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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Update added code – how to remove?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No External Links] feature request: masking in custom post typeMikhail,
Thanks a lot for your help. One more question, how to add individual settings (radio umask/use defaults) for custom post type while creating/updating?
Kind regards,
Hello @wfadam,
Thank you for quick response. Yes, I’ve noticed it after upgrade. I’ve just sent report by e-mail.
Thank you again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No External Links] Не маскирует ссылки при ajax подгрузкеМихаил, добрый день!
Та же история. В стандартном выводе маскирует ссылки, в ajax нет.
Запрос идет к admin-ajax.php, где делается выборка и обработка
$post_query = query_posts(...); if( have_posts() ) { ob_start(); while ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); $more = 1; get_template_part( 'parts/content', 'single' ); } $result = ob_get_clean(); ... }
В самом single:
$content = apply_filters('the_content', get_the_content()); echo $content;
При чем проверка показывает, что check_post обработчик вашего плагина на the_content есть в стеке. Остальные обработчики работают. Галочки напротив “Не маскировать ссылки для авторизованных пользователей” не стоит…
Почему не маскирует ссылок не понятно.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Push Notifications for WordPress by PushAssist] Blank page on “post-new.php”I have the same problem in 3.0.4 and 3.0.5.
No messages, nothing. Blank page.- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by das73.
Returning to initial issue about empty last post-sitemap8.xml – 0 bite size, problem remains unsolved.
I prefer to use static version, due to I have evidence, that something going wrong with sitemap and it decrease number of resource consuming procedures of generating sitemap.
By the way I’ve found that static is not completely static, because there is a reference to sitemap.xsl file which is created dynamically. Maybe it is possible to write it in the static file?
I guess, why when I update static sitemap from admin backend it creates proper links to post-sitemap[1-N].xml in sitemap – due to home url in admin is without language slug. When sitemap is updated by published new post, it could differ.
Polylang changes home url by adding language slug. So, it seems to me I managed to solve that problem by filter:
add_filter('aioseop_home_url','filter_for_sitemap_url'); function filter_for_sitemap_url($path) { if ( preg_match( '#([a-z]+)?-?sitemap([0-9]+)?\.xml|([a-z]+)?-?sitemap\.xsl#', $path ) ) { $path = preg_replace( array ('#/ru/#', '#/en/#'), '/', $path ); } return $path; }
- This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by das73.
Language slug in the links of sitemap.xml to subsitemap files looks like a ghost problem. It appears in static more seldom than in dynamic version of sitemap.
I suppose Polylang.
@wpsmort ,
I’ve deleted sitemap, pushed button to update. Now it shows root sitemap.xml with links, but if go by them – 404 page.
Problem went from language slug added to the path.
https://www.e-vesti.ru/ru/post-sitemap8.xmlIf we delete it and go by https://www.e-vesti.ru/post-sitemap8.xml, sitemap exists.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by das73.
I chose static sitemap to decrease server’s workload. Dynamic will create them on the fly and load server every time when bot or person will request sitemap.xml or post-sitemap8.xml . Am I right?
As I can see in logs (I swithched it in AISEO plugin) it is memory consuming process:
94.04 MB memory used generating the static sitemap in 17.000 seconds, 116.47 MB total memory used.
And there is another message (translated from russian):
When notifying bing of changes to the site map https://www.e-vesti.ru/sitemap.xml an error occurred. Unable to access via wp_remote_get ()., referer: https://www.e-vesti.ru/wp-admin/post-new.php?wp-post-new-reload=true&wp-post-new-reload=true
So question, if dynamic is more lite for server?
Hello @wpsmort ,
Here it is https://www.e-vesti.ru/sitemap.xml
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No Category Base (WPML)] is not compartible with custom feedsMarios,
How it could be solved in plugin upgrade safe/unsafe manner? I’ve tried to add ‘customfeed’ in a list inside plugin source, but it works only for the root https://www.myweb.com/feed/customfeed/, but not for https://www.myweb.com/category-name1/feed/customfeed/.
It looks like list of feeds is hard coded in many places… or I don’t catch something.