Forum Replies Created
Thanks your suggestion didn’t fix the problem so i replaced the removed files with the originals and after a bit of digging and fiddling i found the simple solution.
on the dashboard go to “Gallery” go to “Global Settings”, go to “Cover”, and add the page containing the galleries in to the “Galleries Page” dropdown box.
this page location information must have been lost during the update somehow.
fixed and working.
Thanks for a great pluginlooking at my hosting platforms control panel and looking at the database users tab my one database user DOES have ALTER permissions ticked. or do i need to work out how to use and log in to phpMyAdmin to see what the user is supposed to not have permission to alter?
If i wasn’t scared of loosing my customisations (as it was so hard to get them to actually be recognised and load in the first place) i would try the full uninstall and reinstall of the plugin as someone above has said that works.
I hope a fix or update to the package can be found soon.I Have the same problem
All-in-One Event Calendar has been disabled due to an error:
Database update has failed. Please make sure, that database user, defined in wp-config.php has permissions, to make changes (ALTER TABLE) to the database.
Error encountered: Fielda8dx_ai1ec_event_feeds
is of incompatible type.
rolled back to yesterdays backup and its all working again with wordpress updated to 4.4.1 All-in-One Event Calendar on 2.2.1
I have not made any changes to permissions so no idea why this should fail. the only change has been the update to All-in-One Event Calendar to 2.3.6.
I can write basic HTML and CSS and have customised the wordpress theme with a child theme and the layout of the calendar with customization as detailed on the website. but the last time i touched a DB was in DB3+ in 1992 so would have no idea how to change database user permissions.
Why has an update changed the permissions required?