Forum Replies Created
Hi @m4hd1bd
the following resolves all my issues:
add_filter('atbdp_all_listings_query_arguments', 'MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 20); add_filter('atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 'MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 20); function MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument ($args) { unset($args['meta_query']['directory_type']); return $args; }
Worked! (Just a note, for the search query args your documentations says it’s filter ‘atbdp_search_query_args’, but this filter does’nt exist in the plugin anymore. Furthermore I’m unable to find the filter atbdp_all_listings_query_arguments in your documentation… But I’m sure you’re working on it) ??
For me, this solves my problems with the structure of the multi-dir option. But the Categories-Widgets may needs an update to work out of the box by appending directory_type to the url. But not sure, because a category can assigned to multiple directory_types … Hm.
Thank you for your usefull hints!
Marc.- This reply was modified 3 years ago by MRmedia.
Hi @m4hd1bd
1. Elementor is installed, but this page is’nt created with elementor. It’s a classic wp block page just with shortcode [directorist_all_listing], maybe I should modify the query here, too?
2. If u visit on the right you have the default sidebar widget directorist offers. Now click on “Tierarzt” and you will get 0 searchresults from single-category page. Listings in category “Tierarzt” are signed to a non-default directory-type. You first have to switch the directory type on top of the page to “Tierarzt & Tierklinik” to get results.
3-4. Okay, will try to modify the query and will come back to you
Kind Regards
MarcHi @m4hd1bd
Ooops. You’re completely right. I’ve shrinked the max input vars after an php update on the server.
Kind Regards
Hi @m4hd1bd
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Eventbrite API] No Events – Keyring_Error… no more to say. You’re crazy speedy – thank you!
It works very charming after an update.Marc.