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  • Thread Starter ddxv


    Yeah, so that is the link with the plugin, which is why it seems like it is not working. The large white space in the page was the plugin being hidden by overflow: hidden which is in the css from the plugin I believe.

    Thread Starter ddxv


    For clarification, you can see the non working version here:

    Thread Starter ddxv


    No, I haven’t fixed it, I just haven’t included the youtube subscribe button in the last few posts.

    Thread Starter ddxv


    @ddxv: Can you try adding in following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #___ytsubscribe_5 #fluid-width-video-wrapper { padding-top: 0 !important; }

    This CSS is being applied by the catchkathmandu.fitvids.min.js file, not style.css so that doesn’t work.

    The problem is the home page is incorrectly applying fitVids to this function which I added to shortcodes.php:

    function SubscribeToYouTubeChannel() {
    return '<script src=""></script>
    <div class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channelid="UCn5qG4IE78P8pzlE6OG-WYg" data-layout="default" data-count="default"></div>';
    add_shortcode('youtubefollow', 'SubscribeToYouTubeChannel');

    I think the key here, is that it’s only happening on the front page. Other pages are using the g-ytsubscribe class.

    My question is, how can I stop fitVids from applying CSS to my button on the home page?

    Thread Starter ddxv


    I’ll keep that in mind. =D Thanks.

    Thread Starter ddxv


    The .error404 #primary is just if the sidebar failed, right? I can’t remember if I had to change anything else, but I was able to add width to that section to increase the width on my page.

    If you want to look again it’s located here:
    <div id=”primary” class=”content-area”>

    Thread Starter ddxv


    Do I need to remove the side-bar-wrap?

    Thread Starter ddxv


    I apologize for going back and forth about this, I was curious so I googled this question and am pulling this quote from Chip Bennett, Theme Review Admin, in a previous post:

    When re-distributing a (or distributing a modified) GPL-licensed work, proper attribution must be maintained; however, that attribution is only required to be appropriate to the type of work.

    WordPress Themes are a conglomeration of PHP, HTML, and CSS code. Proper attribution for such code is in the source itself, not in the browser-rendered output of the PHP-parsed version of that code. Generally speaking, for WordPress Themes, such attribution may be found in comments in the style.css file, in the phpDoc header comments in the functions.php file, or in a separate file such as a readme.txt file. Such attribution is appropriate, and meets the letter and spirit/intent of the attribution requirement in the license.

    In other words: you’re not required to maintain public-facing attribution, such as a “credit link”, even up on distribution/re-distribution.

    As per the instructions in catchkathmandu-functions.php just add this to your functions.php in a child theme:

    function catchkathmandu_footer_content() {

    You can put whatever code you want in there. So I put:

    function catchkathmandu_footer_content() {
    	echo 'Copyright MYSITE. All rights Reserved. <a href="MYEMAIL">Contact</a>';

    Catch Themes, this is illegal to add or just something you’d rather people not add? The instructions for how to do this are in your code…?

    I puzzled over this post a bit, but this is what I got to work. I don’t know what I’m doing so if anyone has a cleaner way, please feel free.

    </div> <!-- /.widget-area -->
     </div> <!-- /.col.<?php echo $containerClass?> -->
    	<?php }	} ?>
            <?php }   ?>
    	<?php }
    elseif ( !is_front_page() ) { ?>
             <header class="entry-header">
                <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?>
                   <h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
                <?php }
                else { ?>
                   <h1 class="entry-title">
                      <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( esc_html__( 'Permalink to %s', 'quark' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
                <?php } // is_single() ?>
             </header> <!-- /.entry-header -->
             <?php } ?>
    		</div> <!-- /.banner.row -->
    	</div> <!-- /#bannercontainer -->
    Thread Starter ddxv


    Hey, I know this bumps my post,but I think that I have a work around.

    This doesn’t answer my direct question, but I think can solve my ultimate goal.

    I think that I can make custom taxonomy. For example, if I have an article by Isaac Assimov I can break it into pieces I like, tag robots, computers and language tags. Use Categories for the years, and my custom taxonomy for the author name.

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