Forum Replies Created
I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago.
Hi @bartwic, dobry dzień! Sorry, I should have updated this topic. I did have direct contact from @bmilligan15 at Envira support. He found a conflict with the plugin Ultimate Social Media Icons. When that was turned off, the gallery became visible. It also fixed a similar problem I was having with the Strong Testimonials plugin.
Both Strong Testimonials and Envira are looking into the conflict, while Ultimate Social Media Icons could not replicate the problem so they think it’s something other than their plugin.
I am using The7 theme for the site, I should probably also ask them to look into it as well. Or it could be another plugin conflict.
Envira is very good about responding to support requests, I think you’ll also hear from them.
If you find another plugin is the issue, please update here, I’d like to know what’s going on. I’m using Classic Editor, Contact Form 7, Envira Gallery Lite, Feed Them Social, Strong Testimonials, Under Construction, Use Any Font (just in case we have any plugins in common).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Maybe a Pagination bug?Sure Mihaela,
Classic Editor
Contact Form 7
Envira Gallery Lite
Feed Them Social
Strong Testimonials
Under Construction
Use Any FontThe theme is The7, premium version so not free.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Maybe a Pagination bug?FYI, from the Ultimate Social Media folks:
“Thank you for reaching out!
We tried to reproduce the issues mentioned on our end but failed to see any conflict between our latest version of the USM plugin and Envira Gallery Lite and Strong Testimonials plugins.
Maybe there are other factors on your site that play a role. Please also ask the other plugin creators to check.”
OK thanks for your response.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Maybe a Pagination bug?Hi Mihaela,
Turns out it’s a conflict with the Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) plugin. I was having a similar problem with an Envira Gallery Lite gallery not being visible on handheld devices and Envira found the problem.
I’ll be contacting the Ultimate Social Media folks about the conflict, Envira and Strong Testimonials are very popular plugins and I’m sure Ultimate would want to fix the problem.
Thank you so much for your great support, it has been very much appreciated! ~ Deb
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Maybe a Pagination bug?I think the only way I can send you anything is to put up links since there’s no attachment option here. I’ve made screen captures of the References page from my computer, and my iPhone with the two different pagination settings. Also a screen capture of the View settings. Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me.
Awesome, that worked! Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Hide Featured Images on Testimonial PagesThanks for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Hide Featured Images on Testimonial PagesThank you for your quick response.
Funny, I didn’t realize it would be part of the theme (The7), which has the option to hide featured images on the BLOG POSTS only. But I think I’ just got it — I added
.post-thumbnail { display: none; }
to the custom CSS and it seems to be working. If I find it’s caused other problems with the site or plugin, I’ll be back. If it works fine, I’ll be back to mark this Resolved.
BTW I love your plugin, it works great and have saved me a lot of time.
Ah! You’re a genius! That did the trick, thank you SO MUCH!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Are child themes still recommended?You are drawing the wrong conclusion from a child theme. The whole point of having a child theme is that the parent can be updated without affecting the child.
You’re right! I guess I’ve had it the wrong way all this time. Thank you for that clarification. A broken website I’m struggling with right now appears to be just a COPY of the parent theme with heavily edited code by the previous developer.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Are child themes still recommended?Thanks Joy, my intention is to no longer make changes to the code in a parent theme, so I can update the theme as they come up. WP is always updating the basic software, themes and especially plugins need to update to keep up with the changes. Or authors improve their themes. If a child theme is being used, the theme will be frozen in time. One child theme that a client is using has WooCommerce included with it. Now when WooCommerce plugins update, which happens often, I occasionally have to manually replace WC files in the theme folders because I get error messages that the pages have become outdated.
CSS is so amazing and the Additional CSS option makes it all so much easier.
“I like to make a child theme for my clients, but it doesn’t have much in it.”
So then you can’t ever update the theme. You’ve not run into problems with sticking for years with an outdated theme?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] How to change active text box border colorsThank you so much, that works great!
Update: I decided to test this out before I need to move the site for real, and it worked like a charm! This is a wonderful plugin, thank you so much. I did see the checkbox for changing emails. I did not check it and the emails were unchanged. Perfect!