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We also have this problem. Not having a mobile menu is a really big problem. Is this theme getting any updates at all these days?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Activello] Bootstrap errorSame problem here. This seems like a really easy fix, just use bootstrap.bundle.min.js instead. I’ll probably try hacking a solution like that if we don’t get any response here, but I’m much prefer that the theme actually gets fixed.
You nailed it! A quick search got me to the PHP.net page about the DOM extension, where someone had commented that this isn’t installed by default on Ubuntu 20. Following their instructions, I ran
sudo apt-get install php-xml
and suddenly everything worked fine. Woohoo!
Sorry to bother you, but you certainly saved me a ton of time trying to troubleshoot this from scratch. Thank you!
Thank you for your reply, even if it (obviously) wasn’t the response I was hoping for. ??
As a workaround, I’m considering exporting the translations as a CSV and then converting that to a traditional .po file. Do you see any reason that this approach wouldn’t work? It’s obviously a hassle for me, but I don’t want to have to set up two systems for our translators to use. So if I can still use this plugin to manage the translating, it would probably be worth the export/reformat trouble.
Thanks again for your reply and for your work on the plugin!
Sorry for the delay in replying, I didn’t see the notification that you had replied! Knowing that the function gets recreated as needed leaves me feeling totally at ease about this. I think we should just delete the function, do the update, and then load the media library again. Sounds like this will create the function again, and we’re back to normal. Thank you for your reply!
As you requested, here’s the message from Dreamhost that got our attention:
MySQL 8.0 is the latest major release of MySQL. MySQL 8 brings a number of performance and security improvements that will help your web apps perform at their best!
Your Shared Hosting account is currently using the previous version of MySQL, 5.7. We’d like to upgrade you to MySQL 8 but noticed an issue with your database(s) that you’ll want to address first.
We’ve detected that at least one MySQL database on your account uses functions that will be incompatible with our implementation of MySQL 8 on your current Shared hosting plan:
Action Required
You’ll need to take one of the following actions to ensure the move to MySQL 8 is successful.
Modify these functions or remove them from your database(s)
The safest way to fix your database’s functions is to add the keywords DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA to them. You can find more details on doing this at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/stored-programs-logging.html
The 1.6.4 release appears to have fixed this problem. Thank you!
v2.0.1 also fixed the problem for us. Thank you for addressing this!
Just joining the chorus to say that I’m seeing the problem as well. We do indeed have PayPal standard installed on our site as well. Sounds like a solution is in the works…
I’m seeing this too, would love to see a fix.
Thank you for the reply. That worked.
In more detail: I didn’t find
on the options page, but the other two were there. I deleted their values as you suggested, and re-enabled WPForms Lite. I’m no longer seeing the error messages. Thank you for your help!I’m seeing this problem as well. I applied the most recent update a day or two ago (update page said “Downloading update from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/wpforms-lite.”, and now I’m seeing an error on every page of my site:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘[dbname].wp_wpforms_tasks_meta’ doesn’t exist]
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROMwp_26emka_wpforms_tasks_meta
And it’s not just us. Try googling “wp_wpforms_tasks_meta doesn’t exist”. I get this thread as the top result, followed by 9 distinct sites that are showing the error. And that’s just the front page! I didn’t try to find more, but I’m sure there are thousands. An update fixing this would be greatly appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin] DreamObjects issueThis conversation kind of stopped abruptly, but I think it did hit on the answer. I was having the exact same problem, and my bucket names did have periods in them. I simply created new buckets without periods in them to store my UpdraftPlus backups, and everything immediately started working. I don’t fully understand what caused the problem, but this simple solution solved it for me.
I’ve got a client wondering the same thing. I can dig through the code and try to figure out, but I’d much rather hear an official word from the authors.
I ran into this with a custom plugin I wrote. I don’t know the details about what changed between wordpress 4.9.1 and 4.9.2, but with this update, mysql_real_escape_string triggers an error. It’s a really common function, especially in code that’s been around for a while, used to guard against SQL injection attacks. The recommended fix is to use $wpdb->prepare() instead (code reference; wpdb class reference (with examples)).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 500 Internal Server Error – wp-loginI just had the same problem when transferring a site from a development server to its production server. In my case, the production server turned out to be running an old version of PHP, specifically PHP 5.2. I set that to PHP 5.6, and everything immediately started working. Hope this helps someone!