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  • Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Dimitris,
    Tks for the quick response!

    I turned on zlib.output_compression from a setting within Cpanel, and it allowed my domain to pass the checkgzipcompression website (

    However, from the Gzip Compression page of your plugin, I still see the same error as before:

    Gzip is not working properly:
    – Your server may not have the “deflate” module enabled (mod_deflate for Apache, ngx_http_gzip_module for NGINX).

    From, gzip seems to be working for most of my site files, but still scores poorly w/ a E as a result of three 3rd party plugin files not compressing.

    The gzip test on says my domain supports gzip.

    When I run through, it says: An Unknown Error Has Occurred

    Let me know if you have any other ideas.
    Tks again!

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    You’re right! I didn’t realize I didn’t add the asterix to make the subject field required. The error’s disappeared now! Tks again!

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Just wanted to follow-up for anyone seeing the same error I got on the email address not belonging to the domain, here’s an explanation and a workaround:

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Takayuki,
    Thanks for that link.

    I had already made my subject field of the form a required field, so I’m not sure why the form still thinks the field may be empty.

    The email address not belonging to the domain error message doesn’t seem to be an issue for now, as all of the recent form submission tests have gone through to my intended email address.


    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Takayuki-san,
    I realized that I had a mismatch in field names and have fixed that now. Thanks.

    I do though have the outstanding errors as mentioned and have included the following code from my Form tab, as well as a copy and paste of my Mail tab below that.

    The strange thing is my subject line of the contact us form is being captured, so I’m not sure why I’m still getting the error of it being possibly empty.

    Regarding the email address not belonging to the domain error, I’m having some DNS issues I think as my general email deliverability hasn’t been great. I’m also getting popup error boxes in my laptop’s Outlook just in the past few days rejecting the password that I’ve always had for 1 of my email addresses (from the same domain as what I’ve configured to be notified of Contact Us form submissions).

    <p>First Name (required)<br />
    [text* first-name 30/40 akismet:author] </p>

    <p>Last Name (required)<br />
    [text* last-name 30/40 akismet:author] </p>

    <p>Email (required)<br />
    [email* email 30/40 akismet:author_email] </p>

    <p>City (required)<br />
    [text* city 30/40]</p>

    <p>Country (required)<br />
    [select country include_blank “Afghanistan” “Albania” “Algeria” “American Samoa” “Andorra” “Angola” “Anguilla” “Antarctica” “Antigua and Barbuda” “Argentina” “Armenia” “Arctic Ocean” “Aruba” “Ashmore and Cartier Islands” “Atlantic Ocean” “Australia” “Austria” “Azerbaijan” “Bahamas” “Bahrain” “Baker Island” “Bangladesh” “Barbados” “Bassas da India” “Belarus” “Belgium” “Belize” “Benin” “Bermuda” “Bhutan” “Bolivia” “Bosnia and Herzegovina” “Botswana” “Bouvet Island” “Brazil” “British Virgin Islands” “Brunei” “Bulgaria” “Burkina Faso” “Burundi” “Cambodia” “Cameroon” “Canada” “Cape Verde” “Cayman Islands” “Central African Republic” “Chad” “Chile” “China” “Christmas Island” “Clipperton Island” “Cocos Islands” “Colombia” “Comoros” “Cook Islands” “Coral Sea Islands” “Costa Rica” “Cote d’Ivoire” “Croatia” “Cuba” “Cyprus” “Czech Republic” “Denmark” “Democratic Republic of the Congo” “Djibouti” “Dominica” “Dominican Republic” “East Timor” “Ecuador” “Egypt” “El Salvador” “Equatorial Guinea” “Eritrea” “Estonia” “Ethiopia” “Europa Island” “Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)” “Faroe Islands” “Fiji” “Finland” “France” “French Guiana” “French Polynesia” “French Southern and Antarctic Lands” “Gabon” “Gambia” “Gaza Strip” “Georgia” “Germany” “Ghana” “Gibraltar” “Glorioso Islands” “Greece” “Greenland” “Grenada” “Guadeloupe” “Guam” “Guatemala” “Guernsey” “Guinea” “Guinea-Bissau” “Guyana” “Haiti” “Heard Island and McDonald Islands” “Honduras” “Hong Kong” “Howland Island” “Hungary” “Iceland” “India” “Indian Ocean” “Indonesia” “Iran” “Iraq” “Ireland” “Isle of Man” “Israel” “Italy” “Jamaica” “Jan Mayen” “Japan” “Jarvis Island” “Jersey” “Johnston Atoll” “Jordan” “Juan de Nova Island” “Kazakhstan” “Kenya” “Kingman Reef” “Kiribati” “Kerguelen Archipelago” “Kosovo” “Kuwait” “Kyrgyzstan” “Laos” “Latvia” “Lebanon” “Lesotho” “Liberia” “Libya” “Liechtenstein” “Lithuania” “Luxembourg” “Macau” “Macedonia” “Madagascar” “Malawi” “Malaysia” “Maldives” “Mali” “Malta” “Marshall Islands” “Martinique” “Mauritania” “Mauritius” “Mayotte” “Mexico” “Micronesia” “Midway Islands” “Moldova” “Monaco” “Mongolia” “Montenegro” “Montserrat” “Morocco” “Mozambique” “Myanmar” “Namibia” “Nauru” “Navassa Island” “Nepal” “Netherlands” “Netherlands Antilles” “New Caledonia” “New Zealand” “Nicaragua” “Niger” “Nigeria” “Niue” “Norfolk Island” “North Korea” “North Sea” “Northern Mariana Islands” “Norway” “Oman” “Pacific Ocean” “Pakistan” “Palau” “Palmyra Atoll” “Panama” “Papua New Guinea” “Paracel Islands” “Paraguay” “Peru” “Philippines” “Pitcairn Islands” “Poland” “Portugal” “Puerto Rico” “Qatar” “Reunion” “Republic of the Congo” “Romania” “Russia” “Rwanda” “Saint Helena” “Saint Kitts and Nevis” “Saint Lucia” “Saint Pierre and Miquelon” “Saint Vincent and the Grenadines” “Samoa” “San Marino” “Sao Tome and Principe” “Saudi Arabia” “Senegal” “Serbia” “Seychelles” “Sierra Leone” “Singapore” “Slovakia” “Slovenia” “Solomon Islands” “Somalia” “South Africa” “South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands” “South Korea” “Spain” “Spratly Islands” “Sri Lanka” “Sudan” “Suriname” “Svalbard” “Swaziland” “Sweden” “Switzerland” “Syria” “Taiwan” “Tajikistan” “Tanzania” “Thailand” “Togo” “Tokelau” “Tonga” “Trinidad and Tobago” “Tromelin Island” “Tunisia” “Turkey” “Turkmenistan” “Turks and Caicos Islands” “Tuvalu” “Uganda” “Ukraine” “United Arab Emirates” “United Kingdom” “USA” “Uruguay” “Uzbekistan” “Vanuatu” “Venezuela” “Viet Nam” “Virgin Islands” “Wake Island” “Wallis and Futuna” “West Bank” “Western Sahara” “Yemen” “Yugoslavia” “Zambia” “Zimbabwe”]

    <p>Subject (required)<br />
    [text subject 30/40] </p>

    <p>Your Message (required)<br />
    [textarea message] </p>

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

    On the Mail tab, in the From and Subject fields, I have:

    [first-name] [last-name] <[email]>


    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Takayuki-san,
    Thanks for that link. I saw this troubleshooting resource previously, but find it strange that the errors are only appearing after the recent plugin upgrade. Is it only w/ the recent plugin upgrade that the form validator now appears? I don’t recall seeing it previously.

    My errors are:

    Sender email address does not belong to the site domain.
    There is a possible empty field.

    On the 1st error, I also have configured my DNS to recognize email outgoing from Mailchimp and Outlook servers as belonging to my domain, so was wondering if the error is due to the multiple servers my domain references.

    The 2nd error refers to my Subject Line, but as this is a required field, the user must input something into this field so I’m not sure why it’s still flagged as being a possible empty field.

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    I think I’ve found the resolution to the issues described in my post above. If you select “No” to the “Double opt-in”, “Users must opt in” options, and perform the Manual Sync, the accidentally unsubscribed Mailchimp list members revert to becoming Subscribers…

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    It’s fixed now after applying the update!

    Thank you Jason,

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Jordy,
    I just woke up and saw the following 2 errors displayed by the error log plugin I mentioned…they don’t appear to have anything to do w/ your plugin though right?

    08:41:31 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)
    get_bloginfo was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.2.0! The home option is deprecated for the family of bloginfo() functions. Use the url option instead.
    Type: PHP Notice Line: 4020
    File: /home/moolah180/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php

    More details
    08:41:30 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)
    Table ‘./wordpress_28/wp_itsec_log’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed for query select count(*) from wp_itsec_log made by do_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_wordfence_doScan’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, wordfence::ajax_doScan_callback, wfScan::wfScanMain, wfScanEngine->go, wfScanEngine->doScan, call_user_func, wfScanEngine->scan_fileContents_main, wordfenceScanner->scan, wfScanEngine->forkIfNeeded, wfScanEngine->checkForDurationLimit, wfIssues->getSummaryItems, wfIssues->updateSummaryItems
    Type: WordPress database error
    More details

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Jordy,
    I created a blank error file by following the instructions on the following sites:

    What’s the name of the error log you’re referring to exactly? There’s also a “error_log” located in the public_html folder, which is a huge 2GB, but when I viewed the file, there were no errors that occurred after installing your plugin.

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Jordy,
    Thanks for your patience and quick responses.

    I actually downloaded the error log file which I had created, opened it up, and saw that it’s still blank. It’s also listed on my Windows Explorer as 0 bytes in size. I know I’ve placed it in the right place as the PHP Error Log plugin I activated initially said it couldn’t find the file until I updated the path to the error log file. Either way, your plugin worked fine w/ Media. On Filepath, nothing happens after it displays “Preparing Files”. I basically have 3 image files I add to my upload directory each day, and 3 thumbnail versions are created automatically by WordPress for each of those 3 images. So after having my WordPress site publish daily content since July 2014, the images in my upload directory have really shot up in file size…any other ideas?

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Hi Jordy,
    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    I checked the PHP error log file (which I’ve setup w/ the PHP Error Log plugin), and see no errors.

    After displaying “Preparing Files”, what’s the next msg/status I’m supposed to see ideally when scanning the Media Library?


    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Apologies Sayed, as I just realized that the latest theme version displays the menu the way I’d ideally have it. Thanks again for providing such a fantastic theme!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by darrenchu.

    Hi guys, did you successfully remove the white space? I’m also having the same issue, especially on my Android mobile…I have the latest Theme installed and haven’t noticed any change in the white space over the last year of theme updates.

    Thread Starter darrenchu


    Thanks for the quick response Camu!
    I can’t believe I didn’t see the Screen Options tab…I was looking for the WordPress Screen Options tab when I should’ve been looking for the Slimstat Screen Options tab. Anyways, I’ve managed to turn on the Top Countries option!

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