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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] “Failed to send your message.” error [Solved]Even removing the Captcha doesn’t help for me. It still says “There was an error” and won’t send.
Is this functionality in place yet? Would be really useful.
I’m having this exact problem. Here is the code I’m using:
function simpay_custom_create_user_from_charge( $charge ) {
error_log(print_r($charge, true));
add_action( ‘simpay_charge_created’, ‘simpay_custom_create_user_from_charge’ );The error log outputs the following array, which as you can see does not contain a value for receipt_email, even though I entered an email address during this test.
Stripe\Charge Object
[id] => ch_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZn7MQOGV6
[object] => charge
[amount] => 100
[amount_refunded] => 0
[application] =>
[application_fee] =>
[balance_transaction] => txn_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZJLmCDcoB
[captured] => 1
[created] => 1536256589
[currency] => usd
[customer] => cus_DYYqmNCD57AFWe
[description] =>
[destination] =>
[dispute] =>
[failure_code] =>
[failure_message] =>
[fraud_details] => Array
)[invoice] =>
[livemode] =>
[metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
)[on_behalf_of] =>
[order] =>
[outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
[network_status] => approved_by_network
[reason] =>
[risk_level] => normal
[risk_score] => 30
[seller_message] => Payment complete.
[type] => authorized
)[paid] => 1
[receipt_email] =>
[receipt_number] =>
[refunded] =>
[refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object
[object] => list
[data] => Array
)[has_more] =>
[total_count] => 0
[url] => /v1/charges/ch_1D7RiTLhh3u9e6qZn7MQOGV6/refunds
)[review] =>
[shipping] =>
[source] => Stripe\Card Object
[id] => card_1D7RiPLhh3u9e6qZ0jNEkJpk
[object] => card
[address_city] =>
[address_country] =>
[address_line1] =>
[address_line1_check] =>
[address_line2] =>
[address_state] =>
[address_zip] =>
[address_zip_check] =>
[brand] => Visa
[country] => US
[customer] => cus_DYYqmNCD57AFWe
[cvc_check] => pass
[dynamic_last4] =>
[exp_month] => 12
[exp_year] => 2033
[fingerprint] => pgTVb9sgK1ypYWC8
[funding] => credit
[last4] => 4242
[metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object
)[name] => [email protected]
[tokenization_method] =>
)[source_transfer] =>
[statement_descriptor] =>
[status] => succeeded
[transfer_group] =>
)So receipt_email is returning a blank value despite the fact that I added an email address when filling out the Stripe form.
Could it have to do with it being a test transaction? I’ve deactivated all plugins except WP Simple Pay and the helper plugin with the above code and reset the theme to twentyseventeen and am still getting the issue.Awesome! Thanks so much! I’ve installed the new plugin. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Another thing that would be useful is some way to generate an email if the tasks get hung for more than an hour or so. That way at least I would know it was happening.
Here’s how I have it set now. Is this optimized for reliability, or would other settings work better?
Server heartbeat: 24 seconds
Max number of background routines: 12
Max count of log entries – 0
Max task execution time – 300
It looks like once two instances of the automated tasks designed to clear out hung tasks themselves get hung, the whole thing grinds to a halt. Is there a way to just automatically clear out all tasks once an hour or something like that?
OK I increased the execution time and it was fine for a while, but 5 days ago it hung up and just kept timing out tasks for the last 5 days ?? After I cleared out all the hung tasks and ran it again it worked correctly. What can I do at this point to make sure it works reliably? If anything?
Actually it’s still not fixed ?? The tasks are getting hung up and then the tasks assigned to delete the old tasks are getting hung up. Also it looks like all of the tasks since one of these issues are timing out and getting deleted without completing.
What else can I do to resolve this? The client is unhappy as this is the second week it hasn’t been working properly.What settings would you recommend to resolve this? Currently have it set as:
every 2 minutesMax count of log entries: 0
Max Task Execution Time: 30 seconds
Execute the action even when the last routine is not completed.
Handling Hung Routines: Terminate and remove the routine.I was thinking of increasing the interval to 10 minutes, and also the max execution time to 9 minutes in the hopes that will give the script enough time to run. Does this make sense? Anything else I can try to make this reliable?
Thanks, that resolved the issue ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] is there a way to tell the slideshow to skip to a certain slide?Awesome! Thanks Stefan, that’s exactly what I need ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_posts in meta box dropdown not showing latest postsNever mind, I figured it out. The issue was “numberposts=5000” – the blog just exceeded 5000 posts so new ones weren’t showing up. I fixed it by changing to “numberposts=-1” which tells WordPress to search through all posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_posts in meta box dropdown not showing latest postsThis is still happening. Still can’t figure out why. Any thoughts would be very very much appreciated. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Slideshow] [Plugin: Slideshow] How do I add Images?Thanks. That was helpful and I got it working ??
An unrelated question: Is there any way to make it so when you click the images they link to URLs other than the images themselves, for example specific articles on the blog?