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  • I don’t know this code but for sure THE best way to create a Child Theme for Customizr is Childify Me. Its creator even works for Customizr and you see him help on this forum. He’s brilliant.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    I’ve found what works for the background image.
    .tc-header was all I needed.
    And yes, in the background, the image wouldn’t resize so that is an issue.

    I do wish there was a way to put the image in the header, not as a background. I’m still working on how to pull that off and would welcome a trick. Or somehow to mimic that.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    @kjodle one small light yellow icon won’t make it impossible or difficult for a person to see what his or her page will look like. This has been the practice in WYSIWYG design since the very first web app.

    A plugin may be great but I still stress my wish for this feature.

    I got it this week on one post — and I don’t have TinyMCE or Woo or a plugin called Generate Press installed on the site (never did on this site).
    It didn’t happen on a test post today.

    I wonder if I got the code by pasting some words that a peer gave me gave while I was in Visual view. A bit of a longshot because I pasted them from a PDF he’d made but maybe the code was kind of stuck inside it.

    I’d used the built-in color feature to turn some text a color which I rarely do.

    I was able to get rid of it:
    In the Text view, I deleted it and then Updated the page and it went away. When I was deleting the code, then going back to Visual view and saving, it wasn’t going away.

    @daxtrader54 Bear in mind that Rocco said you can’t do it in the *free* version. But if you purchase Pro, then you get what you seek and even more — without having to mess with code or hire someone. You may find this more cost-effective.

    Hi Franco.
    I don’t work for the company; I just use the theme and own unlimited.

    This should be asked on the product’s site.

    That said, don’t take my word for it, but as you are the person doing the purchase I believe it is your activation # so if you develop for others, yes they’d have your # unless you then have them buy and you transfer to their activation code. I have not gone through this process.

    The page @emranemranx has sent you to is a good page.
    It also linked to a page the provides more info about setting Featured Pages:

    To add what may help you understand better:
    If you have your home page set to show Posts you can set up one category of Posts to be shown.
    The other option is to use a Static page.
    Either way, you can also have Featured Pages/Posts (depending on free or Pro) BUT you can not at this time set a Category of any sort to have your page or post appear as Featured. That is a fully manual thing you must do, choosing each from a list of all of our Posts and Pages. Unless WordPress changes to let us assign a Category to Pages, we won’t be able to have a page show as Featured by Category selection. I suspect the developers are working on something to help us set and change our Featured Pages, but it’s not here at the moment.

    Amending my own post.

    I don’t know why, but what I posted above stopped working. That is, I couldn’t get my text and link text to match sizes, something that’s been a problem for years. I’d thought it was a plugin issue but that plugin was long ago removed.

    So here is what does work for me.
    I realize I have redundancy but taking one away makes link size differ.

    footer#footer {
    background-color: #008881;
    text-align: left;
    	font-size: .95em;
    /* FOOTER LINK color worked but not font size  */
    footer#footer a {
    color: #f2edd5;
    font-size: .95em;
    footer#footer .footer-widgets p {
    font-size: .95em;	
    /*footer#footer .footer-widgets a wssn't necessary after all */

    I’d already tried
    #footer_one p and it hadn’t helped.

    I just looked in the Customizr and as I have this:
    footer#footer .footer-widgets h3.widget-title

    I tried this and it didn’t work:
    footer#footer .footer-widgets

    So I tried this and it works:

    footer#footer .footer-widgets p {
    font-size: 16px;	
    color: purple;
    footer#footer .footer-widgets a {
    font-size: 16px;	
    color: #f2edd5;

    NOTE: without doing the a, the links won’t match in size.

    @anandrao50 if that works for you too, you can mark this as closed. Can’t wait to hear!

    I have having the same problem – for years!

    The things @anandrao50 tried failed me too. So does

    #footer_one p {
    	font-size: 14px;


    footer_one p {
    	font-size: 14px;

    This has long worked for me and before 2015 font size worked in here. I am using Pro but don’t have anything in Font Customizer that changes size. I can’t get anything to stop my footer font from being tiny.

    footer#footer {
    background-color: #008881;
    text-align: left;
    /* FOOTER LINK color*/
    footer#footer a {
    color: #f2edd5; 

    For what it’s worth Rocco, I have been hoping we’d get these areas to put text in as a regular theme option so we can have text above and below our Featured pages.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    Thank you for the photo @rengeiw. I thought I was going crazy and getting stupid.
    So now I am certain that it is: btn-toggle-nav pull-right

    For those who wonder, this works to put a green on the menu background:

    .tc-header .navbar .btn-toggle-nav {
    background-color: #77e81c;	

    However, change to:
    background-color: none;
    and the blue appears again.
    Even with

    .tc-header .navbar .btn-toggle-nav {
    background-color: none !important;	

    So I was now back to finding the actual culprit rather than being able to override it. In my CSS I had defined a default button and put that blue background. I thought I needed it for all the other buttons, and maybe I did in 2014 when I started using Customizr and before I bought Customizr Pro, but now removing that background color hasn’t changed my other buttons.

    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    Hello Manoj
    Unfortunately, that didn’t remove the color. Insane, isn’t it?
    It was more general than I prefer to have on my sites, but if it had worked I’d be able to relax with this. Thanks so much for trying.

    It’s making me crazy.

    Deb Shadovitz


    So here it is 1 year later and I am finding the same issues. Moving to another host, my provider wondered why I have so many files. I’m not sure this is the reason but I have an issue with caching happening when I don’t want and it cannot be turned off!. I looked and see that I also have this folder.

    My mu-plugins folder has a 3rd file called sso.php. Does anyone know what that one is?
    The 1st 2 are:

    I am with JustHost. These all got bought by a $ machine and went to hell.
    I’ve tweeted and I will be calling in the moring.

    Deb Shadovitz


    First, before you say need to put any Facebook widget on a site, I hope you’ll look into the privacy of people. I don’t recall the details but I watched people’s profile info being displayed. Facebook is very, very intrusive. And never mind Facebook’s privacy rules because they change those rules and you won’t keep up.

    That said, the first thing I’d look into is whether percentages are used in CSS. For example, I have a % for padding and the WordPress html/css checker always alerts me to watch for unexpected results. I am not sure if using ems do the same. That percentage might be in column sizing, padding around images, etc.

    Try the widget in various positions on your page and see if it changes. Maybe it’s ok in the footer but not the sidebar? That would tell you its an element within your sidebar.

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