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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeAnother quick update: without any more suggestions, I threw in the towel and went back to 2.3.3. That seems to be working just fine, although I am disappointed that I haven’t been able to get 2.5 working for my blog. I’ll leave this as unresolved for now, as I’ll try and get 2.5 working again at some point in the future.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeA quick follow-up.
I downloaded a copy of WordPress 2.3.3 and uploaded all of those files into a “blog_old” folder (as intellivision suggested). I then entered https://graphicsoptimization.com/blog_old/wp-admin/ and got a login/password window after a bit. I attempted to then login, but after several minutes, my browser told me it would be unable to complete the request. I also tried https://graphicsoptimization.com/blog/wp-admin/ and couldn’t even get a login/password window…as it would re-route me to https://graphicsoptimization.com/blog/wp-admin/upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fblog%2F
I am about at my wit’s end with this…as this is the first time in 3-4 upgrades with WordPress that I have experienced any problems. The only difference with the upgrade this go-around is that I think I forgot to logout of my “admin” connect in a tab in Firefox before uploading all of the 2.5 files to the server.
I am wondering if anyone knows how I might perform the upgrade step(s) at the MySQL level, since the URL route isn’t working. It seems as though there should be 1-2 other methods for getting around this upgrade problem…I’m just not smart enough related to MySQL to figure it out. My blog is grounded though…until I can get a bit more help here. My web host basically said “S.O.L.” related to the 2.5 upgrade and tech support…so you folks are about my only hope!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 Upgradeintellivision,
Here’s an example of how I need people to “dumb it down” for me. ?? I have a back-up file, but it has a .sql extension. I think that means that I only have a back-up of the database of info that I’ve been adding to the blog, so I’m not even sure your “wp-old” advice will work.
All I want/need to be able to do is to get this blog working again. VERY frustrating…especially now that my web host’s upgrades to MySQL are completed and I still get nothing but a blank page with the following URL replacing the blog home when I try and visit the site: https://graphicsoptimization.com/blog/wp-admin/upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fblog%2F
I REALLY need help. I appreciate those who have tried to help me to this point, but I think people might have to “dumb it down” for me a bit more in order for me to dig my way out of this hole that I seem to have dug for myself when innocently trying to upgrade to 2.5 on Sunday…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 Upgraderhm94611,
Thanks for the suggestion. That was one of the first things I tried last night…making sure that my wp-config.php file was not missing, damaged or overwritten. It looked the same to me as before, so I assumed this wasn’t the problem. However, the contents of that .php file can be found below (with me obviously removing account-sensitive information):
<?php // ** MySQL settings ** // define('DB_NAME', '**********'); // The name of the database define('DB_USER', '**********'); // Your MySQL username define('DB_PASSWORD', '**********'); // ...and password define('DB_HOST', '**********'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', ''); // You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique prefix $table_prefix = 'wp_'; // Only numbers, letters, and underscores please! // Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the // chosen language must be installed to wp-content/languages. // For example, install de.mo to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to 'de' // to enable German language support. define ('WPLANG', ''); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/'); require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-settings.php'); ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 Upgradeintellivision,
Truthfully, I don’t even know. I am VERY good at coding and image optimization (one of the very-best when it comes to optimizing imagery)…but make me have to deal with database administration when it comes to web development, and I am about as far from being an “expert” as they come. ?? WordPress is great because they make it pretty simple to blog using MySQL or ??? without really having to understand how it works behind the scenes. That is, unfortunately, until something “breaks.”
I don’t see “phpMyAdmin” within my “Control Panel” of options available to me in vDeck. I am hoping to figure out a way in if I can…as it might take my web host days to get to the bottom of things on their end, as opposed to hours. I was connecting just fine with 2.3.3 though, pre-upgrade to 2.5. With all the problems I have experienced, however, it makes me wish I would have hung on to 2.3.3 for a while longer…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeThanks for all the suggestions, everyone! Since posting my initial “S.O.S.” I have also gotten in touch with my web host as well. I use vDeck to manage files and such with them…and they told me today that they have been having significant problems related to MySQL and the recent 2.5 roll-over as well. They claim they are working on it…although sometimes that means it could take DAYS for me to hear back from them.
In the interim, I am curious to learn how I could set a “default” theme and see if I can solve the problem myself. Quite honestly, the only time I go within a ten-foot-pole’s reach of MySQL at all is when WordPress is giving me problems related to upgrades (twice now, but the first time was a minor glitch). Even when I try and login to MySQL via vDeck, no luck. I think I am probably out of luck until my web host gets MySQL and 2.5 to play nice with one another…though if anyone can share other ideas and/or more specific instructions for re-setting my site’s theme (I use a significant hack to the wuhan-03 theme), I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeThanks for the ideas, fantasycrusader, but I’m still stuck with a blank white screen. Tried to completely delete all of the plugins off our web server, as well as re-installing plugin fills to the server after that didn’t work. Neither task lets me even see the ability to enter a login and password to access the dashboard. My next step today will be to completely remove the entire “/blog/” directory off my web server, then re-install everything from scratch. So much for the “five-minute” update for WordPress 2.5…. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeAfter reading a few more other threads, I thought I would try and delete the wp-admin folder off my web server and then re-load it, just to try and shake-out a few cobwebs and hope. That still did not correct the problem. Ugh. I’m sure it’s probably an easy fix, but I’m grounded until I figure out what’s gone wrong.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Blog Completely “Gone” after 2.5 UpgradeEdited to add:
It DOES occasionally give me a bare-bones login/password info set in a browser window, but when I enter my login and password info, it re-directs to the following URL:
Still completely grounded, and unable to login to my WordPress Admin info.