Hallo @elviiso,
thanks, but this does not solve the problem. Let me explain:
I want to use foogallery with my themes lightbox. I can use
the following code:
<div class="gallery-post">
<a href="... link to a jpg-image ...">
<IMG src="thumbnail.jpg" title="Example">
When I click on the thumbnail, the browser opens the
image in my themes lightbox. The lightbox displays the
word “Example” (the titel argument of the thumbnail)
at the bottom of the image.
Now, I configured foogallery to use no lightbox and
use the code
<div class="gallery-post">[foogallery ...]</div>
In this way, foogallery uses my themes lightbox.
However, the lightbox displays the title-argument of
thumbnail at the bottom. Foogallery always uses
the caption of the image in the title argument of the
I want foogallery to use the description of the image
in the title argument of the thumbnail. Then, the
lightbox will display the description.
Best regards,