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Hi, could you explain how to accomplish this?
Until yesterday it worked fine…
Today I got updated to WP 4.2.2 and WPBackUP is not more working for the same reason.
Thank you!
AntonioForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Any news for V4?Thank you, have you planned a release date?
Hi webslugger, you can put that code inside the file
or, as I’ve done, add it by the plugin “My Custom Functions”.Bye!
AntonioForum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Any news for V4?Hi, where can I find the change log for the v4?
During my tests I removed the scheduled event ‘nxs_hourly_event’.
How can I restore it?
Hi, I checked my CRON and all tasks run properly.
I installed “Advanced Cron Manager” and if I fire the nxs_hourly_event hook it works as expected.
If I wait for the cron to run it, it doensn’t run!
Do you have any idea?
I just disabled WP_CRON inside my configuration and scheduled a direct call ot “/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron” on my hosting configuration panel.
Hi again, I agree with you now, I’ve some problems with task scheduler!
Hi, I’ve many other tasks which works properly, only yours seems to be not working.
How can I diagnose why?
Thank you again.
Other info for you: Hi enabled the WP Cron logging options, I waited for over an hour, and nothing has been logged…
I’ve the same problem, and I opened an issue on your support web site.
For my case cron is working properly, and the logs don’t show anything abount comments import.
If I use the button manually for each post it works.
I suspect some issue inside the method: nxs_do_this_hourly .
Could you help us?
That feature is very very useful.
Thak you vey much for your effort!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page View Count] Italian translation builtHi, nothing again about to send you translations?!?
The user is “DareDevil73”.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Featured Images] Complaint about latest upgradeHi, I still disagree with you.
Spenfing much time maintaining and assisting a free project is one of the fundamentals of the open source philosofy.
I don’t know any open source project which limited its funtionatilities to make it also a commercial product.
But this is only my opinion!