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  • Hi,

    I think I may have a clue as to what is going on – I think that this is an issue between the plugin and Adblock Plus (at least as far as the problem that I am seeing). When Adblock Plus is active on Firefox, it blocks the display of the whole widget, even the title text, as well as the style sheet and anything else in the /simple-social-icons/* folder.

    However, AdBlock Plus on Chrome blocks the plugin’s style-sheet (and presumably the font also) from loading – but still displays the widget itself, with boxes instead of the icons. Looking in the console I have the message:
    GET https://…/wp-content/plugins/simple-social-icons/css/style.css?ver=1.0.12 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

    If I change the name of the Simple Social Icons folder, say to /ssi/* for example, the style-sheet loads correctly. Adblock Plus for Firefox then still correctly hides the widget, and for Chrome it displays (but correctly) except for the youtube link in my case.

    BTW, I’m running OSX, Firefox 41 and Chrome 45, although I would hope that this wouldn’t make much difference.

    Hopefully this will help get a better fix than just renaming the folder, but I’m not really sure what that is.


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