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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displayHow do you insert a widget into the body of a Post? Is there a Plug-in to do this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displaykmessinger
Volunteer Moderator
Posted 1 hour ago #Adsense code is meant to put in a text widget not a post.
So how do you insert a text widget inside the body of a post?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displayWPyogi thank you.
How do you avoid switching between text and visual editors as you create a post?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displayThank you Andrew! I just installed the Adsense-Plugin! Is this an essential plugin to make Adsense work?
I should have never mentioned Java as I don’t know anything about Java…I have 20 years of computer experience however I have
never coded or studied any programming language…including HTML…which is very basic.I would appreciate any followup comments.
TY greatly.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displayThank you kmessinger…I just installed the recommendation by Andrew which is Adsense – Plugin. I will give that a try and if it does not help then I will implement your recommendation.
I have 20 years of computer experience but no coding or programming languages…I do not understand javascript…have a very basic understanding of html….
Thank you again…please stay in touch.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google Adsense Code being corrupted in WP…ads do not displayThank you Andrew! I just installed the Adsense-Plugin! Is this an essential plugin to make Adsense work?
I should have never mentioned Java as I don’t know anything about Java…I have 20 years of computer experience however I have
never coded or studied any programming language…including HTML…which is very basic.I would appreciate any followup comments.
TY greatly.
Please help soon…thank you. No traffic to my site possible. This seems to be identical to past problems the plugin has experienced.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader Causes Fatal ErrorThe Theme is 2012.
Is there any url that will allow me to access the application so that I can try to remove the plugin causing the problem? The entire blog will not display anywhere on the internet and I use this to make my living.
Thank you.
Ajay…I did just that 9 hours ago…no response yet…here is my post to How-to-and-troubleshooting…
WordPress ? Support ? How-To and Troubleshooting
Posts and Pages Will Not Display-Using 2011 Theme (1 post)
Posted 9 hours ago #I built my first WP Blog on 10/18 by transferring from Blogger (15) posts and (3) pages. One week later on 10/25 after adding Google Analytics tracking code to just above the closing header, all display of content ceased and only the titles and footer information are visible. The site is https://www.dannorrisblog.com and I currently have this domain displaying my backup Blogger site with the same data that was on the WP site.
I added the All in Add plugin to accomodate Google Analytics code and that did not help. The writer of that code explains that he does not know enough about WP details to help me.
Since I have received no response from anyone I have decided to erase my total work here on WordPress…..and start over with a new reload from my Blogger site and run WP as a backup until I can gain confidence to use it as a business blog. Will I need a coder and someone competent in FTP in order to use the WP platform?
My concern is that the WordPress platform is not stable enough to rely on as I see so many reports from users saying their posts and pages disappear. Hopefully someone in the community will contact me and give me a more confident perspective.
Thank you.Dan Norris
Thank you Ajay for your response. Since I have received no response from anyone other than you I have decided to erase my total work here
on WordPress…..and start over with a new reload from my Blogger site.
My concern is that the WordPress platform is not stable enough to rely on as I see so many reports from users saying their posts disappear. So far I have not seen the support effort from the user community that gives me confidence that I could run a business blog here. Hopefully someone in the community will contact me an give me a more confident perspective.
Thank you. DanSince I do not have any idea when the WordPress display issues will be resolved…I have no history of receiving support at this site…and the fact that my blog is in money production…I cannot leave it in a non-display mode. For this reason I have my blog and 15 posts running on a Blogger site using the domain I purchased to host the WP site…so if you go to my https://www.dannorrisblog.com you will see the blog posted on a Blogger site. I do not know how to do any work with the WP.org blog if the domain is pointed to the Blogger site. Do you?
Thank you for responding. I cannot see any code in the editor body so I cannot remove the Analytics Code.
No, I am using the 2011 Theme thinking that would be well proven. Have not tried changing. Have read all of the
published responses to this issue however am not qualified ftp or code writer.One week ago I moved the Blog and all my posts to www.ads-software.com under the domain https://www.dannorrisblog.com.
All went well for several days and then Wednesday intermittently the content text would not display in the editors.Then after adding the Google Analytics code per their instructions, immediately no text would display in editors
or after launching.Since my WP has not worked since last Thursday I have pointed my domain back to my Blogger Dan Norrris Blog site.
Is there a way to work on the WP Blog and make corrections with the domain being pointed to my Blogger site?Thank you,
Dan Norris
This problem occurred Thursday evening and I have had no response from anyone as to suggestions to correct the issues. Beginning to think I should wipe out all 18 posts, clean the disk, reload WordPress and start over again. Would anyone care to comment on this approach? Thank you again in advance! The site is https://www.dannorrisblog.com.
Please help with this issue..this new blogging site at https://www.dannorrisblog.com is very important to getting my new business off the ground…on 2nd day of blogging on WordPress had received 538 pageviews and then this problem occurs…I can see Titles and Footers only of Posts and Pages…however cannot see any text or html in editors. I am not an experienced html editor nor with ftd…having to learn as I go…please help… Ajay D’Souza’s plugin Add to All desribes the answer that I want however..cannot get display results. Thank you…very frustrated. Dan