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  • It could help if you posted your site so we could see it.

    I noticed that there was alot of talk at the start of this post about the image sizes not displaying at the original size. Even when you specify “use original”. It’s just very simply the css file you need to change. There is a “.entry img” or “.entry p img” with a max-width: 400px; line that you can change or delete. I would just change it cause if you upload a file that’s like 2000px wide it will throw your layout out of wack if you delete that code.

    Forgot to mention that after your done you must delete the .php file that you used to get the database info with. This is only if your using your public server.


    There can be security issues obviously.

    Here’s 2 ways to fix this problem:

    #1 Change your php.ini file if you have access to it. If your running a testing server on your own computer you can access it. If your hosting your site with someone like dreamhost you will not have access to it unless your using a dedicated server. Most are shared servers.

    To access the php.ini file while using your server on your computer or dedicated server you first need to find which .ini your database is using, so create a .php file and write this in between the <body> tags:


    Save the file and make sure your server is running. Open the file you just saved in your browser. Now look for: “Configuration File (php.ini) Path”
    Get that location cause that’s the active php.ini file.

    Goto that location and open that file. Note: .ini file are hidden files so you will need an editor that allows you to see hidden files… Dreamweaver and BBEdit are 2 examples.

    Change these lines to the app. config you like:
    These are my settings…

    memory_limit 20MB
    post_max_size 20MB
    upload_max_filesize 20MB
    max_execution_time 600

    Save the php.ini file and upload it back to the same directory. Restart your server and that’s it.

    #2 This is the easier way to fix the problem. All you have to do is overwrite those configurations by adding the following into your .htaccess file. The #Change upload limits is just a comment. You can put these lines before or after any other script in you .htaccess file. Save it and upload. That’s it! Hope this helps!

    #Change upload limits

    php_value memory_limit 34M
    php_value post_max_size 33M
    php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
    php_value max_execution_time 600

    #Change upload limits end

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