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  • The answer to your #2 is that you can enter tweets from
    the dashboard->write->tweet (tweet is in the write submenus with page and post). You can also set it to accept tweets from your sidebard in the options. I have found that helpful.

    As for the daily digest, I am having the same problem. It posted 4 duplicate posts on the first night, and then nothing. I don’t even know where to begin to fix that.

    WP 2.6.2
    Twitter Tools 1.5.1

    I’m having the same type of problems. I set Twitter Tools to digest for the first time, and it posted 4 of the same post to my site on the first night, and then nothing on the second night. I was wondering if I managed to get something out of synch. When I first set it up, I engaged daily posts, but then thought it would be better to go weekly, so turned daily off, and weekly on. Then my indecisive self decided to go back to daily. Could switching back and forth break it? and if so, how do I get that cleared out and back to a happy start?


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