Forum Replies Created
Ok, thank you very much.
I succeed to out my custom CSS directly in the database.
Keep up the good work. This plugin is fantastic!
Ok, thank you.
I succed to put my custom CSS directly in the table. ??
Keep up the good work. This plugin is fantastic!
On the support site
I can log in, see the profile, edit it, the email address is correct, etc.
But it says there that the support site has moved and its new address is on
But I can’t log in to the new address with the credentials from the other side. If I try to recover the password, it tells me that there is no user with that username and no one with that email address. So I have nowhere to download the latest version of qsm installer.
I don’t know if it’s really ok to give my email here.
Thanks!- This reply was modified 3 weeks ago by dadrian50.
Yes, I saw it. I installed the update and everything is ok. Thank you very much and I look forward to the other two solutions. If I find any more problems I will help you. On the part of math tests, qsm will become the best without competition. Thank you and I wish you a successful new year.
I put a wrong link in the message up before.
This is the most important link
As you can se, You have &resulti_d, I have ?result_id.
But I found a solution for this. The only problems now are this:
- Maximum points variable not stored in result database.
- The order of the questions in result are not the same as in the quizz when the quizz is set to random… This is very important.
- The random questions order is random even from categories. The best is to keep the order of categories and make random of the questions from every category. If I want dogs first let be dogs, and make random from dogs, not cats first and dogs second. Overall, the plugin is quite ok. But this is for me, which I know PHP, SQL etc. Maybe when I will have time I will make the categories fixed in random questions option.
- This reply was modified 3 months ago by dadrian50.
I think I can already help you because I have seen what the problem is.
You simply forgot to put the field with the maximum score in the mlw_results table.
You have:
point_score – the score obtained by the participant;
correct_score-the percentage of questions to which he answered correctly;
correct – the number of questions he answered correctly;
total – the total number of questions in the test.
You don’t have the total_points or maximum_points field anywhere.
It’s a bit of fun.So it is impossible that, after the end of the test, later, when we want to view the results, that maximum score can be taken from somewhere as long as it is not in the database. At the end of the test, it displays it correctly, because the variable is used at that moment in that test, it has a value, but when viewing the results later, it has nowhere to get that value.
And even in the mlw_quizzes table there is no field that holds the maximum_points of that quiz.
So MAXIMUM_POINTS is a variable that is used during the test, it is used by the results array, it is displayed when the SUBMIT button is pressed, but then, the result array is lost, as is natural, and the value of MAXIMUM_POINTS was not stored anywhere.
I think I managed to find where the problem is.
Let’s see an example. Let’s say that quiz 104 is visible in the admin interface but 105 is not visible (it is not imported)
If I replace, manually, 104 with 105 in the link, the quiz opens for editing, but it does not have any link to “settings”, which is kept in the table “” and “wp.._postmeta”, as in this example: …post.php?post=3100&action=edit. If I press “settings” on the ghost quiz, opened by manually entering the id, no editing interface opens. So be careful how and when you change the permalinks in wordpress. The solution is to import the backup of the wp.._post and wp.._postmeta tables in addition to those related to the plugin …_mlw…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quiz and Survey Master (QSM) - Easy Quiz and Survey Maker] A lot of problemsWell, the problem is exactly shows in your video.
After you imported the question you hit “save question”. I also discovered that if I press save question is ok, but is not normal. If I import one hundred questions is not normal to give save again to all one hundreds. If I don’t press save question and I refresh the page after import, all questions in the quezz have the html code in visual mode. Like <br/> or <img…>
Try this: import a question, don’t hit save question, refresh the page or go to quizzes & surveys again. You will se the questions is saved in the new quizz but is with html code in visual mode.
So this is the problem. Make the import function to import html text question stored in the database in html code in the new quizz.
I will write you all steps:
I upgraded to the last version. All databases was replaced with new once, which os not normal. Then I replace all databases with my backups databases. Then, in the admin panel appear only 3 quizzes. I recreate quizzes until I made up 27 of them. Then I move the site on M2ssd but I keeped the old sire also. I continued to create quizzes on the new site until I made up 40 quizzes.
then after your messege, I decided to test on the old site. So, the old site have had 27 quizzes and a database with 27 quizzes. I replaced all databases with the tables from the new site. All of them. Practically, the old site should suppose to look exactly like the new one. But, surprize, the old site show still only 27 quizzes even if the tables contain all 40 and all questions like the new site.
idowndraged version. I say that, in the future, I will not update because I am afraid to not loose again all 40 quizzes.
But I can’t explain why, after upgrade, all informations in the tables was vanished. Was a real shock. Was like complete uninstalling, erasind all tables, and install from scratch. This was not normal. And I don’t know why this problem was not reported by others. This is very strange.
I can’t reproduce the problem because the databases are the same, all tables are the same on both site. But one site, the old one, shows 27 quizzes and the main site shows 40.
Ok, you says that you can guide me to properly import all quizzes that are existing in the database, to appear in the interface. So, you c? write all steps here and i can test it. Is the perfect time, the tables contain 40 quizzes and in admin QSM I have only 27. If it works and if I succed to have all 40 again, I will know that I will upgrade future with no trouble.
Thank you.
Okay, here’s how it goes.
My site is hosted by me through cloudflare. I recently installed another instance of wordpress on an M2 ssd, but I kept the old instance as well. I did well. I will keep that instance for tests.
First thing noticed:
When I switched to the new installation, there were 27 quizzes on the old site. I also imported the new databases there, which contain the 40 quizzes described previously, but still did not import them into the admin interface. They exist, you can import the questions from them, but in the admin interface it still shows me only the 27 old ones. And I disabled all other plugins. I don’t see any field, in any of the tables, that stores the site address. And, if that were the case, the 27 would be imported on the old site, but the 27 would not be imported on the new site. So the names of the 27 quizzes certainly exist somewhere outside the database. Absolutely all the 40 records in the database have exactly the same structure, they do not differ at all, so there is no logic why he kept only the 27. It is clear that he did not import them from the database. And onother proof is that when i made the transfer on a new instance, all 27 quizzes was perfectly ok. But the transfer was made with files from wp-content and databases, not only the databases and reinstall the plugin.
If you say you have a tool to adjust this, that would be great. Otherwise, I don’t risk making any updates. It would be pure suicide to lose again 40 quizzes and have to remake them from the beginning. Especially correlated with the other problems: the questions are no longer in the same order, the import is erroneous etc.
yes, happens after the last update. Was no conflict before. I am afraid to test it again. I worked a lot to create my quizzes again.
The problem is that two of them was imported, 8 and 26, the rest of them was not imported. I think the problem is more serious, because, after the update, all databases was also replaced with an empty ones. I always make backups of databases and after I replace them, was imported only two quizzes. I think you have to put some import/export plugin for free, even a very simple one, or the problems will affect a lot of people who doesn’t have knowledge about databases or they simply don’t have acces to them.
Now I have quizzes Nr: 8, 26 and from 63 to 97.
i cleaned up the dabase and now is all ok, so, I am not doing any test soon.
By the way, the mess in the database is criminal. I am sure you know this things if you have some quizzes for tests. Just delete some quizzes and/or questions from them and look up in the database. But who know a little SQL and phpmyadmin can make a clean database.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quiz and Survey Master (QSM) - Easy Quiz and Survey Maker] A lot of problemsYou already know about this problem, I read it in another topic. Initially I thought it was a bug, but when I saw that you recognized the problem and included it in the future requirement, I couldn’t believe it.
Here are the images.
Questions 1 and 2 of the test are 9 and 11 in the answers.
If you’ve already told me that it’s not possible at the moment, what else could I answer? ??
- This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by dadrian50.
Ok, thanks.
An option like “Category order questions” along with random questions and answers, will be great
Thank you very much.I have another question that will surely be useful to others, but I will open a new topic. It is about random questions and answers.This one can be closed, the best and easiest solution is\mathbf{anything you want}