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  • I also noticed that if you don’t create menus with the same names used in wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => '[name here]' )) WordPress will show the same menu contents for each menu. So in my example above, so long as I created a menu named “First Menu” and another named “Second Menu” via the admin it would work properly.

    I don’t think you need add_action().
    Try this:


    if ( function_exists( 'register_nav_menus' ) ) {
      		  'foot_menu' => 'First Menu',
      		  'sidebar_menu' => 'Second Menu'


    <? wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'First Menu' )); ?>
    <? wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Second Menu' )); ?>

    I just tested this on my WP installation and it worked nicely.

    I have to ask the obvious question: why do you need a specific app for WordPress? The G1 has 3G and wi-fi, a great browser and the WordPress admin works beautifully. No missing features, no crashy app…

    Why fill up more space on your phone with a clunky app when you can do everything you need to do via a browser?

    Another update – this turned out to be a problem with the server.
    If all the fixes in this thread fail, it’s likely that realPath is corrupt/malfunctioning in the server’s PHP install and/or compression is turned on at the server level and causing problems.

    After moving to a new, much better host, everything worked perfectly right out of the box.

    As an update to my post above – I’ve downgraded to WP v2.5, tried all the same fixes and testing and still don’t have a visual editor.

    At this point, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s due to the server environment. This install is running on a remote Linux server running Apache, with PHP 5.1.4.
    I have another Linux server with an identical WP install running Apache with PHP 5.2.5 – the editor works perfectly (tried both WP 2.5.1 and WP 2.5).

    Can anyone else confirm the PHP version they’re using when seeing this problem? PHP shouldn’t be the culprit, but I’m running out of alternatives.

    None of the above fixes work with WP 2.5.1

    I’ve tried:
    – WP_LANG set to “en” instead of “”
    – clear browser cache
    – clear uploads/js_cache/
    – completely delete wp-admin and wp-includes, reinstall
    – completely delete entire WordPress install, reinstall
    – manually install latest version of TinyMCE
    – turn TinyMCE compression off
    – use TinyMCE Advanced plug-in

    Tested with Safari, Firefox on OSX and XP, Firefox and IE on XP

    After each of the above, I still see the following js error when trying to load the editor:
    missing ) after argument list – tiny_mce_config.php line 15

    Then when clicking on the HTML tab in the editor:
    tinyMCE is not defined – editor.js line 82

    Any other ideas?

    If you’re using WP-Contactform, here’s the fix:

    In wp-contactform.php, move this block of code (starting around line 13:

    //Grab some default user info, if available (Submitted by Dan)
    	$wpcf_auto_email = get_profile('user_email');
    	$wpcf_auto_ID = get_profile('ID');
    	$wpcf_auto_first_name = get_usermeta($wpcf_auto_ID, 'first_name');
    	$wpcf_auto_last_name = get_usermeta($wpcf_auto_ID, 'last_name');
    	$wpcf_auto_name = $wpcf_auto_first_name.' '.$wpcf_auto_last_name;
    	if (empty($_POST['wpcf_email'])) {
    		$_POST['wpcf_email'] = $wpcf_auto_email;
    	if (empty($_POST['wpcf_your_name'])) {
    		$_POST['wpcf_your_name'] = $wpcf_auto_name;

    And move it, placing it just before this line (around line 137):
    if(wpcf_check_input()) // If the input check returns true (ie. there has been a submission & input is ok)

    Thanks SergeyBiryukov for this fix. Works great for me.
    For others looking at this later:

    In wp-contactform.php, move this block of code (starting around line 13:

    //Grab some default user info, if available (Submitted by Dan)
    	$wpcf_auto_email = get_profile('user_email');
    	$wpcf_auto_ID = get_profile('ID');
    	$wpcf_auto_first_name = get_usermeta($wpcf_auto_ID, 'first_name');
    	$wpcf_auto_last_name = get_usermeta($wpcf_auto_ID, 'last_name');
    	$wpcf_auto_name = $wpcf_auto_first_name.' '.$wpcf_auto_last_name;
    	if (empty($_POST['wpcf_email'])) {
    		$_POST['wpcf_email'] = $wpcf_auto_email;
    	if (empty($_POST['wpcf_your_name'])) {
    		$_POST['wpcf_your_name'] = $wpcf_auto_name;

    And move it, placing it just before this line (around line 137):
    if(wpcf_check_input()) // If the input check returns true (ie. there has been a submission & input is ok)

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