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  • bitleak: i appreicate your kind words and if you ever need anything, please consider adMINISTRY.

    pandask: i do not think you will “loose” traffic at all .. you might even gain some … one possibility is to keep your site, but make a PROMINANT post to let people know you are now on your own domain (that is if you think you will loose any traffic)

    i am not so sure we can take credit to being SMART … we are all learning from each other here …

    i would tend to think (at least for me) it comes from experience.

    yeah .. dreamhost has a WONDERFUL deal .. but just beware of one thing …

    if you go through all the trouble of customizing your theme and your site really begins to take off .. just think that after one year you will have two options to consider:

    1. stay with Dreamhost and pay their fees for their hosting, or
    2. figure how you can relocate to other host and bring all your database information with you.

    jsut something to consider …

    DreamHost really sounds GREAT .. and if i was not already committed, i would take them up on it … not a bad deal at all.

    but again .. just consider some possible headaches a year from now …

    luke .. from what i have read .. you CANNOT have a customized theme on accounts. if you want a CUSTOM theme, either downloaded and uploaded to your WP installation, or modified by you in some way, you will have to have a hosted account with someone other than … you can check out some independent hosts that offer WP support. these willbe your best bet.

    you can play around with your Linux box .. but sometimes, finding people that can offer you support right out of the box and immediately, deem to be an easier route.

    if you need anything, let me know or maybe someone else here can help you out if i cannot …

    take care

    moshu hit the nail on the head ….

    think of what you will GAIN? .. FULL CONTROL !!!!

    but do find a reliable host that will not charge an arm and a leg for your domain and support of WP … some sites i have come across are ridicilious with their pricing and you can find someone much cheaper that has you in mind and the objective of saving you money …

    i echo moshu ….

    please, oh please … find another HOST!!!

    Run from GODADDY .. not the best support of WordPRess …

    I have read too many threads that have resulted in mothing but PROBLEMS with GoDaddy … try an independent host .. you will find that we can give you better support and customer service. (speaking on behalf of independent we providers)


    Colleen78 … i really like … it is somewhat in the area I was looking for a current client and his site … could you tell me where you got that ORANGE? it is exactly what I have been searching for?

    Again, NICE !!!

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: review

    one word ….


    i think locating a HOST for your WP also comes across that you value the flexibilty that WP has. you appreciate WP and the many things that WP can do and the fact that if you play around with long enough, you can make a contribution back to the WP community.

    besides that, you are allowed to customize your WP.
    also, it speaks volumes to your visitors, whether you publicize your site or make it personal, you take your site serious and others will as well.

    i tend to like visiting sites that have at least put some thought and time in acquiring a domain and i tend to AVOID the FREE hosting sites because all they do it enforce ads to be placed on your site which takes away from what you site is about. plus with many hosts, you also get a email address at yourdomain and you can lay aside your hotmail or yahoo account.

    just my two bits …

    so, what do you want?

    we have WP installed for clients on several domains, all different, but each installation resides on our central web server.

    but again .. i am not sure what you want?

    each domain should have its separate contents and should in no way interfere with another’s.

    Tom; as a semi-professional photographer and as a Christian Web Developer, I must say I am speechless of how you have created your WordPress site to mimic in functionality and appearance to D. Bowman’s Moveable Type photo blog.

    I am eager for when you release the theme for the WP community to use. I think that you will have made a SIGNIFICANT contribution to the community and everyone will appreciate your work and effort.

    I am definitely going to BOOKMARK your site for future reference.


    with the redesign. does this mean that one of your previous themes will be made available as a DOWNLOAD?

    just curious … you always seem to produce some amazing stuff.


    it just looks like someone came across your site and installed WP for you ..

    try deleting everything and reinstalling …

    I look forward to it Mueller …

    DesignPastor .

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