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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wise Chat] User Names IssueHi Marcin, I just posted a similar question as have users who may have commented from their desktop but then go to use their mobile & their name is then taken/not permitted. Is it possible to disable the username reservation feature? Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] Change from fade to horizontal?Apologies, Chris – just seen! Doh
Many thanks for the quick reply...forgot to click notify follow ups.
I have exactly the same problem using Storefront with Child theme. Did you manage to resolve the above error & if so, what was the answer please? Thanks
Thank you so much for thinking to post this, dshawbs. I just migrated a site from shared hosting to a VPS & couldn’t understand why all of a sudden this plugin had stopped working. The old server must have had that entry in the php.ini file. All good now ??
Hi afzal, I have the same error but only in the pro 1.2.3 version – the free one 1.4.1 still works fine but I need the pro one to work. Any ideas? If needed, which directory should a custom .htaccess file be placed in?
Thanks.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?As promised, here’s the working code which iamgarrett kindly perfected. After testing the previous code, we realised month & year vars were not unique. Once changed to $themonth & $theyear the Queries worked perfectly together. Now all I have to do is figure a way out to output just the latest post on the initial template page load, which seems like it should be some form of conditional code above the template query:
Menu query: query: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?..couldn’t find your email on here so maybe if you don’t mind, drop me a line:
at = @
steve at I’ll get back in touch with that page link.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?Since my last post I did try what you mention above & did get a positive result using the page slug ‘category-archive’ & without the query string but obviously this outputs the last archive [which happens not to be in category 7]. When I add a query string I get a page not found error.
So imagine that suggests the query string is not being evaluated correctly by the page query? I’ll email you the page link as is a client’s dev server & not for public viewing.
The list is outputted within the ‘Our Blog’ link in the side nav. It’s currently within an accordion menu [which is not the final version] – I’ll have a page specific dynamic menu in the final design but this shouldn’t effect testing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?Wow! Many thanks for all the advice & for tidying up my crude code – point taken on my use of line break’s ?? Have just tried your suggestions & now have an interesting conundrum: If I use the template page’s slug ‘category-archive’ within the list href attribute I get the following in the url:
& WP says the page does not exist. But if I use the page’s post ID of 2956 [us in url: ‘post.php?post=2956&action=edit’ when in WP Admin], I get this in the url
& do see posts, just too many.
I’m wondering if this may have something to do with my site’s permalink structure which is set to custom & ‘/%category%/%postname%/’ or whether it’s not & the year is being dropped some other way?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?..solved the month output in list ?? Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?..also, here’s the code for the menu list which seems to be working well – I still have to include the Month conversion code:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?I’ve uploaded my latest tmpl-archive-cat-month.php code to pastebin so you can see where I’m at. I thought in order to test I’d also make this my index.php as that’s where my outputs is presently going by default. I know it’s not working yet as I’m getting php errors on lines 35, 60 & 62 which I believe is due to the nested functions & am unsure yet as to how to escape them correctly – any suggestions welcomed ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?For some reason I can’t seem to get the output to go to my new template & it defaults to index.php! I’ve tried declaring it within single.php but that doesn’t seem to make sense as I believe the correct Heirachy for Archive pages would be either category.php or possibly date.php?
Also, the links currently include the current page within the url so differs depending on what page I’m on which is illogical unless on the blog page:
can also be:
if I’m then on that page.Any ideas?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of posts from specific category by month & with count?Brilliant! I understood your logic & am on the case – I already have the links working a treat ??
In the meantime, do you have any suggestion on how to change $m to Month name? I’ve done some looking around & found the following but not sure if they’d work or where they’d go?
$monthNum = 5; $monthName = date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $monthNum, 10));
or this even:
for($i=0;$i<6;$i++) { echo date(“F”, mktime(0, 0, 0, $i+11, 10)); }