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  • Thread Starter dallasm


    Hi Andrea, I known multisite/multiuser are equivalent, I just mean its not like I’m worried about an indidual blogger missing traffic because the main site is recognised as the primary one for the archives.

    I want the tags to display on both sites, I just want the child site tags to point directly or indirectly to the main site tag archives: sounds like I will be best to do it on the tag archive page, saying “read more about tag on mainsite” on the subsites.

    Thanks Andrea and Ipenstu

    Thread Starter dallasm


    I’d like the visitor to go the the tag page with the most posts (ie the main blog), rather than have to individually visit each blog’s tag pages.

    What ‘each blog’s tag pages’? By default (unless something changed in 3.0 that I missed – very possible) there is NO page that lists all your tags. You can make one, but I do not believe this is built in. You didn’t activate the SiteWide tags on each site per-site, did you?

    On my site theme the tags are listed at the end of each post in the loop (like the front page and category/tag pages) and in the single post (in case this isn’t normal).

    So on the main blog front page, we have posts from all subsites, in order from most recent to least recent. Each of these has links to categories and tags. clicking these links takes you to : or

    On the subsites, on the front page or category/tag/other archive pages and also on the subsite single post pagesthese categories and tags are also listed below the post. Clicking them takes you to the relevant or or (except I’m stripping the category base with wp seo)

    I’ve got a news site and often categories overlap: so similar stories in the news, weather, and cyclone sites might all be tagged with “flood”, with the tags all pointing to: from the main site but to fromt the weather site and from the news site and from the cyclone site.

    Now this is OK in some ways, but if most of my flood info is actually on the weather site, but the news site is a much bigger site with better PR overall, then googlers would often find ahead of even though the flood archive might not be as useful.

    I’d rather they instead found, which would have links to the individual posts from all the blogs.

    I’m thinking something like a link on tag pages to the main site tag would do the trick:

    Read more about “><?php the_tag() ?> at

    That way people can find extra info if they need it, and google will see several subsites pointing to the main site as the authority.

    Although I’m using multisite, its not multiuser, and its basically all branded the same so the individual blogs don’t matter so much.

    Thanks for your input and ideas


    Thread Starter dallasm


    Hi, Ipenstu,
    Currently for a given search term, due to overlap between my sites, searchers will often see the tag pages for the individual sites.
    The idea of sitewide tags is for the main blog to be the portal for the other sites.
    I’d like the visitor to go the the tag page with the most posts (ie the main blog), rather than have to individually visit each blog’s tag pages.

    When the user clicks on the permalink they are taken to the individual subsite to view the single post, so they end up at the subsite.

    For user experience and SEO I think its better to have the main page come up for the relevant tags (rather than multiple scattered listings of tag pages for individual blogs)

    The posts remain in their original blog, but I’d like their tag links to point to the main blog as a focus.

    Thread Starter dallasm


    As an alternative, I guess I could change the heading of the tag to a permalink to the main site tag so all the individual sites tags point to the main site.

    Hi, Another option might be a highly customisable theme like Weaver 2.0
    This is built on the default twenty ten theme but allows the user to make heaps of tweaks to sidebars, css headers, widgets etc etc.
    Only superadmin can edit the theme but the users get huge flexibility. Great theme with good support at

    Thread Starter dallasm


    Hi, thanks,
    I already use this but its for displaying posts in the feed section on the main blog only
    It works great, but it displays posts in order regardless of blog
    So I use this at my main site
    I also use the multisite recent posts widget which displays the latest post from each blog (not the 10 latest from 1 blog for example)

    But I also want to display the 3 latest from each blog
    I know diamond multisite widgets will do something like this but I want to keep the code small and light and rely on plugins as little as possible (have heaps already)

    You can see each of these working at my site

    I think you will find the page title (shown at the top of your browser) has been changed but the post title (in your <h1> )tags does not change
    If you want this to happen you need to replace the title with <?php wp_title(”); ?>

    Hi, I love this plugin and it worked great for me before I upgraded to wordpress 3.1 (I find myself typing these lines a lot!)
    No only the heading shows up and no posts.
    This was a really nice functionality, which is very basic to a multisite/multiuser blog

    Thread Starter dallasm


    Thanks, I’m having a go at that now trying to get an RSS feed in there. I really like the Better RSS widget so I’m trying to replicate some of the functions:
    I’d like an RSS icon with a link to the feed, title with a link to the site and then the RSS feed with links to posts. I’d also like to put in icons for the twitter and facebook pages for each page.
    I can do all this in HTML (with effort), but when the sidebar is full of PHP can I just put HTML straight in?
    My HTML is basic and PHP nil.
    Theres plenty of info on inserting an RSS feed, but I have to put in all the links manually.
    Is there a way I can create a widget or code where I just enter URL once and it automatically appends the /feed for the icon and RSS list?

    Thread Starter dallasm


    I did check MU widgets out but its sort of the opposite to what I want.
    Its like the default wp plugins (recent posts, search, meta) but you can put them on one blog but have them refer to another blog
    So eg you can set it up so has a recent posts widget which displays (your choice), but its not really multisite per se, more anothersite.

    “List recent sites” is great news: I was using multisite recent posts but it seemed to break for me with 3.1
    That plugin was awesome so glad to have it back.

    As Andrea says: maybe a multi-network or domain mapping with a multisite installation.
    Another option might be “backup buddy”: this lets you create a site template and import it to a create a new blog: this lets you have sites at multiple IP addresses or servers (which you might need if you are managing lots of client blogs or niche blogs for example). Not sure how a multisite would go for these applications (eg if you needed to hand the sites over to the client or a purchaser.)

    I like “new blog defaults” to acheive some of this.
    Have tried “site template ” and “new site wizard” but neither worked for me, (they copied the site but I couldn’t create posts!)
    “YD sitewide network options “is also a possibility.
    I haven’t had any luck with widgets though:
    I’d really like to have a Super admin widget page where we set site wide widgets (eg blogroll, sitewide posts etc) and sitewide menus.

    Same for me: blanked out all my plugins:
    Seems to me that network plugins are now blue by default… could be wrong though.

    Thread Starter dallasm


    I did everything I could think of to get this working, in the end deactivated all the plugins, played round with plugin settings etc restored old database with no success.
    Changed from 2010 Weaver to default 2010 and finally it worked,
    then continued to work fine after reverting to custom child theme based on 2010.
    So success after many hours of frustration!
    Backup DB and files, turn off plugins etc,

    A good experience in the end, thankfully.
    Learnt a lot on the way!

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