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Uh oh. I’m sad to hear that my changes are extensive! ??
The other code should be a good starter, you could use the post / event ID as a sort of selector to choose which categories are excluded / included.
Caimin, can you illustrate this point to me?
For instance, let’s pretend this following event page has more categories associated with it in the “Categories” bullet point section. Is there any help you can provide in the code I would need to use to exclude by ID “Boston” from showing up on this event page?
Example Event Page:
The “Presented by [categories]” code creates a bullet point list of the partner categories that were assigned to the event when the event was originally created. Unfortunately, since I also have to tick it with the region categories where the event is happening, the individual events page also currently lists the region-specific category, as well as the partner categories.
On these individual event pages, I would only like the partner categories to appear listed, which are specific to each created event, and again, assigned when the event is created. I would like to exclude the region categories by ID if possible from these individual event pages, and only allow them to show on the search dropdown menu (which you’ve already helped me with!) The regional categories would always be excluded on the individual event pages, which makes me think that a piece of code similar to the one you generated for the search dropdown menu in the other thread is applicable in this situation as well. I just don’t know what code I should use, and if that exclude code should be placed in the plugin settings formatting tab, or if I have to edit a .php file itself.
Now I just need to figure out how I can exclude the region-based categories on these individual event pages, so that the events only list the associated partner categories that are assigned to it when it’s created.
The categories that require excluding will be added onto, but rarely.
This is going to be likely too much narrative, but for instance:
Events Page Search Field
In the dropdown menu (thanks to you), I’ve excluded all partner/organizer categories. That dropdown menu only contains geographical regions now for users to easily search for events happening in a specific area.Individual Events Page
In this thread, I’ve been trying to figure out how I can now exclude those region categories, for the sake of only listing the partner organization categories in the “Presented by: …” formatting that I’ve created.Eventually I’ll need to exclude more partner organization categories (which I’ll be able to do easily in the dropdown search field code that you’ve given me, Caimin), and I’ll need to exclude more region categories as our event outreach expands geographically.
In getting back to the thread, are you saying that the ‘exclude’ code piece that you wrote in the other thread would work if I combined it with single event formatting field in the plugin settings that I embedded above? Or will I have to edit one of the plugin’s .php files as I did for the dropdown search menu?
Thanks for all of your help, Caimin!
Essentially, what I’m trying to do is modify how categories work across the site, in how the plugin uses them. I’m trying to use categories in two ways.
1. Categories listed as partners/organizers of the events
2. Categories used as regional groupings of where the events will be hostedI know that the plugin contains location-based technology, but it’s not as simple as I would like for the general user of the page I’m making.
(Again, thank you so much for your help on the Search field dropdown menu, Caimin.)
In this case, I would like to list the categories that are being used as partners/organizers of the event on the individual event page bullet-point listing. Below is the code that I’m using for single event formatting in the plugin settings tab:
<div style="float:right; padding:10px; top:10px; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; margin-top:10px; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:10px; background-color:#f8f8f8; width:30%;"><p>Presented by:</p>#_EVENTCATEGORIES</div> #_EVENTNOTES<p> </p><p> </p> {has_location}<div style="padding:10px;display:block;">#_LOCATIONMAP</div>{/has_location}<p> </p><hr/> <div align="center" style="width:100%; padding:10px;"> <h5 style="display:inline;">View related events:</h5> #_EVENTTAGS </div>
^ In the “Presented by: …” section, I would like to exclude categories by ID. As I stated above, I’m using categories for both location groupings & event partners. I would like to remove/exclude the location grouping categories from these individual event pages.
I hope the above explains my goals more accurately. And thank you very much for your help!
Thank you! Worked perfectly.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.Hi Caimin,
Thanks for your help! I’m a little bit of an amateur with PHP. Can you help me figure out what code I would add to this file that would allow me to exclude categories in the dropdown menu by IDs?
<?php $args = !empty($args) ? $args:array(); /* @var $args array */ ?> <!-- START Category Search --> <div class="em-search-category em-search-field"> <label><?php echo esc_html($args['category_label']); ?></label> <?php EM_Object::ms_global_switch(); //in case in global tables mode of MultiSite, grabs main site categories, if not using MS Global, nothing happens wp_dropdown_categories(array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'orderby' =>'name', 'name' => 'category', 'hierarchical' => true, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $args['category'], 'show_option_none' => $args['categories_label'], 'class'=>'em-events-search-category')); EM_Object::ms_global_switch_back(); //if switched above, switch back ?> </div> <!-- END Category Search -->
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] Widget
Still check out the above page. You’ll get an idea of what I’m trying to accomplish in the right sidebar. Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetBah. Forget all that I wrote above.
I can’t seem to get the related posts to float next to each other within the sidebar. I can only get a column. There is enough space in the sidebar to arrange to columns next to each other, but for a reason outside of my knowledge base, I can’t get each related post to float next to the other, and then spiral and then create a new row underneath the first.
The images float into proper rows at the bottom of posts, but not within the sidebar.
Any help you can give me to arrange the widget to call related posts in rows of two would be very helpful, Ajay.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetUsing a .php code widget, I was able to embed your standalone line of code “<?php if(function_exists(‘echo_ald_crp’)) echo_ald_crp(); ?>” one next to the other to show you how I would really like the widget section to look like. I hope this helps you decipher what I was trying to explain in my above posts. Look in the sidebar to see what I mean.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetAhhh, and then I saw that you have your context-related post at the bottom of your page, essentially, already doing what I asked above, regarding stacking the thumbnails. So maybe my want to stack thumbnails is manageable via custom CSS that I’m not familiar with?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetGreat job, Ajay.
It’s getting there! Good work. One thing I’ve noticed is that I can’t have the widget mode enabled without also having the bottom post section enabled too. Essentially, I have to have both sections enabled in order to have the widget working. What I was hoping for was that I could either have the bottom post functionality enabled, OR the widget enabled.
Specifically, I’m looking to only enable the context related post widget.
That being said, the widget is working great. One thing I was wondering, is if instead of a single line of thumbnails, is there a way to stack them? Maybe, two-by-two? Instead of one long line of four related posts, for instance, having a square of four depending on the size of your widgetized area (in my case, sidebar)?
Does that make sense?
Solid work, Ajay.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetGreat! Looking forward to the weekend release, Ajay.
Widget Logic is a plugin designed to determine via conditional tags, where in your site any given widget will be displayed. Link:
I’m looking forward to the plugin displaying on my posts page, in a right sidebar, specifically.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contextual Related Posts] [Plugin: Contextual Related Posts] WidgetHey Ajay,
I know you don’t need me to be up in your ass about this–but you will completely change the scope of my WordPress portfolio Web site once you have created a widget that goes along with this very awesome plugin that you’ve created.
I can’t wait for the Widget. Seriously. It’s the largest piece of tech that will have the greatest impact on my site, especially when I’m able to use the Widget Logic plugin to determine where Contextual Posts is revealed.
Looking forward to it, bud!
I’m sorry. My prior statement was completely off.
What I meant to ask, is if there is a way to physically exclude the plugin from the bottom of particular posts? I don’t want the plugin to be shown on specific posts (‘portfolio’ category slug). Not just exclude specific content–but to exclude the plugin entirely?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Arconix Portfolio] [Plugin: Arconix Portfolio Gallery] Linking to a PageI am also very excited about the potential of this addition. Good thoughts, Zelky.