Daniel Cid
Forum Replies Created
Awesome! Let us know if you run into any issues.
@monokli: You having the same issue? Anyway to share the your error log so we can investigate? You can send it directly to me at [email protected].
That’s likely a conditional injection and goes on and off (quite common).
If you can send your site to us privately ([email protected]), we can look at it for you and give you pointers to clean it up. Our company also offers website cleanup / remediation if you prefer to pay someone to do it for you.
It goes to both for now.
Awesome ?? Glad to hear it worked. Thanks for testing and we can happily say that PHP 7 is supported now.
Thanks for the feedback. We will investigate what is going on. If you have a patch handy for it, please send it over via:
That’s just the results from our sitecheck scan (we store it in there). If you scan your site here:
You will get the same results. It likely means your site is hacked and had that code injected into it.
Do you have a duplicated copy of the plugin in there? Was anything else installed or updated? That’s the only thing I can think of.
Where you seeing the email being listed incorrectly? In the API activation page?
We get the email from the WordPress general settings, so you have to change it in there.
This type of injection to your .htaccess is most certainly malicious, so you have been compromised.
Neither our plugin (or any other plugin, really) will stop these attacks against your site.
Our plugin is a complementary solution to an overall security posture and the hardening will minimize any potential entry points, but it won’t cover them all.
I would recommend doing a full sweep across your plugins (and all files) for backdoors and any outdated software and this is likely the cause of these issues.
You can also try the open source ModSecurity (a real web application firewall) as it helps stop these attacks. Our Sucuri Firewall also does that, but is a paid solution, so if you like to stay with free, ModSecurity is the best course of action.
Yes, you can do both. It also allows you to connect with whatever log monitoring tool you have (we recommend OSSEC):
Yep, we will fix the typo there soon. Inside the Settings, you can remove any file marked as fixed (ignored).
Not that we are aware. I will reach out to the WPEngine guys to help us debug it. Maybe they blocked our IP by mistake.
Mind emailing me privately ([email protected]) your site, so we can work with WPEngine on it?
Thanks for reaching out. It *should* work with PHP7, but we did not have enough people to test it yet.
If you can try it out and confirm with us, it would be great. That error alone doesn’t mean it wouldn’t. Patches are also very welcome ??
Yes, very very soon. The new version is in QA right now.