Just tried it, and unfortunately adding the strip_shortcodes option does not change the visible outcome, it does not seem to work in my case and is leaving the shortcodes from our wpbakery editor.
I’ve also noticed the last update introduced an issue in the generated code with some tag closures (image calling the post_thumbnail in src mode) now showing on the page rather than being properly interpreted.
this is the code i’m using now with the addition of the strip_shortcodes option:
<li class="w4-post-content">
<time class="w4-post-time" datetime="[post_date format="Y-m-d H:i:s"]">[post_date format="j F Y"]</time>
<a class="post-thumb" href="[post_permalink]" rel="bookmark"><img alt="[post_title]" loading="lazy" src="[post_thumbnail width="60" return="src"]" /></a><h3>[title]</h3>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
[post_excerpt strip_shortcodes="1" wordlimit="25"]
<li class="w4-more-posts"><a href="/fr/blog/"><span>Plus d'</span>Articles</a></li>
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by davids40.