Forum Replies Created
Thank you for the feedback. We have noted the issue and will be updated in 2.4 version.
Also, since this forum is for free version , we are not allowed to discuss Pro version support here. I will be closing this thread. For further support of Pro version please use “Contact Premium wp support” button.
Best Regards,
DearHiveHi, eager download is not possible because the thumb is actually created by JavaScript which starts only when all content on page has loaded.
The PDF is not indexable by google – at least not because of our plugin. Our plugin only takes the PDF and displays it. It doesn’t do anything related to google.
Best Regards,
DearHiveWe have concluded this is an issue of unoptimized PDF and should be resolved by using proper optimized PDF.
The issue is resolved in update 2.3.50
Which version of PHP are you using and what plugin version? We tried to check with the latest version 2.3.48, but are not able to recreate those warnings. Also on which page do you get those warning?
Best Regards,
Please use this custom CSS to disable the animation. blank white is due to the cover image being downloaded separately. Once it is received by the browser it is displayed.
Best Regards,
It works in full version. Test with your PDF with full version at:
Best Regards,
That is a premium feature. Examples:
Best Regards,
DearHiveAnother page also looks fine,
We do not see any such clippings. Please check the screenshot you have any specific device OS/browser that you are using? We will try in that scenario too.
Best Regards,
To make it flat try this customization: Regards,
Can you share a screenshot? We see it fine.
Best Regards,
DearHiveForum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Viewer & 3D PDF Flipbook - DearPDF] Go to a specific pageHi,
#pdf- is called share prefix to identify that it is a page request to the book id 2439 and page 201. Without such structure the page request cannot be detected and cannot be opened.In full variant you have it customized like we have #flipbook- can be customized in Premium version. That feature is available in Full version. But since dearpdf-lite is discontinued in WordPress we recommend using DearFlip premium for that feature.
Best Regards,
DeepakAre you referring to thumb image(“Fuel for thought” title) or the actual flipbook (with “4 – The abyss of …”)?
If you are referring to the thumb image then use the following custom CSS:
.df-popup-thumb img.df-lazy {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
}That effect is to indicate that it can be clicked and has some action. or else readers consider it as just image and won’t know the the book that can be opened. For you and me, we are aware that it opens a book, but for normal readers they won’t know.
In our demo page we have such effect to highlight that it an openable or clickable element