Forum Replies Created
Thank you!
Hi Dyrer, what about the Greek translation? ??
Thank you Dyrer ??
Hi Matt, it works disabling captcha plugin, thank you!!!
Now I’ve some questione for you:
- Have you to fix your plugin in order to make it working with reCaptcha, or can you suggest me a captcha which not conficts with wordfence?
- Is it possibile to make firewall broken rules permanent without have to access the blocked IP list panel?
Thank you very much for your support!
AntonioHi, I’ve just disabled the captcha.
I’ll check the site tomorrow and I’ll give you a feedback!
Thank you again,
AntonioThanks for the answer.
I confirm that “Enable login security” is still enabled.
Here is the list of my installed plugins, so you can suggest me about a potential conflict:
- 404 to Start (disabled)
- Admin Menu Editor
- Akismet
- Any Mobile Theme Switcher
- BackWPup
- bbPress
- Better File Editor (disabled)
- Better Plugin Compatibility Control (disabled)
- Cool Tag Cloud
- Custom Login
- Duplicate Post (disabled)
- Enable Media Replace (disabled)
- EU Cookie Law
- EWWW Image Optimizer
- Fancy Gallery Lite
- Google Analyticator
- Google Analytics counter widget (for Google Analyticator)
- Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft
- Graphene Mobile Neo Helper
- HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter
- Jetpack by WordPress.com
- Login-Logout
- NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
- No Page Comment
- PS Auto Sitemap
- Quick Featured Images
- Regenerate Thumbnails (disabled)
- Relevanssi (disabled)
- SG CachePress
- Simple Image Sizes
- Special Recent Posts FREE Edition
- TinyMCE Advanced
- Page Visits
- Wordfence Security (of course! ??
- WP Category Permalink
- WP User Avatar
- WP-Optimize
- WP-PageNavi
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
- Yet Another Stars Rating
- Yoast SEO
Thank you,
AntonioHi! I just sent you a private email with some screenshots included.
I hope they can help you.
AntonioHi, I’ve just disabled cache config and resaved my configuration.
I’ll tell you news about it soon.
Thank you,
AntonioHi, I set “How long is an IP address blocked when it breaks a rule” to 1 month, but today an “admin” have tried to get into my site!
Do you need a new settings export key?
Thank you again!
Hi, did you solved the issue?
I’ve just sent you and email with the code.
Thank you verymuch for your assistance,
AntonioI set the expiry time to the max (60 days and I check the Blocked IPs once a day…
Those IPs appear in the login live logs, but don’t appear inside the Blocked IPs list, so I have to block them by the Blocked IPs dialog making them permanent.
Thank you,
AntonioThank you very much to you.
May I ask you to rate my plugin?
AntonioHi, could you provide me the required information in order to assit you?
Thank you very much!