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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Absolutely no idea. I’m still using WP1.5 on my blog and last tested the AMM with WP2.0.1. I don’t believe that the WP update would influence the AMM behaviour, however.
When you get the blank page, what ISBN/ASIN/Keyword did you search for, which country and did you view the page source to look for error messages. Was the entire page blank? Did it have the WP header and was simply lacking results?
You’ll need to provide this information before anyone can make a useful diagnosis of the problem.
As someone once said, diagnosing computer problems over the internet is like attempting brain surgery with a pointy stick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)(I’ve not been attending these forums due to real life sickness and financial difficulties. If I sound bitter, it’s because I am.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)To answer a couple of questions in the thread that appear to remain unanswered.
Chutney – Pagination is something coming up in the next version of the plugin. Pay my rent for a month and it’ll get done faster ?? AMM2 is already a LONG way overdue, but that’s real life for you.
Quiltlady – If you’re still having trouble, try viewing the HTML source of the post, AMM puts its errors out in HTML comments so they don’t ugly-up the main page. It may well be you’re trying to display an ID number that doesn’t exist, so that would be the first port of call. If you’re still having trouble, contact me via my website.
discoverKate – Categories are not yet available, again they’re coming in AMM2. Again, as I’m so broke AMM2 isn’t getting touched until I can pay my rent and buy food. You can happily use one of the redundant fields, such as Manufacturer, to self categorise your data. I know one guy who’s using that to fake a “Currently reading” field with great success.
Archshrk – You’re a bloody saint. If I forget to credit you in the next release, bitch at me until I add it in, you’re doing a great job supporting someone elses plugin!
You support us, we’ll support you. Get an AMM button or banner, or use the default Associate ID.
I get a lot of emails for support, asking for features etc etc. Some people get quite aggro that it’s not working for them for reason X, Y or Z. These people should not take the piss demanding support if they’re not supporting AMM by displaying a button, or using the default Associate ID to finance the release of a version 2.0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Usually the basic doucumentation is enough to get people going, but every now and then I get people with the exact same problem each time.
This is not your fault, it’s a definate lack of clarity in the documentation. However, I can’t afford to re-write it at the moment unless someone pays my rent for me… ??
I’m going to upload a completed tutorial file so that people can see the whole tutorial complete, so check back at for that soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)I looked at your feed source and there are 4 spaces inserted before the <?xml declaration, which is triggering the error. (If you’re using Firefox, you can still view the RSS even tho the error is on screen)
it’s a long shot, but look in amm.php on line 134 and remove the whitespace before and after the script tags in the echo statement. That stuff should be nowhere near the RSS though… Mm.
I had a look through the feed generator.
?feed=2 calls index.php which in turn loads wp-blog-header.php which then includes template-loader.phpThis calls a function is_feed(); which goes and includes wp-feed.php
From here finally because it’s RSS 2 we get along to wp-rss2.php
Here’s where the RSS output starts up, but I can’t find a sniff of AMM’s involvement through this execution thread.
Furthermore I activated the “out of the box” plugin on another site of mine and incurred no errors, re:
As you can see, the feed is operating just fine so I am so far unable to replicate the error. Also I note you’re using the AMM in your sidebar, which in normal circumstances isn’t parsed by the RSS feed script anyway.
Please get in touch via my website and send me a zipfile containing your amm_extras file, and also detail which other plugins you have active so I can try to replicate the error.
Nice to see you supporting the AMM, too :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Amazon on sidebar requirementsVryce is dead right, you can display with AMM any Amazon category at all, including washing machines and garden furniture…! What’s more, you can mix and match the categories and write your own output templates to make it look just like you want it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AMM – How to wrap text around image?All you gotta do is write a custom output template for the plugin, the details for doing so can be found on ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP Contact Form 1.4Is there a way to add a captcha to the contact form? Ok there are some measures in place to prevent multipart nasties (Though naughty-word-checking on ALL fields should be done IMO as you can inject via the subject IIRC?)
Besides stopping the cross-site nasties I still get a STACk of spam through the contact form, so the ability to easily include a captcha or spam-karma-esque filter would be lovely.
Anyone got any pointers?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Is your installation a default installation, or have you modified it in some way?
You’ll need to send over any files you’ve modified if you’ve changed anything, so please contact me via my website so I can further assist you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)You know it’s been too long when you have to read your own documentation to answer a support question.
From the guide at
You’ll want this call:
THat will give you one randomly selected item from the specified categories BOOKS and DVD. Don’t forget to put the name of your custom template in there in place of amm_default_output.
The section of the helpfile most pertinent to your question is the section on “groups”, for future reference.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)All the AMM output markup is contained within the amm_extras.php file, which acts as a template for your output.
All you have to do is create a new template according to the instructions, and call this new template instead of the amm_default_output one.
Instructions can be found here:
If you want the template to change depending on some blog flag, like theme or suchlike, there’s nothing to stop you putting a few conditional statements in the amm output template! ??
Also don’t forget to support AMM with a link, button or banner.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Please take a look at my sidebar on and tell me if this is what you mean.
If so, then it’s all down to your output template and CSS. I can send you a copy of mine for you to look at if thi sis what you’re after.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Hey gwoodard, glad you figured it out… Now in the interests of forume etiquette and to assist others who may have the same problem, how’s about letting everyone know what you did to fix it! ?? It’s just good form and all that, you know?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)The contactform is disabled because the WP-ContactForm plugin is inherently insecure and I have not yet had the time to patch it up. Well spotted on the RSS link though, WordPress’ .htaccess utterly nukes everything and anything else you try to put on a website, so for permalinks it’s a question of “WordPress only” or “Turn them off if you want to stand a chance of anything else working”.
I’ve amended the problem, still doesn’t make me any happier about wordpress and its htaccess handling, though.
As for horiz. scrolling, should only happen if you’re on a 1990’s display res of 800×600. 1024×768 or anything remotely sane should be fine!! (If not, please mail me a screenshot as I’d be interested to see the problem)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)This would be quicker by IM. If you can email me through my website, we can then get in touch via MSN/ICQ or just emails to prevent cluttering this thread with debug posts!