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  • Yann,
    if you are looking to run a script to remove things from a client-side displayed presentation, I think you’ll need to do so on the server-side.
    once the pdf button is clicked … all processing is done server-side (no opportunity for javascript to run)

    that being said, dinamiko has instructions on how to create custom ‘header’, ‘footer’ and ‘content’ files here.


    Hey michael,

    I have found it easiest to start with a blank, or plain, page template and then add what I want to appear in the PDF … rather than using an existing template and try to remove stuff. (e.g. search results)

    As for CSS … go over the documentation for the underlying mPDF library … CSS is a bit restrictive (e.g. supported CSS)

    hope that helps


    Thread Starter damelco


    looks like your issue may be two fold.
    besides the artifact shortcode appearing in your pdf … it looks like the page-break itself did not get processed.

    perhaps you have something else going on which might block the shortcode’s execution … you might try disabling other wp_plugins to see if one of them might be at cause.

    as a confirmation, I use the [dkpdf-pagebreak] shortcode, and it does work as expected for me (e.g. pagebreak occurs and shortcode does not appear in the created PDF).


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by damelco.
    Thread Starter damelco


    of sorts … yes I found a work-around.
    mPDF completely reevaluates the style … and it handles thing in a very rigid manner most of us are unaccustomed to … it is almost like re-learning the whole html/css world. somethings you really need to think outside the box on how to achieve the effect you are after without using the obvious solutions.
    to resize images, in general, place all of the style code inline … as ugly and large as that may make your code … once it does what you want inline … then systematically you can assign classes/ids and begin consolidating some code into style sheets … but you will quick learn some style is simply ignored UNLESS it remains inline, period.
    hence was the source of my original issue … hopefully future releases of mPDF address a more friend use of style via style-sheets


    Thread Starter damelco


    I believe so … the client has not said anything more.
    I’ll double check with them, if some issue still remains, I’ll post it here.
    Thank you for your diligent and swift handling of the issues … it is appreciated!


    hey karlte,

    just chiming in here with a quick question …
    are your images actually ‘remote’ to your wordpress install?



    is this a 800lb gorilla in the room?

    $siteURL = get_site_url()."/"; 
    $imgurl = get_the_post_thumbnail_url();
    $imgurlonly = str_replace($siteURL,"",$courseImg);

    shouldn’t this code read …

    $siteURL = get_site_url()."/"; 
    $imgurl = get_the_post_thumbnail_url();
    $imgurlonly = str_replace($siteURL,"",$imgurl);

    otherwise I don’t see where it would work?


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by damelco.

    not sure if this will help or not …
    how are you referencing your image(s)

    being able to view them in a browser requires a url which contains a protocol and host, and a path referenced from the root of your web-folder … because your browser renders the image.

    being able to insert them in a pdf on your server requires a full path name to the root of the server’s OS … because your server renders the image.

    or said a bit differently
    your browser needs to find the image [EXTERNALLY] at your server’s external IP (e.g.
    the PDF script needs to find the image [INTERNALLY] in the server’s storage space (e.g. localhost,, etc.)

    hope that helps?


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by damelco.

    If I might offer a suggestion (or two)

    Based upon your snippet I see a couple of things that don’t look to be DK-PDF, Formidable or even WordPress issues … just basic html and css.

    Let me suggest to set your table width to something that fits the page (e.g. 600px, 400pt, etc.)
    Then set each cell to a percentage of that (e.g. 33%, 66%)
    if the table’s width fits the page width and the total of your cell’s widths do not exceed 100% … then ALL the cells of a given row will be on ‘same line’, so to speak … though, keep in mind the content of each cell may wrap within the cell when that content exceeds the cell’s width. But that is another issue entirely.
    Also, for more predictable results, Always label your units of measure (e.g. 200px instead of 200 ) … other wise the browser’s guess at what you meant are often wrong and create other ‘hard-to-track’ issues!

    Hope that helps

    Thread Starter damelco


    any update on getting the password entry working (item 2) from my last query). our bounces are piling up!



    Thread Starter damelco


    you are much closer!

    however, two small issues remain;
    1) the warning text you added to the admin console

    Note: You must verify wheather your mailserver support secure connection or not.
    If your mailserver not support secure connection please set No for this option.


    Note: for all common server option “No” will work, most of the time.

    is appearing as bright yellow font against a light grey background … making it nearly invisible.

    2) the mailbox password is being sent with special characters still escaped (e.g. 1e\G4 as 1e\\G4) … which obviously causes an [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED]

    thanks in advance!


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by damelco.
    Thread Starter damelco


    perhaps I am not explaining it well enough?

    we have a functional email system with a major provider … I can connect via php script, webmail and/or even client side software (e.g. thundebird, outlook, etc.)

    however Bounce Handler MailPoet 3 cannot connect.

    my suggestion above is even when a PLAIN connection is selected, your script is still attempting to read/use the certificate. … I am suggesting (after reading the error message) it does not seem to be possible to make a PLAIN non-SSL connection if you are trying to use a security certificate.

    perhaps some other option needs to be provided for connections in Bounce Handler MailPoet 3, since a connection is possible from every other source we have used?!



    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by damelco.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by damelco.
    Thread Starter damelco


    I see … it is actually part of the framework-theme … great!

    thanks for the investigation!


    Thread Starter damelco


    odd … all we have installed is the divi-builder editor plugin and DAP … I wonder how it is attached?!



    Thread Starter damelco


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