symbol' ";
    					echo "value='".$rating_symbol."' />\n";
    					</label> <?php _e("<em>Default: <code>★</code>.</em>", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<label><?php _e("Symbol color:", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?><br />
    					echo "<input type='text' size='50' ";
    					echo "name='symbol_color' ";
    					echo "id='symbol_color' ";
    					echo "value='".get_option('symbol_color')."' />\n";
    					</label> <?php _e("<em>Default: <code>000000</code> (hex code format).</em>", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<label><?php _e("Empty symbol color:", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?><br />
    					echo "<input type='text' size='50' ";
    					echo "name='empty_symbol_color' ";
    					echo "id='empty_symbol_color' ";
    					echo "value='".get_option('empty_symbol_color')."' />\n";
    					</label> <?php _e("<em>Default: <code>cccccc</code> (hex code format).</em>", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<label><?php _e("Total symbols:", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?><br />
    					echo "<input type='text' size='10' ";
    					echo "name='total_symbols' ";
    					echo "id='total_symbols' ";
    					echo "value='".get_option('total_symbols')."' />\n";
    					</label> <?php _e("<em>Default: <code>6</code> (must be a number).</em>", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<h3><?php _e("Related Ratings Options", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></h3>
    					<p><?php _e("These options affect the <code>[relatedratings]</code> shorttag.", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<label><?php _e("Amount of related posts to show:", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?><br />
    					echo "<input type='text' size='10' ";
    					echo "name='rs_total_related' ";
    					echo "id='rs_total_related' ";
    					echo "value='".get_option('rs_total_related')."' />\n";
    					</label> <?php _e("<em>Default: <code>5</code> (must be a number).</em>", 'ratings-shorttags'); ?></p>
    					<p class="submit">
    						<?php if ( function_exists('settings_fields') ) settings_fields('rating_settings'); ?>
    						<input type='submit' name='info_update' value='<?php _e('Save Changes', 'ratings_shorttags'); ?>' />
    			</div><?php //.options ?>

    [Moderator Note: Please use the pastebin for longer blocks of code. The above block is over 300 lines long!]

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