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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: mod_rewrite breaking everything except WP!The forum is in a subdirectory and that’s the problem… The mod_rewrite seems to be hassling relative links, used in lots of web apps out there.
For example, when the .htaccess that wordpress created is left in place, a link to “/vanilla” will 301. Without the .htaccess that wordpress creates, it’s all fine and dandy.
At best the problem seems intermittent, which is even more weird. For example when trying to log into my forum, 2/3 times it 301’s and ocassionally it lets me through. Very, very odd.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Xarcell, please refer to the following page:
If you read through that, and the page that follows it about editing templates, you should have a fairly good idea of how to display your AMM output. If you still can’t figure it out, contact me through my website and I’ll give you a hand.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Please check the beginning and end of every AMM file for stray whitespace, especially the amm_extras file. Any rogue whitespace outside of <?php ?> tags will be sent to the browser which, when the plugin initialises, is a bad thing.
If this still doesn’t help, contact me via my website and I’ll see what I can do.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)1) The price is not stored. We were not interested in bulding in things that were totally specific to Amazon. If a user is sufficiently interested by something to be interested in the price, they’ll click through ??
2) Different templates for different items… This is achievable in two ways. Either a) Write multiple templates and make multiple AMM calls, calling the individual templates (EG ‘amm_book_display’ with AMM_BOOKS and ‘amm_music_display’ for AMM_MUSIC) or b) writing a single complex template with some CASE or IF statements in it. The flexibility of the system relies on users doing as they please with templates, rather than us building in 12974 potentially buggy features than don’t suit everyone anyway! ??
You could change the autoAuthor text by modifying the function in amm_output.php, it should be easy to find. Alternatively you could build some logic into your custom template, testing against productGroup to decide what to output.
3) Remember that most of the things that the AMM output functions return are plain text. So, if you want to make something clickable, just use basic HTML and an AMM function call, like so:
<a href="<?php URL(); ?>"><?php echo $amm->title(); ?></a>
Again, the AMM output functions are intended to supply the user with the bare data, allowing you to mould it around whatever HTML/CSS layout you wish.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Hey Amulet,
Everything you describe can be controlled in CSS and, really, should be. The tricky part about AMM is whether you want to control your styling in the AMM template (amm_extras.php) or go adding things to your blog’s template CSS files. The latter I would recommend for permanent stuff, it’s really the best way.
If you want to centre a div using inline styling, you would have something like this:
<div style="text-align: center;"> my content </div>
Basically using the style=”put_css_here” inside a tag lats you apply styling from your custom templates if you want to get something cheeky done quick but, as I say, the best long term plan is to add some class=”name” tags to elements, and style them from your site-wide CSS.
TO remove borders from link images in CSS, simply use this style rule:
a img {border: none;}
(If that doesn’t work, remove the a)
You may want to add classnames to things in your HTML so you can style *just* those things too.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)You need to dive into amm_extras.php and write your own template, or modify an existing one.
Then in the amm_getMedia() function call, you put the name of your new template or the name of the one you modified.
There is an example of a basic template here:
If you follow that page through from start to finish, you should end up with a decent idea of how things fit together. If not, email me via my website and I’ll walk you through it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)You can put the code into the sidebar AND anywhere else you wish, it really is up to you as to where you want it to appear.
There are also instructions in the documentation to allow you to add AMM output directly in a post, without having to edit any templates. This allows you to, for example, create a “book list” page.
This is done using WP style ‘quicktags’ (Which are really just HTML comments)
For example, you can drop this in at any point in a post or page:
<!–amm_getMedia(‘template’, 3)–>
And it will return the 3 latest things in your database, formatted by the ‘template’ template. You are correct in that you need to edit amm_extras.php if you wish to build your own templates.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Please make sure there is no whitespace in the inline tag, thus:
The docs might be in error here, I will check them now. Also make sure you’ve added the custom field ‘amm’ with the value ‘enabled’ to the post in which you want AMM to be active.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Oh,
There are lots of blogs running amm but the one that springs first to mind is , look down on the left for a “currently reading” section. If you want me to find more just ask.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Debwire: you can indeed dedicate whole pages to AMM output and you can do it in two ways. One is to write a page, then write a standard WordPress template and include the usual WordPress hooks to get your AMM data where you want it.
The other method is to use the “Inline” amm_getMedia() call from directly within the post. If you refer to this page: and look down to the section called “Calling the Function” you’ll see an example of an inline amm_getMedia() call , with a couple of screenshots and a description.
If you still can’t achieve what you want, please contact me via my blog at and I’ll talk you through it via IM or Email.
Beel: Thankyou. As I pointed out, you can put your AMM stuff anywhere you like. Posts, pages, sidebars, header or footers. It’s all there ??
athomemom: To upgrade you must:
1) Install the latest WordPress
2) remove the old AMM 1.0 / 1.2 files (Just the amm files, not your old wordpress files!)
3) Install the latest AMM 1.5 code
4) THEN before you do anything else, upload the upgrade script from the second archive as instructed in the readme, browse to it and bingo, the data should be ported across.If you run it without a backup and it breaks anything, no-one will have any sympathy ??
If you’d like me to talk you through it in realtime, email me via my website and I can contact you via ICQ, MSN or Email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)OK, I’ve been away for a few days so I’ll have to catch up with people on at a time.
Please, if you want to support CG-Amazon or other plugins, do so in their respective threads so as not to confuse this one. Thankyou.
Digink: With respect to the styling of the default output, it will assume whatever your site specifies for an unordered list. If you wish to change this, or change the HTML that comes out with your AMM items, you’ll have to edit your CSS and edit the template in the amm_extras.php file. If you want more help with this, email me!
douglsmith: There is no way in AMM to sub-categorise items. It’s a flexible plugin but the emphasis is on keeping the stored data as simple as possible. You can go about subcategorising things if you wish by using the ‘untouched’ fields in certain items. For example a book never has an “Artist”, so this could be used. However, I’ll be the first to admit that this is a rather makeshift solution to categorisation. The next release of AMM (Coming with greater frequency than this last update I assure!) will allow advanced users to submit full custom queries to their AMM database, further expanding the potential for what you describe. We’re also looking into supporting Amazon’s categories in the next release which, naturally, will support fully what you ask for.
nhall: Check your spelling of ‘my_fist_go’
-continuing in next post-
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)You break 1.87 a quarter? What’s your secret?!… ??
After writing the original AMM and running that for over a year, and writing and releasing the new one I have so far made…?£0.00
Nothing, zip, nada, zilch.
Maybe I should have forbidden people to use their own Amazon ID’s? ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)You just have to make sure you’ve got the right country selected. For example searching by ASIN/ISBN for an item that only exists in the USA with “Japan” selected won’t get you any results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)Why oh why must you resort to hacking before checking the options page… ??
SCPanther did exactly the same thing!!
All you have to do is go to Options in you wordpress administration, then go to the “AMM” option.
When we said the new AMM was much better than the old one, we weren’t joking ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NEW! Amazon Media Manager 1.5 (*Finally!*)If you want to displaythe rating stars, you need to add a function to the template you’re using.
The function you want to use is funkyRatings();
If you call getmedia with :
<?php amm_getMedia(‘amm_debugt_output’, 4, AMM_ALL); ?>
and then have a look at that function in amm_extras.php you should see pretty much everything you need to put together your own template. That and the documentation of course ??