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  • Have a beer for me!

    Thanks again for this plug, and the support.

    It is even better than some paying plug!

    It is working!




    Everything is up to date… here is the gf rapport

    ### Gravity Forms ###

    Registration: Site registered ( 822a451f-72a2-485b-bc88-dbf8cf6f7540 ) ?
    Version: 2.4.8 ?
    Upload folder: /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-content/uploads/gravity_forms/
    Upload folder permissions: Writable ?
    Output CSS: Yes
    Output HTML5: Yes
    No-Conflict Mode: Yes
    Currency: CHF
    Background updates: Yes
    Locale: fr_FR

    ### Add-Ons ###

    Bulk Actions Pro for Gravity Forms: by JetSloth – 1.2.19 ?
    Gutenberg: by rocketgenius – 1.0-rc-1.2 ?
    Image Choices: by JetSloth – 1.2.4 ?
    MailChimp: by rocketgenius – 4.6 ?
    Quiz: by Rocketgenius – 3.1 ?

    ### Database ###

    Database Version: 2.4.8 ? Your database is up-to-date.
    wp_gf_form_view: ?
    wp_gf_form_meta: ?
    wp_gf_form: ?
    wp_gf_form_revisions: ?
    wp_gf_entry: ?
    wp_gf_entry_meta: ?
    wp_gf_entry_notes: ?
    wp_gf_draft_submissions: ?
    wp_gf_addon_feed: ?

    ### WordPress ###

    Home URL:
    Site URL:
    WordPress Version: 5.1.1 ?
    WordPress Multisite: No
    WordPress Memory Limit: 640M
    WordPress Debug Mode: No
    WordPress Debug Log: No
    WordPress Script Debug Mode: No
    WordPress Cron: Yes
    WordPress Alternate Cron: No
    Background tasks: Yes ?

    ### Active Theme ###

    Pierreblanche: by trivialmass ( – 1.0 (Development) ?

    ### Active Plugins ###

    Admin Columns Pro: by – 4.3.8 ?
    Admin Columns Pro – Advanced Custom Fields (ACF): by Admin Columns – 2.3.2 ?
    Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome: by mattkeys – 3.0.2 ?
    Advanced Custom Fields PRO: by Elliot Condon – 5.8.0-beta4.1 ?
    Classic Editor: by WordPress Contributors – 1.4 ?
    Disable Comments: by Samir Shah – 1.9.0 ?
    Duplicate Post: by Enrico Battocchi – 3.2.2 ?
    GP Limit Dates: by David Smith – 1.0.19 ?
    GP Multi-page Navigation: by Gravity Wiz – 1.0.5 ?
    GP Preview Submission: by David Smith – 1.2.13 ?
    GP Read Only: by David Smith – 1.3.8 ?
    Gravity Perks: by Gravity Wiz – 2.1.4 ?
    Intuitive Custom Post Order: by hijiri – 3.1.2 ?
    Really Simple SSL: by Rogier Lankhorst, Mark Wolters – 3.1.5 ?
    Redirection: by John Godley – 4.2.3 ?
    Relevanssi: by Mikko Saari – 4.1.4 ?
    Restricted Site Access: by Jake Goldman, 10up, Oomph – 7.1.0 ?
    Search & Filter Pro: by Code Amp – 2.4.6 ?
    Snazzy Maps: by Atmist – 1.1.5 ?
    SVG Support: by Benbodhi – 2.3.15 ?
    WP GraphQL: by WPGraphQL – 0.2.2 ?
    WP Migrate DB Pro: by Delicious Brains – 1.9.6 ?
    WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files: by Delicious Brains – 1.4.14 ?
    Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 11.0 ?

    ### Web Server ###

    Software: Apache
    Port: 80
    Document Root: /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche

    ### PHP ###

    Version: 7.3.4 ?
    Memory Limit: 640M
    Maximum Execution Time: 60
    Maximum File Upload Size: 300M
    Maximum File Uploads: 100
    Maximum Post Size: 300M
    Maximum Input Variables: 1000
    cURL Enabled: Yes (version 7.38.0)
    OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.1t 3 May 2016 (268439887)
    Mcrypt Enabled: Yes
    Mbstring Enabled: Yes
    Loaded Extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, ldap, mbstring, standard, pcntl, PDO, mysqlnd, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, Phar, posix, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sodium, pdo_mysql, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, mysqli, cgi-fcgi, geos, imagick, mailparse, mcrypt, mongodb, OAuth, PDFlib, propro, raphf, ssh2, timezonedb, xmlrpc, yaz, http, zip, ionCube Loader

    ### MySQL ###

    Version: 5.6.35 ?
    Database Character Set: utf8
    Database Collation: utf8_general_ci


    I still have an error with the update

    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to GFExcel\Shorttag\DownloadUrl::handleNotification() must be of the type array, bool given, called in /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 288 and defined in /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-content/plugins/gf-entries-in-excel/src/Shorttag/DownloadUrl.php:54 Stack trace: #0 /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): GFExcel\Shorttag\DownloadUrl->handleNotification(”, false) #1 /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-includes/plugin.php(208): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #2 /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/common.php(1218): apply_filters(‘gform_replace_m…’, ”, false, false, false, false, false, ‘html’) #3 /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/includes/fields/class-gf-field-radio.php in /home/clients/5511b56d3b46b613ce4ed971b0040b9d/pierreblanche/wp-content/plugins/gf-entries-in-excel/src/Shorttag/DownloadUrl.php on line 54

    Thread Starter David Corradini



    I though i answered via email, sorry.

    I had to activate set_time_limit and allow_url_open on my hosting.

    Then it worked perfectly, and still is one of the most usefull tool next to gravtiyform!
    When i instal it for the users usually say “it is magic”.

    Thanks for developping this and for the quick answer.

    Thread Starter David Corradini


    Thanks both of these worked great.

    My next challenge is the “Chained Selects Add-On” they do not show in the list.

    Is there a way?

    I tried strating from this “I have a custom field. Can your plugin handle this”…
    But i dont even know where to start…

    Thread Starter David Corradini


    This is exactly what I need, thanks!

    And do you think there is an “easy” way of filtering what goes in the excel?
    I would need to generate different Excel for the same form.
    The thing is I have only one form.
    And multiple custom post of events with an ACF date range that populate a drop down.
    It would be great to be able to download an excel for every event separatly.
    Hope i’m clear.

    My only alternative would be gravityview.

    Thanks again for the plug, i use it on multiple projects.
    Sometime you can find all the complex and bulky plugs, when the only thing you need is something as simple as what you do!

    Any news on this?

    I have exactly the same issue


    Thread Starter David Corradini


    I commented out the line that include widgets.css
    It works now but i dont know what else will not now!

    I dont like messing around like that!


    I think you just need to put all the info you like to see in the mail in the message body block

    Nom: [nom]
    Prénom: [prenom]
    Adresse: [adresse]
    Ville: [ville]
    NPA: [npa]
    Email: [email]

    something like that…

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