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  • The main site can be your public front page and web site or company blog, with the subdomains/subblogs for each department.


    Here is another idea: what about putting one at and one at, with clear links between the two. and are apparently separate domains: two for the price of one.

    Also, if you wanted to use subdomains, you wouldn’t necessarily need multisite: just install wordpress at both the subdomain and the main domain.

    Happy to be corrected if I am off track, but this might give you some ideas


    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks Andrea
    Tried removing all plugins but no luck.
    Changing the themes on the blogs displaying the errors (any without a sidebar widget) didn’t help.
    Changing the main theme to default (actually I used P2 instead) and back again fixed the problem…. at least temporarily.
    I suspect I’ve put some dodgy code in my theme but not sure why it goes away with a theme change….. we’ll see how long it lasts.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks Andrea, makes sense.
    OK, more general question (perhaps belongs in a new thread).
    How can I keep the blog_title from the source blog.
    I’d like to have the title on the new blog be:
    “Source blog: original title”
    and be able to code my theme to say
    “Read the original post at Source Blog”
    I can do all this but of course it uses the main blog name instead of the referring blog.
    I’m guessing I create a custom field then select that to be copied across.
    I wondered though if Sitewide tags creates something like this when it copies the posts. I’m sure this would be useful to lots of people and I would have thought easy to put into the plugin.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Hi Ron, yes, I had turned off all the plugins and tried with and without the dev version with no success.
    Thats good to know about the Super-admin memory, though I’m sure I’ve been getting memory exceeded errors saying 67,234,534 or similar.
    I actually JUST tried again before refreshing this page (about the 20th time: haven’t changed anything just being bloodyminded) and I was able to update the settings, so at least it will keep pulling new posts.
    BTW where is the “tags” blog: it doesn’t seem to be at or When I try to change it from “tags” it reverts to “tags”
    Still no luck propogating (Used to work ?? ) So I will next try deleting tags from the big blogs (already deleted all unused tags from main site.
    Really great plugin by the way…. wish it was working OK again !

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks Andrea,
    Do you think its more likely to be the old posts in trash on the main blog or the large # of tags and posts on other blogs.

    I’ve been reluctant to empty the trash because if I can’t get populate posts to work that might be the only way to get old posts back onto the main blog.

    The biggest site is a local news aggregating site: so it has lots of tags AND posts: is it most likely to be one or the other so I know where to start?


    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks Ron and Ipstenu
    I checked out the link and tried the dev version but still couldn’t propogate

    I’m finding I can’t even save my settings, much less propogate the posts
    When I try to update settings I get:

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/dallasm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags/sitewide-tags.php on line 194

    (This seems to be more on the dev version)
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /home/user/public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 1353
    (this was on the main version)

    (I increased my PHP memory to 256M from 64M hoping that would fix it.)
    This seems like a lot of memory just to save the settings!

    One of my blogs has 2000 posts and some have heaps of tags: thousands (due to autotagging of a status-update type site). I’ve suspected these may be an issue but not sure)

    There are lots of old posts in the trash on the main site from ones which have pushed over the limit (currently set at 200 to minimise resource use while I tried to sort out the problem)

    So effectively the plugin is administratively frozen for me. It seems to still be adding posts though

    You could do this with multisite but its a lot of extra learning and work.
    You could easily create a seperate wp site on an add-on domain.
    Go with a godaddy baby plan, its still only about $7 a month. This gives you unlimited add-on domains.
    Create an add-on domain and install a new site thre.
    Create a custom menu with links from your old site to your new site. You can also do things like display RSS feeds (better RSS widget is great for this) to help integrate them.
    Alternatively, you might be thinking you need a different theme, but maybe you just need a different header. A lot of themes let you set headers, sidebars etc for individual pages.
    I use wpweaver which allows enormous customisation like this.
    You can definitely acheive what you want with multisite but its a whole other layer of management etc. Depending on your goals, this might be good or bad.
    Good luck

    Thanks for this, I’ve been looking for this info.
    I had deleted this .png from my footer but it still showed up on pingdom

    I’ve seen this issue of the posts not keeping the subdomain permalink prefix, so that a post appears on the main blog with a permalink
    I’m pretty sure it still exists at
    As tjasko noted I’ve seen this feature go away again: maybe its just the propogated posts?

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    You said before that I should only have SWT activated on the main blog, but the notes so to network activate it (doesn’t make any difference as far as I can tell)

    Have tried with all other plugins deactivated and Devt version and now get a new error after clicking populate posts

    Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mu-sitewide-tags/sitewide-tags.php on line 194

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Typical time out error
    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/user/public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 1365

    I have asked by hosts to increase max execution time as this is low, but this occurs even if its only trying to add 10 posts (set max posts to 140 with 132 posts already on)

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Also, if I just want to populat one blog is the blog ID the number (incredibly hard to find in 3.1) or the slug?

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: Sitewide tags
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks, where is the development version available?
    I get that error as the page tries to reload

    You said before that I should only have SWT activated on the main blog, but the notes so to network activate it (doesn’t make any difference as far as I can tell)

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Site Creation Wizard
    Thread Starter dallasm


    Hi, thanks for the reply
    I never got it to work. I ended up hardcoding my theme instead, but I will review it and get back to you.

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