My hosting (banahosting) uses litespeed and mariadb, but they tell me the following
“Regarding the Wordfence errors, we have checked the MySQL and Apache error logs, couldn’t find anything specific.”
Additionally, is it possible that it is related to a report from the live traffic tool where it shows me “blocked by firewall for LFI: Local File Inclusion” but to the ip of my server?
“United States left /wp-admin/admin-post.php and was blocked by firewall for LFI: Local File Inclusion in POST body: filepath =% 2Fhome% 2Fxxxxx% 2Fpublic_html% 2Fwp-content% 2Fuploads% 2F2020% 2F04% 2Ftop- e1604610306565.jpg at /wp-admin/admin-post.php
11/5/2020 16:05:06 (22 hours 24 mins ago)
IP: 50.31.1 …. Hostname:
Human / Bot: Bot
WordPress / 5.5.3; https: // … “