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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: The Events Calendar] Does not look great..This problem with Thesis has been cropping up on loads of posts.
I have done some work on a solution for Thesis that works on my site
but it is not 100% checked so please use with caution.The problem seems to be how Thesis uses functions to construct the page. These don’t work with The Events Calendar and you need to pick them apart to get it to look right.
First, as mentioned before and on The Events Calendar pages, make a new directory ‘events’ in wp-content/themes/thesis_17.
Copy over the following files from within the plugin folder (the-events-calendar/views/):
* gridview.php
* list.php
* single.php
* events-list-load-widget-display.phpNow replace the entire contents of gridview.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="grid"> <div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix"> <h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2> <span class='tec-month-nav'> <span class='tec-prev-month'> <a href='<?php echo events_get_previous_month_link(); ?>'> ← <?php echo events_get_previous_month_text(); ?> </a> </span> <?php get_jump_to_date_calendar( "tec-" ); ?> <span class='tec-next-month'> <a href='<?php echo events_get_next_month_link(); ?>'> <?php echo events_get_next_month_text(); ?> → </a> </span> </span> <span class='tec-calendar-buttons'> <a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> <a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> </span> </div><!-- tec-events-calendar-header --> <a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a> <?php event_grid_view( ); // See the plugins/the-events-calendar/views/table.php template for customization ?> </div> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
Replace the contents of single.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="tec-event widecolumn"> <?php the_post(); global $post; ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" <?php post_class() ?>> <span class="back"><a href="<?php echo events_get_events_link(); ?>"><?php _e('« Back to Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?></a></span> <h2 class="entry-title"><?php the_title() ?></h2> <?php if (the_event_end_date() > time() ) { ?><small><?php _e('This event has passed.', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></small> <?php } ?> <div id="tec-event-meta"> <dl class="column"> <dt><?php _e('Start:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_start_date(); ?></dd> <?php if (the_event_start_date() !== the_event_end_date() ) { ?> <dt><?php _e('End:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_end_date(); ?></dd> <?php } ?> <?php if ( the_event_cost() ) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Cost:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_cost(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> </dl> <dl class="column"> <?php if(the_event_venue()) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Venue:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_venue(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(the_event_phone()) : ?> <dt><?php _e('Phone:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></dt> <dd><?php echo the_event_phone(); ?></dd> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) : ?> <dt> <?php _e('Address:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?><br /> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMapLink', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <a class="gmap" href="<?php event_google_map_link() ?>" title="<?php _e('Click to view a Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> </dt> <dd> <?php tec_event_address( $post->ID ); ?> </dd> <?php endif; ?> </dl> </div> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMap', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <?php if( tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) event_google_map_embed(); ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="entry"> <?php the_content() ?> <?php if (function_exists('the_event_ticket_form')) { the_event_ticket_form(); } ?> </div> <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '<span class="edit-link">', '</span>'); ?> </div><!-- post --> <?php if(eventsGetOptionValue('showComments','no') == 'yes'){ comments_template();} ?> </div><!-- tec-content --> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
and replace all of list.php with
<?php global $spEvents; global $thesis_design; $spEvents->loadDomainStylesScripts(); echo apply_filters('thesis_doctype', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">') . "\n"; ?> <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <?php thesis_head::build(); echo "<body" . thesis_body_classes() . ">\n"; #filter thesis_hook_before_html(); #hook if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'page'){ echo "<div id=\"container\">\n"; echo "<div id=\"page\">\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "<div id=\"header_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_header_area(); if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_before_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"content_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } ?> <div id="tec-content" class="upcoming"> <div id='tec-events-calendar-header' class="clearfix"> <h2 class="tec-cal-title"><?php _e('Calendar of Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></h2> <span class='tec-calendar-buttons'> <a class='tec-button-on' href='<?php echo events_get_listview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Event List', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> <a class='tec-button-off' href='<?php echo events_get_gridview_link(); ?>'><?php _e('Calendar', $spEvents->pluginDomain)?></a> </span> </div><!--#tec-events-calendar-header--> <a class="ical" href="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/?ical"><?php _e('iCal Import', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></a> <div id="tec-events-loop" class="tec-events post-list clearfix"> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="tec-event post clearfix<?php echo $alt ?>"> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <?php if ( is_new_event_day() ) : ?> <h4 class="event-day"><?php echo the_event_start_date( null, false ); ?></h4> <?php endif; ?> <?php the_title('<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . the_title_attribute('echo=0') . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h2>'); ?> <div class="entry-content tec-event-entry"> <?php the_excerpt() ?> </div> <!-- End tec-event-entry --> <div class="tec-event-list-meta"> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Start:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo the_event_start_date(); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('End:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo the_event_end_date(); ?></td> </tr> <?php $venue = the_event_venue(); if ( !empty( $venue ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Venue:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $venue; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php $phone = the_event_phone(); if ( !empty( $phone ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Phone:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $phone; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (tec_address_exists( $post->ID ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Address:', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?><br /> <?php if( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_EventShowMapLink', true ) == 'true' ) : ?> <a class="gmap" href="<?php event_google_map_link(); ?>" title="Click to view a Google Map" target="_blank"><?php _e('Google Map', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></a> <?php endif; ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php tec_event_address( $post->ID ); ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> <?php $cost = the_event_cost(); if ( !empty( $cost ) ) : ?> <tr> <td class="tec-event-meta-desc"><?php _e('Cost:', $spEvents->pluginDomain) ?></td> <td class="tec-event-meta-value"><?php echo $cost; ?></td> </tr> <?php endif; ?> </table> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <!-- End post --> <div class="tec-events-list content_footer"></div> <?php $alt = ( empty( $alt ) ) ? ' alt' : '';?> <?php endwhile; // posts ?> </div><!-- #tec-events-loop --> <div class="tec-nav" id="tec-nav-below"> <div class="tec-nav-previous"><?php // Display Previous Page Navigation if( events_displaying_upcoming() && get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php previous_posts_link( '<span>« Previous Events</span>' ); ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_upcoming() && !get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <a href='<?php echo events_get_past_link(); ?>'><span><?php _e('« Previous Events', $spEvents->pluginDomain ); ?></span></a> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && get_next_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php next_posts_link( '<span>« Previous Events</span>' ); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div class="tec-nav-next"><?php // Display Next Page Navigation if( events_displaying_upcoming() && get_next_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php next_posts_link( '<span>Next Events »</span>' ); ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <?php previous_posts_link( '<span>Next Events »</span>' ); // a little confusing but in 'past view' to see newer events you want the previous page ?> <?php elseif( events_displaying_past() && !get_previous_posts_link( ) ) : ?> <a href='<?php echo events_get_upcoming_link(); ?>'><span><?php _e('Next Events »', $spEvents->pluginDomain); ?></span></a> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php if ($thesis_design->layout['framework'] == 'full-width'){ echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_hook_after_content_area(); #hook echo "<div id=\"footer_area\" class=\"full_width\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"page\">\n"; } thesis_footer_area(); echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; thesis_ie_clear(); thesis_javascript::output_scripts(); thesis_hook_after_html(); #hook echo "</body>\n</html>";
Hope that helps. You may want to do lots more tidying up, but this should at least get it working.
If anyone else can work out why the drop down date picker in gridview gives a 404 I’d be very grateful!