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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginHello @hero2287,
My coder says the following:
I think the customer has put an invalid key for google map (see attachement).
Either fix the existing key configuration or get new one.Attachment: congresslookup_error_code.jpg
Make sure when you create/reconfigure the key that you don’t put any restrictions on it. And please report back the results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginOkay. Then please check with your hosting provider while I check with my coder.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginSo you turned off all plugins, except for CongressLookup, while using one of the WordPress default themes, and you are still getting the errors?
You can see that the plugin is working without errors on our main site: so if you are getting errors with no other plugin active and with the default theme, then I suggest you contact your hosting provider to see if it could be a server configuration problem.
i will also contact my coder to see if he can find any other potential issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginHummm … I’m showing the same errors.
We need to rule out all the common problems before going further. Please go the our plugin main page and go down to the Troubleshooting section.
Work through those steps and then report back.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginYou can try this thread at as it has several suggestions and links to the WordPress Codex for more information:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Results not populating in lookup pluginI’m sorry you are experiencing problems with our plugin. I have looked at your page and FireFox developer tools Console shows the following errors:
You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors. js:95:51
Google Maps JavaScript API warning: InvalidKey util.js:224:33
Google Maps JavaScript API warning: SensorNotRequired plugin checks to see if Google Maps API is already being called and only loads it if needed. Therefore, you will need to check the other plugins you are using that include Google Maps API and disable them for this particular page. There are many instructionals on the web that explain how this can be done in your functions.php file. Or you can try a plugin like this:
Once we know that only one is loading for your page then we can diagnose the remaining issues, if any.
Please report back your results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Address or zip code not found. Please try againI just checked your page and I am seeing the following errors using developer tools:
Geocoding Service: You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. For more information on usage limits and the Google Maps JavaScript API services please see: js:39:424
You have exceeded your request quota for this API. See
It appears that you have hit the free usage limit and you have not set up billing on your account. Please set up billing on your Google account and try again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Address or zip code not found. Please try againI’m sorry you are experiencing problems with the plugin.
My first thought is that you may not have the Google Civic API configured properly. CongressLookup needs two different APIs to work. Please start by going through these steps:
Google Civic Information API
To display the contact information for each Congress person we now use the Google Civic Information API which requires a separate API key. To receive one:
1. Using your Google account, login to the Google API Console. Here you create a project if you don’t already have one.
2. Click “Create credentials”.
3. Choose “API Keys” (do not restrict). Copy and save this key to use in the CongressLookup settings.
Now you have to enable the Civic API:
4. Click the “Library” side menu tab.
5. In the search field enter “Civic”.
6. Click on the “Google Civic Information API” link.
7. Then click the word “Enable”.
8. On your website, go to: Settings > CongressLookup > Configuration. Paste the Civic API key in the Google Civic API Key field.
9. Save CongressLookup settings.If it still doesn’t work, please go to our main page to the Troubleshooting section and work through those steps:
Please report back your results so we may help you further.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] EXCLUDE state reps/senatorsThank you for sharing your solution, @abacus718!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] EXCLUDE state reps/senatorsHello @abacus718,
We used to use the Sunlight API until it was discontinued almost 2 years ago. We now use the Google Civic API. It is true that the Google Civic API can return just Federal. I am working with my coder on a major update of the plugin which will include this feature. I have not current ETA on when it will be ready.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] EXCLUDE state reps/senatorsOh, I’m sorry for my confusion. What you are wanting is not available with the current plugin. However, I have been working with my coder on a major update which will include this function. I have no ETA on when it will be complete.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] EXCLUDE state reps/senatorsThank you for your kind words ??
Yes, there is a way to limit the search to just federal congress people.
Go to: Settings > CongressLookup > Custom Shortcode. In the first section it allows you to choose “Senators Only”, “Representatives Only, or “Both”. There are other customization you can also make. Save when done and it will generate a shortcode for the settings you’ve chosen. You can make and use multiple shortcodes throughout your site.Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Find state legislatorsIt’s possible, however, the integration will be extensive. We have this on our wishlist but there is no current plans for a timeframe to do this at this time.
Until we are able to devote time and resources to this integration, an alternative for you is to link to your appropriate State page on For instance, Alabama State legislators are located at:
And … You’re welcome ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: New Text Widget breaks ShortcodeWell, okay then. Thank you so much for letting me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CongressLookup] Not working as a widgetFollow-Up
I’ve discovered that the Text Widget has never been intended to be used for shortcodes. Here is an article that describes what to do to allow shortcodes to work in the Text Widget. Note: This should be done when using a child theme as the code they use can be lost when a parent/main theme is updated: