To override the custom Kubrick colors do the following:
go to your functions.php file and towards the top you should see the following code:
function kubrick_head() {
$head = “<style type=’text/css’>\n<!–“;
$output = ”;
if ( kubrick_header_image() ) {
$url = kubrick_header_image_url() ;
$output .= “#header { background: url(‘$url’) no-repeat bottom center; }\n”;
Simply add this statement: kubrick_header_image()
Inbetween the quotes in: $output = ”;
The output line should now look like this: $output = ‘kubrick_header_image()’;
And that’s it! Save and view your custom header image.
I was reading this post and figured that the custom colors was definitely the issue, so I hovered my mouse over the Header Image and Color link in the Dashboard and saw it lead to the functions.php file, so I decided to play in there and blam!
Have fun with your customer headers!!!