Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to use Codepress in a pluginForum: Plugins
In reply to: Dynamic File Download & WP Hook ProblemsSo, the problem was that the page and file with the functions was only being called when that page was needed. Meaning the function for the dynamic download was never included when needed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Use sidebar vs. add widgetwhen I select a widget to use, it makes all of the other sections (categories, blogroll, etc) that came pre-populated with the template go away.
Yeah, your understanding MichealH right.
Many things in life, including sidebars in WordPress Themes come with a backup plan if they can’t find what their looking for. If you don’t answer your phone at home, your friends are going to try your cell phone, or work phone. The same goes with sidebars, if WordPress can’t find any Widgets, it displays some standard ones set by the theme.
@lenk www.ads-software.com is short for the self hosted WordPress Software and is a common term in the WordPress community. … so people who use this term are not referring to downloading the pages on https://www.ads-software.com, which would be closer to 15,000,000 rather than 1,000.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: query_posts before the loopTurns out the answer is as simple as calling
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: query_posts before the loopI checked out https://codex.www.ads-software.com/The_Loop#Multiple_Loops but none of the methods worked for some reason.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding more posts to the loopThanks MichaelH,
My problem was solved by using
.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding more posts to the loopMost templates use
if(have_posts()) :
to check for posts, then use a while statement to go through all the posts by checkinghave_posts()
and callingthe_post()
each time through the loop.The have_post() for the page I’m loading is empty, so no posts are displayed, because the query is empty. I want to insert another post into the query, so there is a post… Or if 2 posts are found, there will be 3 posts (The 2 WordPress found and the one I added.)
I can’t use
, because It’s important that it is done through the normal post loading method.Maybe I could add to $this->$posts and increase $this->$post_count, but I’m not sure how to refer to that correctly or add to it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp_enqueue_script tiny-mce not returning info.Does anyone know of a plugin that uses Tiny MCE, so that I could see how they do it, but also check to see if my server and WordPress setup will handle it right?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Filepaths Advice on syntax please#2 is almost correct… you can not include a file from an URL.
An URL is a website address for visitors. PHP will want an absolute location from within the hard drive. For myself this location is /var/www/html/. So for your file it would be /var/www/html/cms/wp-content/themes/fishy-11/sidebar80.phpAs far as the syntax of your address goes.. If you have a variable, then it should not be in quotes. Variables have a dollar sign in front of them by the way. Content on the other hand, which variables can replace, need single or double quotes around them. There is also defined constants, which will you see as upper case (TEMPLATEPATH), which are also variables, but without the dollar sign.
Example, all of which are correct:
<?php $theme = "/var/www/html/cms/wp-content/themes/fishy-11/"; include($theme . '/sidebar80.php'); include("/var/www/html/cms/wp-content/themes/fishy-11/" . "sidebar80.php"); include("/var/www/html/cms/wp-content/themes/fishy-11/sidebar80.php"); ?>
Instead of using /var/ww/html/, you can use ABSPATH, but you have use it like $theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: theme creationThat’s correct.
By having the word ‘function’ in front of it and the parentheses and curly brackets behind it (with code inside the curly brackets), you are defining what should happen when the function name is being called.
Then you have the function name with the parentheses, along with any variables to pass within the parentheses, you are calling the function. Also, not to forget the semicolon (;), which notes the end of a command.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Static HTML to PHPWhy not just use WordPress for all the pages? You can write “Page”(s), which will be static and “post”(s) which will be you blog. It would be easier to manage and the common layout would be easier on your visitors.
1) I’d place wp-admin, wp-includes, index.php and all the other files in the root directory for you website.
2) If you want blog under its own folder, I’d change the ‘Permalinks’ under ‘settings’ to ‘blog/%postname%’
3) You could get a static homepage if you want too, that option is in ‘settings’ too and within the ‘Reading’ tab.
4) If you still want an overview page for your blog that has all the new posts, you can create a static page called blog and make a special template for it or insert come php to make it look as though it was the front page of the blog.Hope this gets the ball rolling with some ideas.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: theme creationI think it would be a better option to just use a sidebar (Widget Area), instead of placing the widgets in directly. Information on this can be found at; https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Customizing_Your_Sidebar#Different_Sidebars_Anyone.3F
If you want to place a pre-selected widget some where, your going to need to get its function name (Example: get_calendar(); ). There really isn’t a list for this, but you can see a few farther up the page on that link I gave you above. Maybe this page could lead to something: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Widget_List
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Blogroll CSSThe blogroll is an unordered list, so you can set the RSS image as the list-style-image (more info at: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_reference.asp#list )
You could then use: list-style-position to get the RSS images where you want them. If you want the alignment of the text to be like there was no image, then someone stuck an image in front of text without moving the text, use: list-style-position:outside;This CSS is going to be applied to the class called “xoxo blogroll”. If you check the source code of your page or use Firebug, you’ll find that class name and it only applies to the blogroll and not all the widgets in the sidebar.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Example theme data available ?No, it’s not available. However, all you have to do is create a test site and write sample text / sample categories & tags.
You could upload your theme to the www.ads-software.com Theme Directory and test it there through SVN (it takes at least 15 minutes to update though), but you would also be allowing others to use the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: default “home” page…Check out: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Template_Tags/wp_list_categories
This page may help too with what I’m going to say next: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Template_HierarchyYour going to want to copy your current theme’s index.php file, name it home.php. Then go in and replace the_content(); or the_excerpt(); with wp_list_categories();
I would also replace the post title line, which has the_title(); in it, to be a non-linking title that says “Categories” or something.
That’s the basic idea… I bet there are going to be some things your going to want to change about it, such as the text size.