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  • Thread Starter danojonguitud


    Yes, I’m building an ecomm app. But I actually don’t need the cart features since I’m using state management to control it.

    What I’m looking to do is to create a rest api endpoint that gets the shipping address of the user and it returns the possible shipping methods.

    I was looking at some woocommerce blocks that uses the endpoint /wc/store/cart/update-customer in the FetchAPI but looks like it depends on the Nonce with I actually don’t know how to create.

    In any case, whatever hint to create this would be helpful.

    Btw, I fixed my problem with the email that was just a internal problem with my server SMTP, so please take in mind that someone is facing similar issues.

    Thank you for your assistance and speed @dominic_ks, that is not common in WordPress Forums and i really appreciate that.

    You are very right, I forgot about that the array will be overwritten and that’s not what I want. I will take your approach.

    I decided to use plugin because I actually tried adding the snippet to the functions.php file but with no results.

    I will edit my past comment so is not misleading for future references. Thanks a lot!

    Hi, i was having the same issue regarding the JWT Auth plugin and this is what I did to fix the 403 error code. *Note that I haven’t fixed the issue with the email not being send yet.

    To fix the problem with JWT Auth plugin you need to create a plugin with the whitelisting snipet.

    So technically you need to create a folder a name like: JWT Whitelister inside the plugin wordpress folder.

    Create a file called the same as your plugin folder name with .php extension

    add the next code

     * The plugin bootstrap file
     * This file is read by WordPress to generate the plugin information in the plugin
     * admin area. This file also includes all of the dependencies used by the plugin,
     * registers the activation and deactivation functions, and defines a function
     * that starts the plugin.
     * @link    
     * @since             1.0.0
     * @package           Jwt_Whitelister
     * @wordpress-plugin
     * Plugin Name:       JWT Whitelister
     * Plugin URI:
     * Description:       This is a short description of what the plugin does. It's displayed in the WordPress admin area.
     * Version:           1.0.0
     * Author:            SwoonCreative
     * Author URI:
     * License:           GPL-2.0+
     * License URI:
     * Text Domain:       jwt-whitelister
     * Domain Path:       /languages
     * @snippet    Whitelisting endpoints from JWT
    function whitelist_auth_endpoints( $endpoints ) {
      $endpoints[] = '/wp-json/bdpwr/v1/reset-password';
      $endpoints[] = '/wp-json/bdpwr/v1/set-password';
      $endpoints[] = '/wp-json/bdpwr/v1/validate-code';
      return $endpoints;
    add_filter( 'jwt_auth_whitelist' , 'whitelist_auth_endpoints' , 10 , 1 );

    Activate it and give it a try

    if I find a solution for the email not being send I will let you know.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by danojonguitud. Reason: Code was edited as a reference of a comment that was providing in this comment thread
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