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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Support Lacking… Dead Mans LoopThe heart of this problem comes when trying to post a Woo Commerce support/problem ticket. There is a normal set of questions (i.e. that eats time as the aspects of the problem are covered) only to find a confirmation of the plugin being installed blocks submission. Tried it with two different domains that both have Woo Commerces plugin installed. For this example, the web site at VancouverCreates.Art installation shows in its status report:
WordPress address (URL): https://vancouvercreates.art
Site address (URL): https://vancouvercreates.art
Woo Commerce version: 8.0.3
It is and has been installed for a few months with the latest updates in play as well as the Woo Commerce Square setup and in play – the cause of this problem discovery.
The support request further rejected the cut and paste of the domain as well. There is some sort of syntax problem in play given the install is activated and functioning it seems a stupid inconsistency.
Probably why the average review of Woo Commerce is only just above 2 out of 5.
Luckily in this case the folks at WPForms have provided two work arounds that let their Square plugin process for product purchases.
None the less, it would be nice to know there was a way to request support from Woo Commerce rather than face a migration to Shopify.
NOTE: You asked for a screen shot…. where exactly do you accept screen shots… here offers no upload and the email you sent does not accept responses ???
Now the Woo Commerce support (i.e. the address the folks at Square gave us cause this is a Woo Commerce problem – “you’ll need to submit a ticket with their Support team“) also requests a ‘store’ address up front. It does not accept the domain name, the store name in Woo Commerce or the Square Store names either. At least the non working name request was moved up front instead of being hidden in the support ticket input.Could the people doing support make requests even more work… it is almost like they want to pretend to offer support rather than doing the work.
Nothing drives users away faster than poor performance cause there is no cure. Or as John Wayne said “That’s Stupid and there Ain’t No Cure For Stupid”- This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by danyi.
Out of frustration and many wasted hours reading through Google search responses I found two references to producing child themes for twenty twentytwo. The first one suggested was to use a plugin called “Create Block Theme” which shows as from www.ads-software.com The version provided was 1.1.2. The writer had apparently used it with success. Create Block Theme shows up in Appearance. The bullet selected said ” Create child of Twenty Twenty-Two
[Create a new child theme. The currently activated theme will be the parent theme.] ”
It creates a zip file to download… unfortunately not expandable (i.e. explorer, PeaZip)… something about a password needed to unpack this 6Kb file. Also tried its clone the theme option”
Clone Twenty Twenty-Two
[Create a new theme cloning the activated theme. The resulting theme will have all of the assets of the activated theme as well as user changes.]
” and the resulting 5,799Kb file also would not unpack.
Went on to “Child Theme Wizard” Version 1.4 updated 3 days ago, compatible with 6.0.1 and ” a simple 1 click wizard updated” The Child Theme Wizard showed in Tools. Clicking on it revealed it knew that Twenty Twenty-Two was currently active. It did create the theme directtory with the style and functions in it.
Using that child theme brought up pages that DID NOT include the expected Header and Footer. Result on going back to the twenty twenty two theme after all this was a header that remembered its navigation but ther rest was gone and a fotter that had gone back to virgin. Couple of hours later the Editor (Beta) had recreated the header and footer. THE CONCEPT OF A CHILD THEME HAS SOLID ROOTS… HOW CAM WORDPRESS PUT ITS AVAILABLITY SO LOW ON ITS PRIORITY OR FOR THAT MATTER IGNORE ALL THESE REQUESTS FOR DIRECTION IN CREATION OF A MEANINGFUL CHILD THEME ? Time to turn off automatic updates of WP 6.0.1 , turn on the UpDraft backups, till they sort out a way we can save our work.Yes new entries now centering… had to delete old ones and redo to get them back in place again. Look forward to new updates but will no longer be the first to install them.
Yes I see your example… however as already pointed out… right hand column shows the button centered and working as expected… then the update happened with assorted consequences… two updates later all but the issue of doing a button on the left column are back to working as they did before the updates… Remaining is esatblish a button with blcok editor shows button centered… preview the page and the button is left justified instead of centered like it shows on the editor setup. This was not a problem before the Editor Plus update… no other updates were done … I have now tried applying the latest Gutenberg update on the off chance it would help… it did not. Only Editor Plus changed and only the centering of the newly created buttons seems to remain a reslut of the latest updates impact…
It is https://TGUCVan.com … I’ve done a screen capture and a page source dump if that would help you ? Will send them to you at the email address you sent from that we have on file from Oct 12, 2020, as file attachments called “PageSourceForSamplePageWithButtonAlignProblem.txt” and “Screenshot_2021-12-03 News and What’s Top of Mind at Trinity Grace United Church .jpg”
Yes the rendering has returned to reflecting and other correct characters. Also the borders & shading are back.
One unexected thing noticed is … (you can see the problem by going to https://TGUCVan.com … veiw the left column and note the button which says “Advent at Trinity Grace Information … more info here”) … buttons show as left aligned even after they are set centered. In the editor it reflects a centered setting and shows centered. This example was added after the plugin was updated with the latest version. In the right side of the same page is another button “re watch past sermons/services” that is/was also setup centered except before the update… it rendered center in all browserrs before the update as it does after the update. The problem is that buttons created now, show correctly in the editor before and after it is saved, BUT in the public final real world rendering remains left aligned.